Chapter 8

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Delilah laid on her bed as she wasn’t really able to move throughout the day . Her body felt like it has been run over by a truck of some sort . It stings when she breathes . There was a slight knock on the door before it burst open , but she couldn’t even get up to see who it was . “What are you doing ?” A deep voice muttered and she managed to lift her head enough to look into the eyes of Seth . “I am laying in pain , what about you ?” She asked sarcastically and it felt as if he wanted to throw her with something , but laugh at the same time . “Don’t talk to me like that .” He snaps at her and she flinches , pain shooting through her body even more . He liked it when she was vulnerable , when she feared him — it was a thrill when he saw the fear in her eyes . “I’m sorry .” She groaned out and he tossed the little bag onto the floor next to her bed . “There are some things you can use to fix yourself for the rest of the afternoon and evening .” He muttered before turning around to walk away . Her eyes grew wide in shock , “What is it ?” She asked curiously . “Look , stop being lazy .” He sneered before walking out of the room . He sighed as he shut the door , if he could choose , he would give her time off , but he knows his parents would never agree . Perhaps if he told them she was sick and it was contagious — ‘ I’ll try that .’ He thought as he walked to the living room where his parents sat . “Mother , father .” He called them and they looks at him with curious eyes . “What can we help you with dear ?” Layla asks her son . “I want Delilah to stay in her room . She seems to be having the flu and she is puking ! I don’t want her near any of my guests .” He insists and Layla looks at Deucalion with a disgusted look on her face . “Better tell that girl that she is not to be seen outside her room or she will be thrown at out here faster than you can say I .” Layla shivers as she thought of how disgusted she is by germs . “Liz ! Go tell that girl she better stay in her room .” Layla shouts towards the kitchen . “No , I will . I am on my way up and Liz is making me a sandwich .” He informs his mother and Liz . He gave Liz a glare , silently saying ‘ Play along .’ " Right , sir . " Liz smiled before turning back around and went into the kitchen . "What are you going to do upstairs ? " Layla asks her son and Seth just shrugs , turns around and walks towards his room . Seth stops in front of Delilah's room and enters , without knocking . She was staring down at her bruises that were covering her whole body underneath her shirt , he noticed a few tear drops on her legs and he cleared his throat . Delilah’s head snapped up and she lowered her shirt . Her eyes met his and then she looked back down to the floor , not wanting to piss him off . Her now purple eye was swollen worse after she cried . “Don’t come out of this room today , it’s a order from my parents themselves , unless you want to be thrown out .” He muttered before backing out of the room with a devilish grin on his face . — Delilah was worried the whole day , ‘ Who would finish the food ?’ She panicked . ‘Probably Liz .’ She relaxed a bit , but still felt bad as she knew it was her job to do. ‘Oh hell , what about the rest of the decorations ?’ She felt as if she was running out of time , as if she would be punished if these things weren’t done by the time the night rolls in . She slowly tried to get up , but the pain pushed her back down , it felt as if it were a heavy weight on her chest as the pain shot through her aching body . ' You have to stay or you are kicked out D . Stay put . ' she thought A single tear slid down her right cheek , it slid over the top of her ear , making her shiver . ‘I am so dead . ’ Delilah thought as she laid silently in pain . — Seth was busy getting ready when his thoughts trailed back in time , to the moment his eyes met hers . It was so green , but a soft green . It seemed so peaceful , as if I were hypnotised by her orbs . His phone suddenly rang and he noticed the time . His eyes shot open wide , he declined the incoming call and he quickly finished getting dressed . A knock on the door made him freeze up and he glanced over at it curiously , wondering who it might be . His mother will certainly not tell him to hurry up and neither will his drunk dad . Carter also doesn't care that much to wonder where he is . And no one else knows which room is his , except Delilah ! He quickly walked over to the door , but froze as he put his hand on the door knob . ' I don't want to seem like I care if she is there .' he told himself , or better yet -- tried to convince himself . Seth sighs as he slowly opens the door , he slightly glanced down and prepared himself to see her beautiful soft green eyes again , but as his eyes met the person standing in front of him , he frowned as they weren't green , they were blue . ' Huh ? ' he thought and zoomed out , looking at the familiar face . " Oh , hi . " he said confused and the brunette in front of him had a scowl on her face . " Hi ? Why are you using that tone with me ? " she snapped at him and he turns around , rolling his eyes at her . " Because Bella , you're not my girlfriend ! " he snapped at her . Bella's eyes grew wide as her lips formed a pout . ' Oh great , here we go again . ' he thought as he looked at her with disgust -- he hates it when she pulls her face like that . " Stop . " he pointed at her and a tear rolled down her cheek . " What did I do ? " she pouts . It felt as if the hair on his arms were raising from anger . " What did you do ? You are a stupid gold digging slut . It was fun for the three days it lasted , but it is over now . " he snapped at her in a proud manner . Bella could not believe his harsh words and more tears rolled down her cheek , her sniffling becoming unbareable for his ears . Seth clenched on his teeth , " Get out !" he bellowed in her face . Bella brought her hand up to her mouth as she gasped . She was hesitant to leave as heavy feelings clung to her chest , but when he glared down at her , gripping her throat tightly in his hand as he pushed her out of the door , shoving her against the wall across his bedroom door . Seth sneered down at her , ' How could I sleep with someone this pathetic ? ' he thought . He shook his head , pulled his door shut , locked it and walked away , leaving her laying against the wall helplessly . Delilah heard the banging and the words and panic ran through her veins , her heart began beating faster as she felt short of breath , waiting for him to burst out in anger and lash out , yelling at her like he always does when he is in a bad mood , but he didn't and a breath of relief escaped her lips as she heard his footsteps fade .
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