Chapter Eight

2149 Words
Eden’s POV Arrogant, egotistical, irritating, no good, pain in the ass, asshole! I rip shreds off a piece of paper in front of me as the professor standing at the front of the class drones on about something I’m not even listening to. I’m half tempted to take the damn bus just to make a point, but then I’ll be sat outside the house waiting for him to get back, hell, I could be sat outside the gates as I don’t have a passcode or anything! Oh yes, I’m sure Mr grumpy ass, conceited, egotistical, pompous, know it all, annoyance of my life would love that. He’d probably take his time coming home just to make me sit there and wait, just to prove that I need him or something. My strips of paper are fast becoming confetti, and I have to force myself to release the tiny bits of paper before it becomes so small I won’t be able to sweep it all up and throw it away. ‘OK everyone, that’s it for today, don’t forget to note down the assignment on the board before you leave, it’s worth fifteen percent of your grade, so put some effort into it. Yes I’m talking to you Warren, putting your name on someone else’s paper didn’t work last semester and it won’t work this one either’ our teacher calls out as chairs start to scrape across the floor from students standing up to move to their next lessons . Realising I’ve done nothing, I quickly pull out a pen and scrawl down the assignment from the board into my notebook before stuffing it back into my bag along with my stationery and swiping all my homemade confetti off the desk. ‘You throwing a welcome party?’ comes a smooth voice behind me, making me jump as I turn to find a tall, brown haired guy with startling green eyes looking down at me in amusement. ‘Sorry?’ I ask in confusion, as the guy beside me glances at my desk. ‘The confetti’ he replies, ‘were you throwing yourself a little welcome to your new college party whilst Professor Lang was droning on about the history of television? Or maybe you are heading to a wedding on a budget after classes and are helping out with a cost effective celebration idea.’ I blush slightly as I quickly sweep the last bits of paper into my hand, ‘no, I um . . it was . . ‘ I glance up at his grinning face. ‘I got nothing’ I admit in defeat, ‘I shred things with my fingers when I’m annoyed, and someone really annoyed me before I even got here so now I have a desk that looks like a snow storm hit it.’ The stranger laughs, his whole face lighting up as he throws his head back, ‘well, at least I’ll know when I’ve pissed you off’ he observes before sticking his hand out to me. ‘I’m Noah’ he introduces himself, shaking my hand firmly as I slide my palm into his. ‘Eden’ I reply with a small smile. ‘Nice’ he says, ‘were your parents’ fans of the bible too?’ I laugh, shaking my head, ‘no, my mum just really liked the name, she said it called to her when she was looking through the baby name book.’ Noah nods, ‘my mother thought a good biblical name would keep me on the right side of the Lord. Plus, if there was another flood, then she was a shoe in to get a space on the Ark’ he adds with a wink that is filled with mischief and makes me giggle. ‘You are making that up’ I accuse him, shaking my head. Noah holds his hands up, ‘OK, I totally made that up, my name has nothing to do with the bible, I just thought it would break the ice, and look! I was right! You totally want to be my newest and dearest friend now.’ I gather up my books, wrapping my arms around them and holding them to my chest as I look up at the handsome jock beside me, ‘I’m not sure about that’ I muse, ‘do I really want to hang around with a guy who tells lies and not even believable ones?’ Noah smiles widely, showing off a set of dimples that most definitely get him attention of the romantic kind as he throws an arm around my shoulders. ‘Of course you do’ he replies confidently, ‘just think how dull your life will be at this hell hole without someone as awesome as me in your life.’ I glance up at the guy beside me, ‘do you always touch people you just met without their consent?’ I ask playfully. Noah winks, ‘only the pretty ones M’Lady, now allow me to escort thee to thy next lesson which I hope is the same as my own.’ He guides me out of the classroom, heading down the hall as people call out and greet him. ‘You’re pretty popular’ I comment, as a pretty brunette waves at my new found friend, asking if he’s going to some party on Friday. ‘What can I say, I’m a likable guy’ the jock replies with a wink, ‘now what class have we got next?’ I extract my timetable from my pocket and unfold it, looking over my classes for the day. ‘Free period’ I reply with way to much enthusiasm for someone who has only audited one class so far. Noah fist pumps the air with his free hand, ‘me too’ he gushes, ‘let's go and get some food.’ I turn my head so I can look up at him, raising an eyebrow, ‘didn’t you just say that you had a class?’ I demand. Noah smirks, ‘nope’ he replies casually, ‘I definitely did not say the words, I have a class next.’ I scoff loudly, ‘you literally said that you hope my next lesson is the same as yours’ I argue back. The Jock nods, ‘and it is! We both have a free period’ he points out, ‘it’s like we were custom made to be besties.’ I check my wristwatch, noting that it’s already after twelve so with a sigh I nod, ‘I could do with some lunch’ I admit, especially after I skipped breakfast because I was too nervous to eat. We head toward the doors to the college, Noah pushing them open and allowing me to go first before stepping out into the sharp sunlight behind me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders for the second time. ‘So where do you want to eat?’ Noah asks as we walk down the small sidewalk toward the car park, ‘there’s a cafe down the block that does a kick ass club sandwich.’ I shrug, ‘I only moved here a couple of days ago’ I admit, ‘I have no idea where any good eateries are.’ Noah’s face morphs into delight, ‘you are a Maine virgin?’ he asks excitedly, ‘oh sweetheart, you have been denied! Let’s go to Manny’s!’ He hurries me toward an expensive looking car, unlocking the doors and holding open the passenger side one for me as I hesitate for a second before sliding into the seat. Shutting the door, he jogs around the front and climbs into the driver’s seat, sliding the key into the ignition and starting the engine. The loud rumble from under the bonnet vibrates through me and I have to fight not to grab hold of the small hand grip above my head. ‘I think I should warn you, if you are thinking about kidnapping me, I have mace in my bag and a scream that can pierce eardrums that I am not afraid to use’ I mutter as the man beside me pulls out of the parking space and heads for the exit. Noah chuckles, ‘well that’s good to know as I’m much too pretty to deserve the red itchy eyes of being maced and I’m particularly fond of my ability to hear. So, I won’t kidnap you if you don’t injure my eyes or my ears.’ I laugh, nodding, ‘so I can hurt any other part of your body, just not your eyes or ears’ I verify, smirking at the pained look that crosses the jock’s face. ‘Harsh, woman’ he groans, ‘don’t be threatening my favourite body part, you’ll be denying so many ladies the most euphoric of pleasure.’ ‘Wow, you sure think highly of yourself’ I retort in amusement. ‘Just spouting the truth sweetheart’ the jock replies with a wink, ‘never had any complaints from anyone.’ ‘Maybe they were too disappointed to be able to speak the next morning’ I tease. ‘Wound me why don’t you’ Noah huffs, eyeing me, ‘don’t you know that you shouldn’t kick a guy when he’s already down.’ I raise an eyebrow, ‘you are upset about something? You cover it so well.’ Noah grins, ‘if you must know, I had my heart broken today’ he sighs, ‘I asked out the second line cheerleader and she said no.’ He presses a hand to his head, pouting, ‘she said no Eden! How can you refuse this face?’ I shrug, ‘maybe she’s blind’ I offer giggling. Noah snaps his fingers, ‘that must be it’ he exclaims, ‘she’s nearsighted, I wasn’t standing close enough when I asked.’ He nudges me with his elbow, ‘thanks new bestie’ he teases, ‘when Rosa and I are married, I’m going to name our first baby after you.’ ‘Gee thanks’ I laugh, ‘I am so happy I could help you in your quest for your true love the cheerleader.’ We are pulling up outside of a small bakery and cafe, Noah cutting the engine as I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door, eyeing the small building. ‘We’re eating here?’ I ask, glancing at my companion as he nods, placing a hand on my back and ushering me toward the door. As we step through, a small tinkling bell rings above us and a young girl with bubble-gum pink hair glances up from the book she’s reading as she leans on the counter that is stocked with different cake options. ‘Pick a seat guys, I’ll be over in a minute, menus are on the table’ she calls before turning the page and continuing to read. We pick a table near the back of the small space, and Noah hands me a menu before pulling out his phone. ‘You not eating?’ I ask, noticing he hasn’t even looked at his menu. ‘No need sweetheart’ he replies, ‘I only ever get the Philly cheesesteak sub with barbeque sauce, and then I’ll be topping it off with one of Manny’s world-famous strawberry swirl cupcakes.’ ‘OK guys, you want drinks?’ the waitress asks, appearing at my elbow with a notepad and pen. ‘Chocolate milkshake with extra whipped cream and some chocolate shavings for me gorgeous’ Noah says, his gaze raking over the girl who merely raises an eyebrow and turns to me. ‘And you?’ she asks. ‘I’ll have the same’ I reply, figuring it sounds good enough. ‘Cool, and you want to order food?’ the girl asks. Noah looks at me questioningly, and I nod, ‘I’ll have the same as you’ I say in answer to his unasked query. Noah rattles off our order, ending it with that devastating smile that the waitress rolls her eyes at before walking away. ‘You’ll fall for me one of these days Daisy’ he calls after her. ‘Not in this lifetime playboy’ the waitress retorts before disappearing through the door to the kitchen. ‘She’s into me’ Noah grins, winking at me as I shake my head. ‘So much for the cheerleader being your happily ever after’ I murmur pointedly. Noah laughs, ‘Rosa is my forever sweetheart, but until she comes around to seeing that, well . . a guy has needs.’ I wrinkle my nose at him, making him laugh louder, his hand falling on my arm, leaning closer to whisper in my ear as the bell from the door jingles again. ‘I’m kidding’ he chuckles, ‘Daisy is friends with my older sister, and she has no patience with me. I really like f*cking with her.’ laughing, I pull back slightly, my eyes moving from my new friend’s face, across the small room to land on the very imposing figure of my new stepbrother who is glaring at me, his arms crossed over his chest.
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