Honouring Marriages

236 Words
GRAY'S P.O.V. I watched the plate of doughnuts while Angeline slept, curled up away from me, her lip slightly parted. They were slightly swollen from the fervour of our kisses, and I could feel the right side of my lips lift in a smile. Her hair was all over the sheets, and she was a clumsy little dove, with habits as dangerous as anything. I slowly leaned to her, my eyes thin as I took her face in. I still remember the first time I met her. She, of course, does not remember, but I wish I had told her about Kevin earlier than she had found out. I am not complaining, still. It worked out for me, and even though I do not love her in the same ways that I used to love Samantha back then, I am definitely interested in keeping her with me. I do fully intend on honouring this marriage, just so I can see what else she has in store. Her little bouts of jealousy, gestures that nobody else has ever thought of, and cute little things she does when she doesn't know that I am watching her. I smiled to myself as I got out of bed, then threw on a shirt. She was still deeply asleep, and I looked at the doughnuts again. She deserved a little reward, for being the very first person to celebrate my birthday.
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