Chapter 9: 20 years after Zorenia return home

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“Sister, are you alright? You have been training your magic all night. Do not exhaust yourself; we will need all the strength we have once Imogen attacks again.” Sollena turns to look at her younger brother.   She smiles as she fixes the table where she is mixing medicine plants and potions then sets them all aside. She walks towards her brother and pulls him to sit on the chairs in front of the window. They are in a separate storeroom just beside the main house. This is the place where they are storing all the witchery staff. Since Sollena and her brother are both from the bloodline of a dark witch and their aunt Elena said that their real mom which soul resides in the body of the one she and her brother came out of is a white witch both she and her brother can use dark witch and white witch magic. Since their mother used the dark book Grimtome to lessen the magic of strong witches and wizards the magic used by their mother affected her children as well giving them magic.   “I believe there is a reason as to why we have such strong magic. I know it is because we must stop Imogen from continuing the life goal of all dark witches to awaken darkness.  I think it is our mission to stop the darkness from awakening just like what our mother did.” Sollena said as she heard her brother sigh as they look up at the moon.   “I also believe that as well, father, Aunt Elena, and everyone as well. I supposed it is the reason why we had been given this magic and why they had been training us since we discovered our capabilities. Though Aunt Elena said that it is better than the ones training us are those who are strong and knows everything about this. She might also be a grand dark witch as her mother is a grand dark witch but her magic is weaker than ours so she thought we needed to be trained by those who know magic well. If we were stronger back then… we might have saved father from that vile witch.” Eliot said looking and sounding as angry.   Sollena feels the same as her brother. Like Eliot, she is also missing their father that all their life had been teaching them right and even telling them everything about their mother. That even if they had never seen or been with her with everyone’s story about her they feel connected to her, Sollena sigh as she holds into the emerald necklace she is wearing on her neck. It is one of their mother’s and the one she had been wearing even the day she left for it is a gift from their father to her. Their father passes it to her so she can feel her connection to her mother.   “You are still wearing mother’s necklace?” Eliot asks as Sollena smile as she looks at her brother who is looking at the necklace on her neck.   “The same way you are always wearing that scarf made by mother for you on your neck. Of course for because of this, I feel connected to her somehow.” Sollena said as Eliot hold onto that bluish scarf that had been their mother’s finest needlework which she made for Eliot while she was pregnant with him.   “I will never exchange this to anything in the world. This contains all the love my mother had for me as she made this for me. I am sure you feel the same way with that necklace. By the way, I have a bad feeling about Imogen. I feel like she is planning something bigger than we had imagined, I mean… she is calling upon the other surviving dark witches and she is now stronger as she went around asking for her friends to give her a few of their magic, to convince them to sacrifice their abilities… I think she has a bigger plan. Aunt Elena and Aunt Catherine also think the same way as they feel like the darkness is becoming longer and stronger lately. I suggest we go looking for her. She won’t come attacking us this time.” Eliot said making Sollena sigh as she look at the moon above.   It is true that nighttime is becoming longer than the day time. Somewhat Sollena can feel that the darkness is becoming stronger unlike before. Sollena knows that their knowledge about magic is not enough to face Imogen and her increasing followers. To what their Grandmother and Aunt told them on how their mother also grown and become stronger by training and meeting many people that helped her Sollena knows that she and her brother also need to walk the path their mother had walked so they can do what she did great… stop the darkness and save the world.   “I agree brother, but we have a problem. We must become stronger as we are now. By now, I am sure Imogen had become stronger than she was when we faced her. We cannot underestimate her; her grudge against our family due to what our mother did is her motivation for revenge. I am sure she will annihilate our bloodline.” Sollena said as Eliot also nods.   “That is true Sollena, Eliot. I had taught you all I had learned while growing up from Glinda and the other white witches and wizards who had left after the King suddenly got ill making people start troubles and blaming it all into witches’ existence. It would be great if one of them will be here and be the one to teach you two but as of now, we know no news about them. Do not worry, I sent the letter all to people we know and who knows your mother. If they received those I am sure they will arrive one of these days. For now, all you need to do is to get stronger and learn your abilities.” Sollena and Eliot turn just to see their Aunt Elena walking in from the door holding a lamp.   “Aunt Elena, what do you think is Imogen planning to do?” Eliot asks as their Aunt sigh as she places the lamp on the table and walks towards them then gazes into the moon above.   “I have a hunch but I am sure you also had felt it. I am sure she is planning to continue the life pursuit of all dark witches, one that your mother had intercepted. By that, am sure she will do everything to keep you two from spoiling her plans." their Aunt Elena said making Sollena and Eliot sigh as they know she is right.   Sollena looks up at the ceiling of her room thinking of what they should do. When they lost their father everything went downhill and they must face Imogen so they never had time to mourn for their father. Not just that but Sollena is pressured to be better as her mother when they were told of what she had done all their lives, Sollena also read all her mother's written works and she even read the famous book which made her famous in the first place. The Story of Nelly Bragette is the novel their mother written before while she was still starting to create a name of her own, according to their Aunt Elena that novel is based on their mother's life so they have ideas on how their mother lived before despite without her with them.   "Will we be able to live up to your name, mother? With what is happening now, I don't know if we could stop Imogen. Mother, where are you? We need you." she utter in sorrow as she hold into the pendant of the necklace she wore.   Sollena is awakened when a loud explosion happened followed by a terrifying shake of the ground. She heard everyone inside the house shouting and calling in a panic. Her room door opened wide and Sollena see her frantic brother and their Aunt Catherine.   "What is happening now? Don’t tell me we are being attacked?" Sollena said as she changes her clothes into a dress appropriate for fighting.   "We are under attack by Imogen's followers. They are attacking our shield even if the shield is stronger they can be able to create a c***k. I am sorry dears but I supposed you need to face them again this time."  they all turn to see their Aunt Elena walking into the room holding the elderly couple who look shaken and let them sit into Sollena's bed before they all walk towards the window and peek to see those dark witches and wizards throwing their magic into that glass-like invisible shield that is lighting orange every hit from their magic.   Sollena sigh as she takes her sword from the stand where she had hanged it while Eliot gives off a deep sigh before he looks at her holding his sword in hand. Sollena nods as they leave the others in her room and they run out of the house. Since they are from the inside they easily came out making those dark witches and wizards run towards them in full force.   "Be careful, sister." Eliot said as they face those followers of Imogen.   Compared to them these followers of Imogen are weaker since their mother used the Grimtome to lessen the powers of all witches and wizards so as not to harm anyone again. But compared to Imogen managed to find ways to steal or take some of the magic from other wizards and witches and use it as her own. For that reason, many strong white witches and wizards are now in hiding and some are already dead. It is also the reason why the white witch and wizard trained their mother before left England and move somewhere in the Eastern countries to build their family in peace. It will be helpful if there are people who can train them like how their mother did before then they might have a chance to defeat Imogen.   "Sister look out!" Sollena look back hearing her brother's frantic call of her name just to see a witch who was about to hit her with her magic ball.   For a moment Sollena froze as if she is waiting for death to come but then an arrow came flying and hit the witch on her heart making the witch hiss in anger as she fall on the ground screaming in pain. Sollena froze as she look around just to see a man wearing a leather brown commonly worn by hunters as she hold his bow and starts firing at the other witches. Sollena regains her composure and concentration, she waves her sword into this scorning witch that is looking at her and is about to throw a black magic ball at her.   "Look out!" Sollena looks around just to see a black wizard about to stab her but in a blink of an eye a man who had saved her with one arrow came into her aid and he kicks the wizard that is thrown a little farther.   "Who- Who are you?" Sollena asks as the man turns to face her with a smile.    
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