Chapter Seven

1652 Words
Harrison’s POV Waking up on Monday morning, I lay on my back staring at the ceiling, wondering what the f*ck I did wrong to have this s**t show become my life. OK, I know what I did wrong, and four of my brothers died because of it. I shake away the darkness that tries to encroach on my thoughts, I can’t afford to lose myself in my demons, not today. My dad flew off with Lorraine to Hawaii for four weeks, and I was left to babysit the girl who aggravates and intrigues me in equal measure. Not only that, but I’m also her own personal chauffeur whilst the two of them are away. I’ve managed to avoid her completely this weekend by heading out to the gym before dawn, then holing up, alone at the office working until dark. By the time I’ve gotten home, Eden is already in her room with the door closed, the soft sounds of her TV barely loud enough to filter through the barrier. Pushing up out of bed, I absentmindedly scratch at one of the many scars that litter my stomach as I walk across the room and pull open the door, heading across the hall to the bathroom. Once I’ve finished, I wash my hands, glancing in the mirror at my bloodshot eyes and grimacing in disgust. Another night of waking up repeatedly in my own sweat after reliving my last mission over and over again has left me looking like I’m close to death. Brushing my teeth, I strip out of my boxers and throw them at the hamper in the corner, silently telling myself that I need to get some washing done when they land on top of the already overflowing pile of clothes that waits to be dealt with. Jumping in the shower, I do the pits t**s and bits wash in record time, if my father is leaving me in charge, I need to make sure I’m in the office early or my brother and our best friend will most likely set the place on fire doing something stupid. Stepping out, I wrap a towel around my waist, tucking the corner into the top and unlock the door. Walking out, I am about to head toward my room when movement from my right catches my eye. Glancing up, I find Eden stepping out of her own room, a pile of books in her arms as she struggles to hold them one handed so she can pull her door closed again. This is the first time I’ve seen her since Friday night and my breath catches in my throat as I take in her perfect form. Her hair is up in a ponytail with a cute blue ribbon around it revealing her long slender neck that I have the overwhelming urge to lick. Feeling my eyes on her, she looks up, her eyes widening as she takes me in. I have this insane desire to flex my arms, show off the muscular physique that I still possess despite my injury and dismissal from the military. I pull the door closed behind me and force my gaze back to my own room, taking a step forward. ‘I’ll . . . I’ll wait for you downstairs?’ her sweet voice suddenly calls out, halting me as I close my eyes talking down my d**k that has suddenly become very interested in what is going on outside of my towel. ‘Yeah’ I reply gruffly, ‘I’ll be down in a few minutes.’ Needing to get away from her and have a word with my body that doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo that Eden is so far out of bounds she might as well be on another continent. Hurrying into my room, I shut the door behind me, leaning back against it as I drag my fingers through my hair. I need to get myself under control, I don’t need a woman in my life, I made that decision when I was in the hospital. No woman needs a guy who wakes up crying or screaming on regular occasions, and I certainly don’t need to be causing waves in our family because my d**k seems to think that my stepsister is who he wants to get close to. Rubbing myself dry, I hang the towel over the back of my chair before pulling on underwear and heading to my closet to pick out a suit to wear. Choosing a charcoal grey jacket and pants, I pick a light blue shirt for underneath with a coordinating tie. Getting dressed, I concentrate on everything I have to do today, forcing my mind not to bring back images of the ass-hugging jeans that Eden was wearing or the oversized jumper that fell down one arm exposing the sun-kissed skin of her shoulder. Dragging a brush through my hair, I walk over to my bedroom door and pull it open, heading downstairs where Eden waits on one of the stools that are placed under the breakfast bar. Not even looking her way, I walk over to the coffee pot, grabbing a to go cup, and pouring some of the hot liquid inside. Thank you Lord for programmable coffee machines. Putting on the lid, I head to the door, grabbing my keys out of the dish and turning the lock. Behind me, Eden hops off the stool and follows me, slipping past me as I turn to lock the door securely after us. Heading to the SUV parked on our drive, I press the fob, unlocking the doors, and stalk my way to the driver’s side, climbing inside. Eden scurries to the passenger side, hesitating for a fraction of a second, her eyes darting to the back door and then the front. Pressing the button on my side, I lower the passenger window in agitation, ‘I’m not a f*****g chauffeur’ I snap, making her jump slightly before she pulls open the door and slides into the seat beside me. Instinctively, I lean across her, grabbing her seatbelt and pulling it across her body before clipping it into the housing. I glance up to see her staring at me in surprise, 'what?' I growl in annoyance, grabbing my own seatbelt as she averts her gaze, placing her books on her lap and staring out of the window, nibbling on her lower lip. Starting the car, I keep my gaze fixated on the view in front of me, as I slowly steer the vehicle down the driveway and through the gates that open automatically ahead of me. We travel in uncomfortable silence, both studiously ignoring the other as I fight the strong desire to run every red light between our home and Eden’s school just to get her out of my vehicle as soon as possible. The smell of her shampoo is permeating every corner of the car, wrapping around me, and driving me insane. ‘Thank you for driving me,’ her soft voice cuts into my tormented thoughts and I glance over at her, finding her watching me closely. ‘It’s fine, it’s on my way’ I grunt, shifting my attention back to the road again. ‘Your dad seems nice’ she continues, ‘he seems to make my mum happy.’ I huff derisively, ‘yeah, his money tends to make a lot of people like him, especially women’ I retort before I can stop myself. I feel Eden stiffen beside me, ‘my mother is not a gold digger’ she growls harshly. ‘Yeah, it’s just pure coincidence that she got my father down the aisle in record time’ I snort. ‘God, you are such an asshole’ Eden huffs, crossing her arms under her chest, which only causes her breasts to push upward, drawing my attention like a beacon. ‘Glad you realised sweetheart’ I mutter darkly, pushing through the last set of lights and turning right into the long sweeping road that stretches in front of Eden’s new college. Sliding to a stop, Eden barely waits for the vehicle to halt before she’s ripping off her seatbelt and throwing open the door. Looking back at me, her eyes spitting fire she growls, ‘don’t bother picking me up, I can get the bus.’ I shake my head, ‘I told my father that I would take you and pick you up, I keep my word’ I reply evenly. She slides out of the seat, hefting up the books so that they cover her torso, ‘and I’m telling you that I don’t need you to’ she snaps. ‘I have taken the bus to and from school since the sixth grade, I am perfectly capable of finding my way home.’ I shrug, waiting for her to reach for the door to slam it before replying, ‘OK miss independent, but just one question’ I reply smoothly. She eyes me angrily, ‘what?’ she demands. A smile crawls across my face without my permission, ‘how will you get into the house? You don’t have a key yet.’ If looks could kill, I would be at least writhing in pain at the glare I’m being given. With a huff of fury, Eden slams the door shut without another word, turning on her heel and stomping up the sidewalk toward the front doors. Winding down the window again, I lean over and call out to her, ‘I’ll see you at three thirty.’ My only response is a middle finger flipped over her shoulder and as I straighten up, winding up the window again, suddenly I’m in a much better mood than I was. Flicking on my indicator, I pull back out onto the road, turning onto the highway and heading toward our building, a smile etched on my face, the first one I think I’ve had there since I was deployed for the last time.
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