Chapter 8: Out of the hospital

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“Do not forget to come back for your checkups. You must be feeling well now but you have been in a car accident. We still have to check into your fractures and such. I am sure Doctor Vermonte will want to see into your full recovery since he said you are his last special patient.” Doctor Haspin said as me and my parents sign me out of the hospital.   I don’t know what Doctor Vermonte told my brother but suddenly my parents and my other siblings came to pick me up and sign me out. I feel a lighter aura on how they are treating me as well even though I can still feel aloof towards them.   “We will surely return. Where is Doctor Vermonte?” My ma asks as I look around the office of Doctor Haspin.   I already heard Doctor Vermonte had left early in the morning taking his box of things with him. The nurses said he came to see me while I am asleep leaving me a red rose which I am holding now as I listen to what my parents are talking with Doctor Haspin.   “Well, he is preparing for his resignation. I supposed his family is expecting him to take over their family business. But when it comes to Miss Zorenia he will come and check on you. After all, he said he will make sure you are better as his last patient as a doctor.” Doctor Haspin said but I am so silent and sad just by remembering Alejandro, Sollena, and our baby Eliot who I never had the chance to hold or even breastfeed for I had forgotten my longing with Doctor Vermonte’s presence and always with me but now that he is gone, I missed my life as Sonia and those people who loved me as me.   My ma and pa are looking at me but I am way too silent to care what is happening. Dr. Levious Alexander Vermonte might look a lot like Alejandro but he is not him. He doesn’t have the memories Alejandro and I shared so he might just pass by me. So far, I have lost a lot of weight and I look like a malnourished person unlike how I look before.   “Are you- Are feeling alright Zorenia?” my ma asks as we drive back to my boarding house since I still have my checkups and my body is yet to recover, I feel really weird about how they are acting now tha is so unlike before.   They are acting as if they cared so much about me but they had let me alone in the hospital at night so I don’t really feel the sincerity of their concerns. I feel like they all just pretending to care.   “I am fine ma. I am just so tired and I feel so empty. About the accident, what had happened to that little boy and old woman I saved?” I ask as they remain silent before they sigh.   “They came before and express their gratitude. They even helped with your hospital bills.” my ma said as I look out of the window.   “Did they leave any address to where I can find them? I have something to ask the old woman.” I said and they look at one another.   “Funny that you ask, the old lady did leave an address she said you might ask where to see her. This is their address.” my ma said as she hands me a piece of paper that she had taken from her purse.   I never did have the chance to ask them about the accident with how they were treating me before and leaving me almost all alone in the hospital. I don’t hold a grudge against my family but it sure feels so lonely when they are showing as if they don’t care at all. I sigh as I look at the piece of paper handed by my ma to me.   “Ah, so they live nearby. I will have to go and see them one of these days. I have something I want to ask that old woman… something so important that she can only answer.” I said almost a whisper but and they look at me indicating that they heard it.   I just let it be since I know they must be confused for the way I talk and act is different. They had been eyeing me ever since I wake up from the coma and acted differently. I can’t help myself for I got used to staying in Stanhore as Sonia. What could I do? I still have to get myself used to living here again. If I talk the way I do back in 18th century England then who can blame me.   “You better head into your room and get some rest. Take your medicines with you. I will call your brothers if they had some food with them.” my ma said and I just nod as I walk into my old room but I am having trouble using my crutch as I walk towards my room, I can feel that pain every time I walk but I just keep it into myself.   I sit on the edge of my bed and sigh. As much as I missed my life here I missed Alejandro and the others. How can I live normally as I used to when I know that I left them there?   “How are they doing back in Stanhore? I have to do a research about them; I hope I will find something about the past mentioning them. Since I am now in the year 2020 and that year was 1765 then it had been 255 years passed. It had been that long; it is as if what I had faced in Stanhore as Sonia are just dreams.” I sigh as I lay on my bed.   Since I am already here I have to have some plans. I think first of all once I recover I need to find a darn job as usual. Then there are my books online that I have to finish which I know I am screwed for I haven’t updated for 6 months. I need to speak with my editor and tell her what had happened these past months.   “Hey Zorenia, can come in?” I heard my brother Zohan who is like my favorite brother and who loves me more than the others, he is also our first child and he works as an engineer and he is also the only one who had been with me in the hospital for more than the others if not because of his job he might even stay the nights.   If I haven’t mentioned before my siblings are successful that is why I am pressured before to look for work. Zohan is an engineer, my second sister Zaria is a nurse, Zairen is a successful farmer with her husband and they already have a wide land, a nice house, and a daughter. Zohanes is an office worker. And there is me who had just graduated in education but haven’t found any work at all… then the accident happened. I sigh as I look around the room I had been using while studying here in the city. I did miss this room, it is simple and just for me, not like those that I had used in the 18th century with princess-type beds and luxurious furniture.   “Yes, you can come in.” I said as I sit and wait for him to open the door.   He came in holding a paper bag in his hand and a tray with warm food and a glass of milk. This feels odd for I am not used to them treating me like this, if I am in Stanhore as Sonia it will not feel different but from them… feels so eerie.   “How are you feeling? Here, eat this while it is warm and this is my gift for you supposed on your graduation day but I got busy for work.” he said handing me the paper bag as he places the tray over my lap.   “What is this?” I ask as I look into the paper bag.   “Open it. Since you lost your cellphone in that accident I bought you one. It is the latest model of Xiaomi. Do you like it?” my brother Zohan said excitedly as I open the box to reveal a brand new touchscreen phone.   He looks at me as I just remain silent. He then sighs and looks at me.   “Do you not like it? That was what you wanted before right?” he asks and I just sigh as I smile.   “I like it, it’s just that… I have some important files on my old phone. I will just have to reinstall the writing apps that I have. By the way, how is your work?” I ask as he just looks at me as if he is seeing a new person.   If I was that old Zorenia I will be jumping in joy with that brand new cellphone and will not ask about their work but upon living as Sonia and living without these fancy gadgets I finally understand what is more important in life. To me, it was the love given to me by Alejandro, Sollena, and Eliot but now… I will just have to get used to not having them. I just feel so sad for my Eliot; I never did hold him even after he was born.   “You should eat then maybe you can play with your new phone later.” my brother said and I just smile and nod.   “Thank you, Zohan for this. Do not worry… I will take good care of it.” I said and he looks at me confused but he just walks out of the door.   “Yah no problem Zorenia, just get well soon. If you need anything call us, we will just be in the living room. Oh by the way ma and pa might leave soon, they say they need to get back to the province for their work.” he said and I just sigh.   I sigh as I watch him close the door before looking at the tray in front of me. I already expected that from them so it is not a surprise. Even when I was studying before they will just stay with me for one night and then they will leave. I already know that I was like living alone before. I just wonder though… as I remember that old woman I saved is none other than Sonia. I want to ask her what had happened. How did she reborn a year before me and chose me to be the one to be reborn in her body? What is the special reason why it should be me?    
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