Chapter Six

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Eden’s POV The first few evenings in our new home were tense, at least during the day, the men were at work so I could move around the house without feeling like an intruder. But now it’s Friday night, and Mum and Henry are currently sitting at the dinner table to my left, making heart eyes at each other, my new stepdad taking any opportunity to touch my mother as she giggled endlessly. On the one hand, it was nice to see someone who seems to be so enamored with my mum, God knows, the woman deserves a good man in her life. The downside to this new family was sitting across from me, who, tonight was glaring at his salad as if it had done him a personal disservice. Feeling my eyes on him, Harrison glances up, our eyes meeting as a jolt of awareness flows through me. The guy has the ability to make me feel exposed like he’s looking through me at all my secrets and I don’t like it. I feel a hand touch my arm on my left and I turn to find Harrison’s twin, Gage grinning at me, now that is a dangerous smile. I’m sure Gage Cadell has zero issues getting a girl in bed, though his flirtatious smiles don’t really do it for me though, no, it seems friendly and fun personalities aren't what appeals to me, I'm drawn to moody and unattainable. ‘So Princess’ he drawls, ‘what were you studying at your old College?’ I swallow my mouthful, picking up my napkin to wipe my mouth before speaking. ‘I was taking a media studies course’ I reply, ‘I want to work in TV, i'm hoping to continue at the new college.’ A derisive snort sounds from across the table from me and I turn toward the man from which the noise emanates. ‘What?’ I ask defensively. ‘Nothing’ Harrison responds carelessly. Deciding to ignore the grumpy man across from me I return my attention to his much happier brother. ‘Yeah as I was saying, I want to work in TV, preferably as a producer’ I continue. Gage nods, swallowing his mouthful, ‘not in front of the camera? A stunning young lady such as yourself?’ I smile despite myself, shaking my head, ‘I bet those lines just get you whatever you want don’t they’ I reply, raising an eyebrow. Gage laughs, his face lighting up as he grins at me, ‘ooooo, slapped down by the new little sis! You wound me, princess!’ I can’t help it, I laugh too, Gage is just so vibrant, I just can’t help liking the guy. ‘Let’s just say I’ve had my share of macho jocks try and feed me a line over my lifetime’ I giggle, ‘I’ve learned how to spot a player from a mile away.’ Gage nudges his shoulder to mine playfully, ‘Well, if you get any trouble like that at your new college, you just let me know little sis. I may like to tease, but you can be sure that me and my bro have got your back, no one messes with a Cadell unless they want to get on the wrong side of all the Cadells.’ We continue to eat, Gage entertaining me with saucy jokes and innuendoes as Harrison sits across from me ignoring my very existence, well alrighty then! I don’t want to be here any more than you want me here asshole! As I place my cutlery on my plate at the end of the meal, Henry clears his throat, drawing our attention. ‘Eden’ he calls out to me, ‘I’m sorry for the short notice but the college has only just contacted me, they have said that they are happy to have you start at after the weekend. I have already said to your mother that I will get you a small car to get you to and from college, but until then, Harrison will drop you off and pick you up.’ Mr Grumpy starts to choke, grabbing his glass of water and chugging it desperately as I turn wide eyes toward my stepfather. ‘Oh, um, I can take the bus’ I mutter quickly, ‘I already looked up the route, you don’t need to buy me a car or get . . ‘ I wave my hand toward my stepbrother without looking at him, ‘anyone to chauffeur me, honestly, I took the bus back home, I’ll be fine.’ Henry frowns, glancing at my mother before shaking his head, ‘I understand you like your independence Eden, and I don’t want to be pushy, but this is a new city to you, and we have our good areas, and bad areas like everywhere else.’ He sucks in a breath, ‘plus, with my line of work, the boys and I, our job, I would feel calmer knowing you had your own transport to get around in.’ I look toward my mother who gives me a pleading look, ‘OK’ I agree reluctantly, ‘umm, but you know, just something to get me from A to B right? You really don’t need to spend a lot of money.’ My mum beams brightly as Henry’s face relaxes next to her, his hand on hers as he smiles back at me. ‘Excellent and I promise not to go crazy or anything, but it will be reliable and economic’ he adds sternly. I nod, smiling back at him weakly, ‘thank you, that is very kind of you.’ ‘Now, Harrison will drive you to school tomorrow, the college is on the way to our building anyway so it’s not out of his way. I’d take you myself but your mother and I are going to be busy, spending time together, and take in some of the sights . .’ Harrison’s gaze snaps to his father’s, ‘you aren’t coming into work tomorrow?’ he asks harshly. Henry shakes his head, grinning at my mother, ‘nope’ he replies, ‘and I’m not coming in the day after either or the day after that, in fact . .’ he squeezes my mum’s fingers as she nods at him, ‘I’m thinking about handing the reigns over to you two and Callan.’ ‘What?’ both brothers jump up, Harrison’s face full of horror, Gage alight with excitement. ‘You’re retiring?’ Gage asks, ‘seriously? Damn! If I knew that all it took was a wife to get you to finally slow down old man, I’d have driven you and Step mommy here to the courthouse myself on her first visit!’ ‘Dad, have you thought about this thoroughly?’ Harrison asks worriedly, ‘you’re not that old, and you love the company, why would you walk away now?’ Henry holds up his hands to calm his sons’ questions, waiting for them to retake their seats before continuing. ‘It’s just a thought at this stage’ he replies, ‘nothing is set in stone, I’m not just handing over ownership tomorrow, but it is something I’ve been thinking about.’ He glances at my mum again. ‘I’m married, boys, I want to spend time with my new wife, take vacations, travel. We all know that life can change in an instant, sometimes you don’t have a tomorrow to put stuff off to. I have decided that I am going to cut back my hours starting now, and I’m handing over day to day running to the two of you and Callan. I’ll still be at the end of the phone if you need me, and I’ll pop into the office and get involved in cases if I need to, but I don’t want to spend eighty hours a week behind my desk anymore. I’ve already booked a vacation for us both, a belated honeymoon if you like, and we leave tomorrow morning, we’ll be gone for four weeks.’ Gage stands up, walking around the back of my chair and throwing an arm around my mother as he claps his father on the shoulder. ‘I think this is great’ he states loudly, ‘you always worked way too hard, Cal and I always said it. Harry and I are more than capable of taking care of the business, you two kids go and get your later life party on.’ My mum laughs, cupping Gage’s face as he beams widely, ‘we’re not that old’ she murmurs affectionately, ‘later life, you cheeky so and so.’ Gage winks at my mother, ‘Hey, don’t blame me, where do you think I got my charms from?’ he asks as his father shakes his head in amusement. ‘Sweetie?’ Mum looks at me, obviously worried about how I’m going to react to being dumped in a new house with a guy who hates me and leaving me on my own. Plastering on a smile, I grab her other hand, squeezing it tightly, ‘Gage is right, you should both go and enjoy yourselves; you have worked your fingers to the bone over the years, and you deserve some fun. I’ll be fine here, I’ve got College, so I’ll have a lot of work to do to catch up with the new classes, I’ll hardly even know you are gone’ I tease, nudging her shoulder as she laughs again. Henry claps his hands together excitedly, ‘well that’s settled, Harrison’ he turns to the man who has sat rigidly in his seat, his expression closed off as he glares at the table. Looking up he gives his father his attention as the older Cadell eyes him sternly, ‘please keep an eye on Eden, I know she’s an adult’ he adds, giving me a small smile, ‘but this is still a new home in a new city. Pick her up and drop her off from College, make sure the house is secure, the alarm is set each night, I’m counting on you.’ The older twin nods once, before abruptly standing, hesitating for a second before muttering something about needing to go and hurrying from the room, leaving me staring after him in concern as Gage and Henry talk animatedly beside me with my mother about their upcoming trip.
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