Early Goodbye

1056 Words
The car ride was silent, and Gray's eyes were fixed on the road ahead of him. He had denied the help of the multiple drivers on the house, and somehow, I felt like he did feel anxious, too, regarding Samantha. Maybe he didn't want to show it because she hurt him, or maybe because he didn't like being vulnerable in front of anyone. "I..." I started to say, then gave a small sigh. "I am sorry for what happened and..." "Be fast when you go in there," he said, his voice low and dark. "Won't you... come with me?" He didn't reply till he finally parked the car in front of the hospital. "I will be waiting." "But..." I started to protest, but it died on my kips as his eyes met mine, the coldness in them enough to make anyone go silent. I nodded, then immediately got out of the car, my fists clenched. I walled towards the short flight if stairs and went up, then towards the receptionist. She was an elderly woman, and she gave me a small smile. "Good morning," she said, her voice pleasant. "Morning, ummm... where can I find the accident victims? Kelvin Stonewood and Samantha." She nodded. "Kelvin Stonewood has been moved to the morgue, while Samantha is receiving treatment in ward 413." I swallowed hard, my chest heaving. The morgue. My Kelvin is in the morgue and... I started to lose balance and fall to my knees, my hand clasped over my mouth, my chest heaving hard. From losing him to another woman to losing him completely... how? How could this have happened? A pair of hands wrapped around and pulled me to my feet, and I would hate to tell Gray just how disappointed I was that it had been him and not my Kelvin. That he had been the one here. I swallowed, turning. "They said... they said he is in the..." "Morgue? Will you go there?" "Yes, please, I... I need to see him." Gray didn't say anything more but slowly started to lead the way, my hand clasped in his. I couldn't think straight, and I felt my heart break and break over and over again. A shrill scream graced us as soon as we took the corner that would lead us towards the morgue. I hastened up, and sure enough, Samantha was on the floor, her eyes wide as a few nurses struggled to keep her under control. Her hair was all over, and she was barely clothed, her wounds and bandages on show all over. Her hand spurted a small cut, and I surmised it was the place she had torn out her intravenous from. "Kelvin! Please, please. I just need to see him. I just need to see him, I beg of you. Please!" I brought my hand to clasp around my mouth, tears stinging the back of my eyes, begging to be released. Slowly, Gray walked past me, then towards her. The nurses were trying to sedate her, but he stepped in, holding her from behind, his fingers wrapping tightly around her waist. She turned, her eyes wide as she took Gray in. "Gray?" He swallowed. "Let them take you back to your room. You are injured." She swallowed, then moved to fully turn to him, her fingers lightly trembling. Slowly, she reached to cup his face, her lips parting, tears streaming down her cheeks. I swallowed hard, my fingers clenching on either side of me. "Gray. My Gray." He didn't reply, and she cupped his face. Her eyes taking him in. "How did you know I was here?" He swallowed, then brought his hand to move hers away from his face. His eyes were as cold as ever, and I wondered if he was that cold because she had hurt him or because he genuinely did not care. "I came because my wife wanted to see Kelvin." Her brows furrowed. "Y... your wife?" He moved away from her, and I slowly walked up to him. He held my hand tight, his itbernhand clasped behind him. "Yes." Her eyes widened as she looked between us, her eyes wide, her chest heaving hard. "You?" I swallowed. "I didn't know I was helping you elope with my fiancé, Samantha." She gasped, tears running steadily down her cheek. She opened her mouth to say something, but it never came out, and her eyes rolled back, causing her to fall to the tiled floor, her legs giving way under her. Gray's fingers tightened around mine, like the only reason he wasn't running to her like those nurses were was the single fact that he was holding on to me. I closed my eyes, tears filling them as the nurses took her back to her ward, leaving us standing right in front of the morgue. Slowly, Gray left my hand, then turned to me. "You should go see him. I will be here." I bit down on my lips, then slowly turned towards the large door. There was one attendant, and he led me in towards the array of bodies. It was cold in there, and I shivered a little as he led me to the body. "You are here to see the new accident victim that had been brought in alongside that patient, am I right?" I nodded, and he led me to a corner where a body lay. Slowly, he opened the white sheet, and Kelvin's face came into view. My eyes filled even faster, my knees weakening under me. I slowly went to the floor, my fingers grabbing the edge of the stroller he was lying on, my heart breaking to unleash even more tears. This was the last thing I had expected of him. I had expected it as much as I had expected him to cheat, but here we are, and he has done both. "I am sorry, ma'am," the attendant said, helping me up. I swallowed hard, my eyes closing, my hand reaching for Kelvin's fingers. He was still a little warm, and I felt myself falling to die floor again. "Let's go," Gray suddenly said. I hadn't even seen him come in, but I knew I couldn't protest anymore. He held my waist and pulled me away from Kelvin, whom I had to say an early goodbye to.
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