Chapter Nine

1676 Words

Harrison’s POV Yeah, this has been a really good morning, I even managed to not snap at Sharon or whatever her name is. ‘Are we getting some lunch?’ my brother calls out as he enters my office, Callan a few steps behind me. ‘Sure, where is Cynthia? I’m hungry’ I mutter, not even looking up from my computer where I’m currently going over plans of a building that is hosting a banquet which will be graced by Maine’s rich and famous, that we are providing the security for. ‘Her name is Iris dude, seriously, it’s not hard to remember’ Gage sighs as he throws himself into one of the chairs opposite my desk. ‘And she had a doctor’s appointment remember? Asked to take a half day today, she’ll be in this afternoon?’ Nope, I have no idea what he’s talking about, and to be honest I don’t care bu

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