I Promise

1257 Words
I watched Gray finish packing up, my heart still pounding from what had happened earlier. My button was still open, and my body felt hot even to the touch. I couldn't imagine what my face looked like. It's probably like a tomato. "All done," he said like he hadn't just casually taken my breath away. And maybe a little more. I felt like he had snatched my innocence, too. He turned to me, his brows furrowed. "Angeline." I looked up, my eyes slightly wide as I managed to break out of the trance he had put me in. "Put that shirt on. We need to go home." I nodded. "We are going back to the villa, right?" He nodded. "Do you have anything back in the hotel?" I started to shake my head, but then suddenly remembered. "My dress! The dress I wore to the party yesterday." He nodded. "We will drive by." I heaved a sigh of relief, then peeled the jacket off me before pulling the shirt to me. He went down to dispose of the used rubbers, and I got out of bed, wore the shirt, and tied the jacket around my waist. He soon came back, dusting his hands, and he grabbed everything else, mostly his clothes, phone, and wallet, then leaned to carry me. "I can walk." "I know," he said, before leaning again, taking me in his arms bridal style. My hands wrapped around his neck, and I looked up to him, my eyes holding his. "Are you comfortable?" I nodded slowly before I remembered something. "My ice cream! I have so much ice cream in there." He gave an exasperated sigh. "We will drive by..." "You spent so much money. I already feel bad and..." He let out a breath. "Fine. Just be quiet." I went silent, and he slowly took me out of the ward. I was still worried about the ice cream in the freezer, as he slowly got me down. We went out to a grey day, and his car parked outside, and he opened the back door and put me in. He gave me a glare as he removed his clothes from the paper bag they were in, then walked back into the hospital with the empty paper bag. He walked back out with a full bag of ice cream, his lips turned upside down, his eyes thin. He opened the back seat and put the ice cream with me, then met my eyes. "Happy now?" I nodded, a smile lifting my lips. He sighed when he closed the door and went around to the driver's seat. He got in and pushed the ignition button, then drove us out of the hospital driveway. We got to the hotel driveway fifteen minutes later, and he stopped the car and then got out. Without a word, he opened the door and then held my hand, helping me out of the car. "Thank you," I said, and he gave me a small smile before turning away. We went up the stairs to our room, and the first problem hit. The room was still slightly unlocked, almost the way I had left it when Samantha had attacked me. "I hope no one got in here," I murmured, but Gray said nothing as he let go of my hand. "Gray?" "Let me go in. I can remember closing it before leaving." My eyes widened. "You think someone is in there?" "Probably was, but we will try our luck. Stay right here." I nodded, then let out a small sigh as I stood back, watching him waltz into the room, like he wasn't even expecting anyone. It was eerily silent for a while before I heard sudden footsteps and the sound of running. I had barely gotten to the door when someone hit me hard, pushing me back to the floor. The only thing I could see was my dress. The same dress we had even bothered to come around for. "Angeline," Gray said, coming above me. "I am not hurt," I said, standing up. "I ws just caught by surprise. We should call security." "Let it be," Gray said, checking me out to make sure I hadn't sustained any injuries. "It was Samantha." "What the f**k? I think she stole my dress!" "She stole it," Gray affirmed, then pulled me to him, his hands cupping my face. "Are you sure you are not hurt?" "That dress was so expensive, Gray. I really liked it too." "I am sorry," he said, pulling me into a warm embrace. "I am sorry." My eyes closed as tears filled my eyes, and I sighed. I hated that woman. Why exactly would she want to steal my dress? For what, exactly? Why would she keep doing this? Gray leaned away and kissed my forehead, then patted my hair down. "Is there anything else in there?" I shook my head. I was wearing my wedding ring, thankfully, or she would probably have taken that too. Gray insisted on checking, and he came up with the dress I had worn on the day we left home. He helped me downstairs again, then put me in the back seat before getting into the driver's seat. "How did you cope with her being that crazy?" I asked, my jaws clenched with anger. She was a f*****g psycho, doing all of these things for a man that she cheated on for over a year, left at the altar and broke his heart. "I was crazy too," he whispered, his voice almost inaudible. He didn't seem too proud of that fact, and I reached my hand to gently tap on his shoulder. He let out an exasperated sigh and leaked back as he accelerated the car. It took us an hour to get home, and I gave a small sigh as the imposing mansion came into view. Gray slowly drove around and stopped the car close to the grand entrance, then gave a small sigh. "I guess I am not the only one feeling this way." He gave a small chuckle. "It's crazy since this is my home." "Home isn't always a place, Gray. Home is mostly... a feeling. A person. A taste. It doesn't have to be this mansion." He turned to me, then gave a small smile. "I guess." I leaned forward, my hand slowly caressing the side of his face before cupping his neck. "I don't think I have seen you this... sad." He chuckled. "That's why you shouldn't give someone a taste of heaven if you don't intend to keep them there." "What do you mean? I will still be right here with you. There will be no reason for me to leave, no matter what they do in there." He nodded. "That is oddly comforting." I brought my pinky to him, then met his eyes. "Promise me we won't change. We won't become angry again or let the negativity seep in. Okay?" He watched me, and I moved a little. "Hurry up and promise me." He looked at my hand. "I am not in a hurry to cut this time short." I blinked as he leaned close to me, his hand cupping the nape of my neck through my hair and pulling me closer. He kissed me slowly, like he didn't want the kiss to come to an end, deepening it when I thought he was going to break away, sighing my name into my lips. He broke away, then gave me a small smile. "I promise."
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