
1091 Words
"Kevin!" I blurted before I could stop myself, my chest heaving, my eyes wide. The blood rushed to my ears, my chest heaving hard as I watched Kebin being out in a body bag. Wait. A body bag? "Karma came early this year, didn't it?" I turned to Gray, whose eyes had darkened, his eyes slowly meeting mine. "Gray," I said, my body trembling. "Samantha is in that crash." "Who is Samantha?" He asked, his voice cold. "Do I know her?" "Gray!" "No one yells at me, Evangeline. You watched them run away and leave you behind. Watch them die and leave you behind, too." "For goodness sake, Gray. Please. Fine. Fine. You don't need to. Please, I need to go." "And do what? You won't even be allowed to sign any papers. You are nothing but a stalkerish ex now. Sit back and eat." "Gray, please. Gray, I just..." The tears choked me, and I turned to the TV, my chest heaving hard, my hands trembling hard. I could hardly breathe. Samantha was wheeled out, too. Her eyes were wide open, and she was crying hysterically, blood all over her. I turned to Gray, and he was slowly eating, his eyes fixed on his plate. "What sort of a monster are you?" "Evangeline," Aunt Althea said, her voice warning. "Our family has nothing to do with Samantha anymore. Her parents will sort things out. There was a reason they didn't show up yesterday, too." "Maybe because their daughter was being forced to get married? To a richer man who has to have his way no matter what?" Gray grabbed a napkin, then lightly dabbed on his lips. "If you knew me, Evangeline, you would know that your best bet right now is to beg. And I wouldn't let you even if you did. I am not going to sit here and watch my wife run after her ex just because he got into an accident and died. Death is upon everybody. It happens to thousands a day. Humiliation isn't, and I won't let it happen to me on your account." "Gray, please. Please, I beg of you. Please. I will come back, I swear, I..." "You never had a choice, darling. You have to come back. When you have a better reason to walk out of this house. Not to run back to your foolish excuse of a lover." I slowly went to the floor, my eyes wide, tears streaming down my eyes, my chest tightening on my heart, threatening to puncture through it. How could Kevin be dead? Just like that? How could he just.... He was normally a careful driver. Never above the speed limits. He never did anything that would distract him from the wheel. Never. I blinked hard, the treacherous part of my mind reeling. Was he so overcome by passion for Samantha that he was less careful? Were they so happy to be finally free that they had gotten drunk? Was he only able to keep his hands off me during our car rides because he wasn't even attracted to me anymore? Gray suddenly stood up, and I turned to him. "I am staying home," he said to Aunt Althea. "Just to make sure no one is breaking my rules." My lips parted, and I swallowed, unable to move. He walked past me, and I turned towards the path in which he had disappeared. Aunt Althea slowly stood up too, but she came around to me, her hands wrapping around me. "He was your boyfriend before this, right?" I nodded slowly, tears filling my eyes hard. Was. In all senses of the word. He was my boyfriend. He was my boyfriend. She leaned to me and wrapped her arms around me tight, my head resting on her shoulder. "Gray is hard to c***k. He was the only survivor of his own parents' car crash back then. I feel like he has hardened so much because of it. I am so sorry, dear." I swallowed, my chest heaving. The tears were choking me, but somehow, my eyes stayed dried. I knew something was breaking deep inside, however. I nodded slowly, then moved away from her. "I will go back up." She nodded, then let me go. I walked to the stairs, my vision blurred, my knees weak. I wasn't sure how much more I would be able to take. How much more I would need to take. I got to the room, and I leaned on the door knob, feeling strength finally leave my legs. My weight pressed down on the door knob, and it opened, sharply admitting me into the room. I wasn't even bracing for the fall, but Gray caught me, his eyes widening as his hands wrapped tightly around me. I looked up, meeting his eyes, my chest heaving. The tears burnt behind my eyes, and I felt them roll down my cheeks fast. "Evangeline," he said, his voice low, his brows furrowing like he truly could not understand my pain. Like he truly felt nothing. I swallowed, my lips quivering as the dam broke, and with it, my soul crashed. I moved, my hands wrapping around his neck, my head burying in uis shoulder. My body trembled hard as I screamed into his skin, the sadness enveloping me. I wasn't sure where all of those tears were coming from or where the muffled voice that yelled for help than she knew no one would ever be able to give was coming from. Maybe me because I felt the part. I felt like I needed help. Like I could use some sort of fixing. Redemption. "Gray. Are you okay? Who is crying?" Came a voice from behind. I couldn't answer whoever it was, and Gray simply moved to close the door, my body slowly hitting it. His hand came up to my waist, and he tugged lightly. "Stop this." I really wish I could. He held my waist now, pinning me closer to him. "I will take you to see him. But this is the last favor you ask of me." I moved, my eyes meeting his. They were still dark, but from his words, I could tell he felt pity for me. I pursed my lips, but they only quivered even harder. Slowly, I wrapped my hands around him again, my eyes closing, the tears dampening his shirt. He didn't say anything more, but let me cry into him and soil his shirt. I guess right now, that was more than enough.
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