Chapter 6: Therapy starts and feeling loneliness

1949 Words
“That is it, you can do this. Take one step at a time very deep breath. It is your first time so it will be so painful. Since you are so in a hurry to do this I should remind you that we will still take all these exercises slowly so as not to strain your legs.” the physical therapist or trainer assigned to me said as he hold me from behind and help me up from the wheelchair that made me gasps as both my feet land on the ground.   “It is okay I can take it.” I said as I clench my teeth and step my feet one step and hold into the handle where the patient can hold on and try to walk while the trainer is behind me holding me still.   True to his words Doctor Alexander Vermonte did enlist me to rehab which is 2 floors above where my room is so I was pushed into a wheelchair up there. My parents or my siblings are not even there to cheer on me but Doctor Vermonte did tell them about the rehab which they seem to be okay or shall I say don’t care. Only my brother Zohan asks me if I can do it and if I can’t then we can do it next time. I sternly said I can do it; I want to walk as soon as possible and return to normal. It is the only way I can take care of myself on my own for if I stay there looking helpless my family will never care.   “Slowly… take deep breaths.” my trainer said but I suck in my breath and continue stepping but every move of my feet is pure agony but I can’t afford to show it or scream, I have to get better soon.   After a few more minutes my trainer asks me to stop and rest for a while when I already take 10 agonizing steps with my shaking legs. I just shake my head and continue moving to give my weight over that handrail as I step another step that I can now feel like I am stepping in needles as my legs continue to shake terribly.   “How is she doing Carl?” I heard that familiar voice but I didn’t look back as I continue moving but I ended up sighing and holding firmly on the handrail before I step another step.   “Hard-headed just like you said. She is not resting and taking it so fast. She is doing fine as I can see but if she keeps this up…” my trainer said as I heard heavy sighs.   “Okay, that is enough for now young lady. This will not help you heal, it will just strain your newly healed fractured legs.” my so-called doctor said as he suddenly carries me making me gasps and look at his face but he just looks ahead as he slowly places me back in the wheelchair.   “Listen to your doctor Zorenia. You will not heal if you do this to yourself when we know you are feeling more intense pain. You can do it we know that but you need to listen to us when we say do it slowly. You should rest first. Your legs had their first exercise so not to shock your legs we need to do this one step at a time. I just had seen how are so now I know how your training will go before we can try walking.” Carl the trainer said making me sigh.   “I know… I am sorry. I just… I just want to…” I said as I rub my forehead for he is right, with the amount of pain I had taken a while ago I can feel something terribly wrong in my legs now.   “It is okay… we should take things slowly. If you want to return to normal we should be careful or if you force yourself and your legs give up… you will be disabled your whole life.” Doctor Vermonte said as he kneel in front of me with his hands over the sides of the wheelchair making me sigh as I look at him and I am drowned in his kind and calm eyes.   “O- Okay… doctor.”   “Yes.” he said with a smile as Carl left to list what exercises I have to do.   “My- My legs hurt like hell.” I utter embarrassment at the way he is looking at me and when I said that he look at me concerned before he look into my legs by lifting my patient pants.   “This is what I fear. I am sorry Zorenia… but we have to return you to the CT scan. We should check if your bones had been strained and cracked or if we are lucky not.” he said as he looked up at me making me froze.   “What?” I utter is shock and confusion.   “Your legs are turning blue… not just that but it is swelling. We have no more time to spare; we have to make sure nothing bad had happened to your leg before you start your therapy.” Doctor Vermonte said as he pushes me out of there towards the elevator as I sigh in disbelief.   It seems like my hard-headedness is giving me consequences. I have to take things slowly now or like he said I will never be able to walk again which is worse than being confined in this hospital. I hope nothing bad had happened to my legs or else… I only have myself to blame and I’d rather die than be disabled for the rest of my life knowing no one will willingly care for me… not even my family.   “Well, you are lucky nothing had cracked into your newly healed bones but they had been strained. One more like that and there will be nothing we can do. You are not supposed to walk as soon as possible. You will need therapy and to starts with minimal movements not to harm your legs. You have the determination to heal and become normal but you need…”   “To take things slowly… I know and I am sorry.” I said with a heavy sigh as my doctor Vermonte pushes me towards my room just for us to stop seeing my friends and one of our teachers in our university who had handled us in our Christian Values Living subject who is also a pastor.   “Guys, hello sir, you all are here. Thank you for coming to see me in your busy schedule.” I said with a smile as Doctor Vermonte stop pushing me just in f of the others who smile and look at me.   “We came to check on you and the nurse said you were on the rehab floor but then brought to the CT scan so we were so worried. Doctor, is she okay? Where is your family anyway?” our kind professor said as he looks at me and I sigh.   “They- They are busy and might come later on. I am fine Sir do not worry.” I said as I look up at Doctor Vermonte when he suddenly taps my shoulders.   “She is alright everyone; there is no need to worry. All she needs now is to rest and continue her therapy and she might be able to walk sooner. I suggest we continue this chat inside the room where she can lie and rest.” Doctor Vermonte said making everyone nod as they let us pass and they follow behind us as Doctor Vermonte carries me and let me lie into the bed before raising the bed so I can sit.   The others sit on the couch in the side as Doctor Vermonte attaches the IV Catheter on the pole beside the bed for I still need medication and after what I had done my bones got weak and needed the nutrients they needed to become stronger. He step back and bid his leave as he head out of the door. The others look at me and smile.   “We are glad to see you are doing fine and you are even starting to get exercises to walk again. I am just wondering why you have no one to be with you in these critical times.” our professor said and Sandara and Ingrid look at me as if they already know what is happening, I had told them about my issue with my family so it is no surprise.   “They are just busy and they will come later… I hope. Thank you for coming Sir Mike; I am so grateful that even if we had already graduated you are still here for us.” I said as I am grateful for their presence after being so alone in my current situation.   “The other teachers even want to come but they are busy with paperwork so I am the only one who came with Sandara, Ingrid, and Joseph. I just want to see for myself how you are doing and to see you finally awake from a coma. We came before when you are in a coma and we saw your family as they are so heartbroken… I just wonder why we are not seeing them here when they stayed in her with you day and night while you are in a coma.” Sir Mike said making me look at Sandara and Ingrid as I see them nod and I just sigh.   “Thank you sir and to everyone for coming to visit me, I am really grateful. I will be better soon so please there is no need to worry.” I said as the kind doctor nod.   They told me stories as I just listen and laugh with them and before they left me alone in that room Sir Mike led us into a prayer for my recovery and for their safe travel back home. I sigh as I feel the silence after they had left.   “Looks like I will be here a little longer. How long shall I be here, I still need to look for that old woman I had helped and ask her questions. I can’t believe that she is Sonia who had been reincarnated or born with her memories as Sonia in a time before I was even born and she waited for me so she can send back to the past which is destined. She said it all in her letter for me.” I utter as I shake my head and rub my forehead.   There are many things I want to ask that old woman who I had found out that she is the old Sonia. The situation is that when she died in that cliff where Lady Broughtston and Laurena stoned her, Sonia’s soul went into someone else’s body a year before my birth. When I had the accident my soul travel the same way and I wake up into her lifeless body just for me to fulfill that prophesy and stop the darkness from taking over the world forever in that time. I was told that the family and that old woman came to visit me while I was in a coma but they suddenly stop coming when I wake up. I want to get better soon so I can go look for her and ask things. Why me, why did she choose me to travel back?    
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