
213 Words
EVANGELINE'S P.O.V. I woke up to an empty bed. It should have been normal, but it felt very weird right now. I sat up, my brows furrowed. The room was quiet, and there was no evidence of Gray being anywhere in the vicinity. I was a little disappointed by that, and I gave a small sigh as I flipped the covers off me. Room service came to tidy up, and I went to take a quick bath. My mind wandered during that bath. Where he would have gone to and why he had to leave so early. I turned to the mirror in the shower, and my lips were slightly reddened and swollen by the kisses from last night, and I gave a small smile. I wondered if this held as much meaning for him as it did for me. If he cared about everything I did to him the same way I cared about the things he did to me. I closed my eyes and sighed, then stepped out of the shower, my hair wet. The room was tidy, the leftover doughnuts gone, and yet... Gray was still not around. I bit down on my lips, then walked away to the closet, trying my hardest to get him out of my mind.
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