
615 Words
I slowly moved away from Gray, my hair sticking to his shirt, my eyes lifting up to him. His eyes had the same stony expression, and without a word, he let me go. "What do you want?" His voice was the same deep, yet soft tone, his eyes thinning a little as he let them dart slowly across both of mine. "Can I... Can I just see him one last time? Please? Please, Gray?" "Even while you are married to me? Are you being fair to me?" I shook my head. "We both know this marriage... it's just... there. I swear, just once. I promise. I will never even cry to you about him anymore. I swear, Gray. Just one last time." He swallowed, then nodded. "Go down and wait for me." I nodded, biting down on my lip. "Thank you. Thank you very much. I will try my best to be a good wife, too." He never replied that, and I walked away, my chest clenching against my heart. Kelvin did know how to shatter me into tiny little pieces of a person I would never be able to recognise anymore. I sighed, my eyes closing tight, and I held on to the railing, my chest heaving. The tears blinded me, and I leaned down, my face buried in my palms. It didn't take Gray too long, and he came out, the sound of the door causing me to move. I turned to him, and he wordlessly took my hand. He was warm, his fingers clasping tightly and lightly wrinkling my skin. With the confidence and composure that I so obviously did not have, he pulled me downstairs. "Gray?" Aunt Maurine suddenly called, and I swallowed. God, please. Gray stopped, then turned to her. "Yes?" "Where are you going with her?" Gray raised a brow. "Since when do I have to report my in and out to you?" "Gray..." "Excuse me," he said. "If you are not a security personnel, I don't see why I should tell you." He turned and started to pull me away. "You know that's exactly what your father did, and that is why I lost my daughter, right?" Gray stopped, his eyes widening a bit, his lips parting. It was the most I had seen on his face, and I know she had struck a nerve. "What did you say?" He asked, turning to her and letting go of my hand. She brought her hand to her waist. "You have been doing whatever you want in this house, and I have been too quiet." "Because it belongs to me, Maurine. If you want everyone to listen to you, move out." She swallowed. "Exactly. The behaviour of the monster who killed his own mother. Who killed my daughter! You and that bastard she married are both monsters of the same breed and..." "Aunt!" I said, stepping forward, unconsciously shielding Gray with my body as she hurled the half eaten croissant in her hand. It shattered on my chest, leaving a few crumbles on my dress and falling to the floor at my feet. She looked like she got even angrier, but Aunt Althea was quick to come to our rescue. She pulled Aunt Maurine with her, and I swallowed, my chest heaving hard. What did I just witness? I turned slowly to Gray, and he was just standing there, his fists clenched hard, his eyes thin. He was still just as expressionless, and I swallowed, my hand gently coming to his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He met my eyes, and I could see nothing behind them. Just blank space. "Let's go," he said simply, then turned away, his steps stiff.
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