
918 Words
After what seemed like hours just roaming through nothing, my eyes fell on the jacket that Gray had worn the day we left home. In hindsight, we may have acted like teenagers, leaving home and throwing a tantrum. But this was the most peaceful time I have had after the marriage, and I almost didn't want it to end. I grabbed the jacket and slowly wore it on me, buttoning it up. It was big, and the wrap seemed like a really deep neckline, which stood somewhere in between extremely suggestive and mildly modest. It would be just me and Gray, however, so... I shook my head. That's the problem. Gray was a problem. 'Shut up and kiss me.' I felt my knees weaken again, and I feebly walked to the bed, just as a knock came on the door. My brows furrowed as I turned to the door, my chest heaving. Who could it be? Judging by the fact that why were standing outside and waiting to be invited in, I knew it wasn't Gray. I slowly walked to the door, my finbers wrapping around the door knob. For some reason, I could feel myself backing out, but I didn't, and pushing my rather irrational fears aside, I opened the door. It wasn't even a second and one large c***k later that I started to regret my decision. Samantha was standing outside, her eyes solemn, her lip set in a small straight line. My teeth gritted, and everything she had done immediately came back to me. "Gray isn't here," I said and started to close the door before she stopped me, her hand flat against the door. "I came to talk to you, Evangeline." "About what?" I asked, opening the door again, my hand going to my waist. "The man we shared is no longer here." "And here we are, sharing yet another." I gave a small chuckle, then shook my head. I knew I was being petty, but I had been far too calm with her for not just cheating with my fiance but tricking me into helping her elope with him, taking me for a fool. "I don't know if you have noticed, Samantha, but I am the one with a chip on my lips. I am the one with a ring in my finger. I am the one whom he is willing to leave with, not you. Doesn't seem like a lot of sharing to me." She gave a small smile. "Can I come in?" "Gray does not want you in his personal space." "Let me come in, Evangeline. I have something to discuss." I slowly shook my head. "I don't know what you take me for, but my head is screwed on right, and I am not taking this bullshit. I am not going to move over and let some woman who is.." "You know I am not just some woman. Apart from the ring on your finger, what else do you have? You are eating scraps of the man I left, Evangeline. Don't be so f*****g proud." I nodded. She was right. I had no history with Gray, and she had lots with him. "And here you are, begging for those scraps. You are really out here thinking everyone is a lying, loose, bacstabbing b***h like you!" She slapped me hard across the face, causing me to swerve violently towards the right, my chest heaving. My hand slowly came to touch my cheek, and I could taste the metallic taste of blood on my tongue. "You don't f*****g call me names. You are the substitute bride and a lowlife like you should be very grateful to me for even offering to talk. Yoi think Gray is going to stay with you for much lonber when you have the stench of poverty all over..." The words stopped in her throat as I slapped her back, her hair falling in front of her, a gasp leaving her lips. "How dare you!" "I have been very lenient. But I can be crude too, and you should f*****g leave." She raised her eyes to me, and before I could say a word, she grabbed my hair and started to pull painfully at my scalp. I gave a small yelp, my chest heaving as I tried to push her off, but she had such a strong yield, and I found myself moving away from the door. Before long, we were at the edge of the stairs, now pulling at each other, the screams and colourful words exchanged all through. "Angeline." I looked up, and Gray was downstairs, his eyes wide with what he was seeing, the rest of his face blank. My distraction gave her an advantage, and she suddenly kicked my stomach, causing me to fall back, a loud yelp leaving my lips. I saw Gray's eyes widen as I let her go. She was, however, at the edge of the stairs, and she fell back and rolled down the stairs, only to stop at Gray's feet. "Samantha," I said, my hands stretching, my chest heaving. The kick she had given me had upset my stomach, however, and I could barely breathe. "Angeline," Gray said, and with the last bit of my consciousness, I saw him cross over Samantha and run up the stairs towards me. My eyes closed, and I saw black, my hand slowly falling to the ground, too. I felt his fingers touch mine before everything turned to nothing, and I drifted off.
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