Chapter 7: therapy going well

1974 Words
For weeks I remain in therapy doing minimal exercises and short moving like trying to stand and walk. My family is still the same; they just come and visit me as if they are just friends trying to visit someone in the hospital then they will leave after. Well, most of the night, Doctor Vermonte stays with me but most of the night I will be alone staring at the ceiling or looking into that window. More nurses keep on coming into my room every night trying to make me feel that I am not alone and according to one nurse I asked, Doctor Vermonte asked them to see me from time to time every night that no one will come to stay with me. I guess I am starting to get used to Doctor Vermonte and to the fact that he only has similarities with Alejandro BUT he and Alejandro are both different individuals.   “You are doing fine now; I can’t believe you manage to pull it off within just a week. You are my fastest trainee to the extent of what you had been through. I guess I can tell to your doctor that you are free to head home with of course scheduled therapy maybe two times a week or three. You can now use crutches so it is okay to send you home but of course, you must still keep in mind that you are still at risk of becoming disabled for life once something gets wrong like straining your legs by forcing to walk without help, or by doing hard exercises on your own, or just by hitting your legs to something or another accident. Be careful, eat healthily and make sure to never forget your medications.” Carl my therapist or trainer said as I nod and smile as he hands me that two crutches on the side as he was observing me if I can walk without pain without that crutches but with just a few steps the pain return so he stopped me.   “Really? Wow, thank you… thank you so much, Sir Carl.” I said as my kind trainer smile at me and nod as he look at me looking as if he is so happy as well.   “Well, give yourself the credit for that. From the first time I saw you I know you will heal faster than the others. You are strong-minded and so dedicated to your therapy. You endure pain well and think of your goal. Most patients that come in here for therapy don’t show the bravery that you had shown at first. They will be so scared and always think of the pain. I am sure in no time you will be able to walk on your own without those crutches. Go on and see Doctor Vermonte I had given him the results of your therapy yesterday so I am sure he will tell you the same as I said. Good luck and don’t forget to come and see me three times a week… Zorenia.” Carl said with a smile as he guides me towards the door.   I sigh in relief as I slowly walk towards the office of my doctor which I had been in for a couple of times now. By now I am already over the fact that Doctor Vermonte is NOT Alejandro and just looks a lot like him.   “Ahh you are here Zorenia. Come on in and let us discuss your progressing therapy.” He said as he smiles at me and signs the chair in front of his table indicating for me to sit.   I sigh as I sit and look at him while he takes my crutches and places them on the side before he sits on the chair in front of what I am sitting to making me sigh as he is too close to me. He smiles as he looks at me and looks at my legs that are covered by that hospital gown I am wearing which is raised when I sit revealing 2 inches above my knees. He sighs as he looks at my face again as I casually look at his table full of papers.   “You are getting better this fast. I guess your determination and intense exercise is paying off… how it will not be paid off when you are taking too much risk just to walk again.” he said as he look towards the window and I can see the sadness in his eyes but he covered it with a smile before he looks at me.   “Does- Does this mean I can be discharged and rest at home?” I asked excitedly as he looks at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes that he covered with a smile… I feel odd about it though.   He is silent for a moment as he looks at me then at the papers on his desk. I also feel odd so I didn’t say anything and let the silence surround us. I feel so different now, usually, in the past Zorenia will surely act like a child and take things as jokes and laugh it all off hiding everything inside of her but… ever since I returned after living as Sonia many things had changed about me. I am thinking matured or I am taking things so seriously now, I easily feel depressed and sad unlike how I was before, I am usually that easy-going one who takes things lightly but now everything feels so heavy and serious to handle. I guess living as Sonia back in the 18th century while I am in a coma made me into a different person, someone who is a better version of my past silly and immature self.   “I will write you some prescriptions for your legs and for the pain. You can go home maybe by tomorrow. I hope you will still come back for your check-ups and for your therapy sessions with Carl. You still need to be diagnosed until your legs are fully healed.” he said as he look at his chart and write something.   I just look at him trying to think of all the memories I had with Alejandro and how happy I was with him. I take a deep breath before I look away and wipe the tears forming in my eyes.   “What is wrong? Why do you look so sad? Are you not happy you are finally leaving the hospital after fighting alone in here?” I look at Dr. Vermonte when he suddenly said that.   The way he is looking at me made me sigh. I know that if I will leave the hospital I will not see him as often now and I heard from the nurses that he is about to leave the hospital making me his last patient. Will I… be able to see him again for Dr. Haspin said that he might be the one to handle every patient who Dr. Vermonte handled and is coming for check-ups?   “Ye- Yes I am happy I will be out of the hospital and won't burden my family again. I am just worried that…”   “That what?” he asks with a smile.   “Well, you have been so good to me doctor. I admit I am more comfortable with you and you know me well by now… how I was with my family and even my friends. I heard you will be leaving the hospital tomorrow so… this might be our last meeting.” I said as he smile and he take a deep breath making me look at him.   “That is true, I am also worried about you once I will leave that is why I am happy that you can leave by tomorrow and that you are recovering really well. Who knows… this might not be our last meeting. Do not be worried for Dr. Haspin will handle your follow-up check-ups until you can be able to walk again normally. I just hope your family will stop treating you the same as they are doing when you wake up in that coma. To think they can let you stay alone in the hospital at night knowing you aren’t capable of walking, that is just wrong.” he said making me sigh as I know why he look so angry for I struggled so much every night in this hospital alone and that is also the reason why I was in a hurry to recover to the extent of pushing myself when the pain is intolerable.   “Well, thank you… for everything doctor. I could have faced this recovery alone but you are with me every step of the way. Thank you so much.” I said as I look into my lap where my fingers are shaking which I am trying to hide by clenching them all together.   “Hmnnn I am a doctor after all… besides, there is something about you that appeal to me.” he said making me look at him confused as I look at him as if I am asking what he mean.   “What do you mean by that?” I eventually ask seeing he just sit there staring at me making it feel so awkward.   “Never mind that I suggest you call your family and tell them you will be discharged tomorrow so they must come and handle the paper works and take you home…… I supposed even just for that… they will come and see you. Anyway, can you call your brother and tell him to come tonight. I have something I want to talk to him so he must take some time.” he said making me look at him in confusion as I look at him.   “I- I will tell him IF he will come and see me this lunch. I- I will be going then doctor. Have a nice day.” I said as I stand and I am about to reach my crutches when he reach them and he steps back 3 steps away from me taking my crutches with him so I have to hold into the chair to balance my shaking legs.   “Are- Are there something you still want to tell me? Can you please hand me my crutches?” I ask politely as I am holding my annoyance at how he is acting this time.   “Let me help you to your room.” he said as he step towards me just for me to nearly scream when he suddenly carry me after placing my crutches on the chair.   “What are you doing, doctor?” I ask in pure surprise as I am trying to get down from his arm by struggling.   He starts walking making me struggle more before he could walk out of his office carrying me. It will be too embarrassing for me once people and the staff of this hospital see him carrying me.   “Stop struggling of you will be sorry once you drop on the floor.” he said as he look at me making me feel this heat all over my cheek with how close his face to mine.   I am about to say something when he opens the door by kicking it and I hear people in the hallway. I feel so embarrassed that when I see nurses about to come towards us I pretend that I am unconscious by closing my eyes and placing my cheek into Doctor Vermonte’s hard chest giving them the idea that I am not well. I just wonder why he is treating me this way. I just hope he won’t ask for some exchange for what he is doing for me.    
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