
1014 Words
I woke up with a slight headache, and my brows furrowed as I turned. I turned I to a black shirt, and it appeared to be breathing?? Wait. I blinked and slowly looked up and eyes wide. I was lying on Gray's lap, and he was asleep, his chin propped up on his elbow, his hair slightly dishevelled. I slowly sat up and looked around. The room was clean, and there was a stack of used rubbers in a corner, while the rest of the room looked pristine, including the bed sheets. I squinted my eyes. I could clearly remember turning this room upside down by moving the couch and laying out a feast on the bed. Everything was now back to its original place, and I wondered if I had been dreaming about the entire encounter. But now, here I was, and lying in Gray's lap, and it meant there was some element of truth to what I thought happened. I started to move when a knock came on the door. I froze for a second, but the door opened, and the nurse walked in, carrying a dressing kit. I sighed, then gave a small smile as I moved towards the bed, then got on it, turning towards Gray. He was still asleep, his lashes slowly moving, but he wasn't awake, not even in the slightest. "Good morning," the nurse said, and Gray immediately stirred, his brows furrowed as he moved away from his propped up hand. I immediately turned away and lay still on the bed as he woke up noiselessly, then stood up, raking his fingers through his hair. "Good morning," the nurse said to him, and I heard him murmur a reply to her. "Is she going to be okay?" The nurse gave a laugh that I thought was a little too high pitched and generally unnecessary. "She will be, sir. She has such a caring husband, and I doubt she will have any problems." Gray nodded, walking closer to me. I met his eyes, and suddenly, everything else seemed two times as interesting as it normally was. "Can we get discharged, then? I want to be able to treat her to a proper meal." The nurse gave a nod. "Of course. Just for you, I will bring the papers up here for you to sign. Ordinarily, you would have to go down for it." He nodded. "Thank you." She gave a bright smile again before dressing up my wound, her hand slowly, but delicately getting rid of the other dressing. Once she was done, she leaned away, then gave a big smile and walked away again. Gray walked closer again, his hand running on my stomach, his eyes darting between my eyes and my stomach. "How do you feel?" I shrugged. "Hungover." "That was careless on my part," he said, then pushed the jacket together. "Do you feel any other pain anywhere else?" He did feel like a caring husband. Well, all the time. Most of the time. Not just now. "You don't need to worry. I am fine." He nodded, then sighed, turning away, his brows furrowed. "You don't look so good." He nodded. "I didn't get a lot of sleep." "Why?" He turned back to me, then shrugged. "We made a mess." "You could have woken me up." "To do what?" "Clean." He gave me that look, then sighed. "You have a part-time cleaning job in this hospital?" "Me? No." "Then, why should I wake you up to clean? Am I disabled?" I bit down on my lips. "Well, I just thought... I am the wife and..." "And what you said was I do. Not I accept the terms of your contract or whatever it is that newly hired cleaners say. You are giving me a headache." I gave a small pout. "I am just not used to this. Sorry if I..." "Have you thought of using your mouth in other ways?" I met his eyes, and I immediately felt myself colour. "Well, I..." "Do it next time you want to ask me to wake you up to clean. Deal?" I chuckled. "I hate you." "Whatever you say, sweetheart." The nurse came back again, and with the same big flirtatious smile, handed over papers to Gray. I moved slowly, then rested my head on his lap, my hand running across his arm, my eyes holding hers in a gaze that wasn't exactly the kindest I my books. Flirting with a married man who was not even remotely looking at her did not deserve a nice gaze to me either. "Thank you," Gray said, handing the paper back to her. "You are welcome. I wish her a speedy recovery and... well, I hope we meet again." "I hope we don't," I said, my eyes narrow. Her eyes widened as if she had completely forgotten that I was right there. "What I meant was..." "It is fine," Gray said, caressing my hair. "Thank you for your help." She nodded, her eyes darting to me before she scurried away, a grimace taking over her face. The ward fell silent for a long while before we simultaneously started to laugh, Gray gently pinching my cheek. "I didn't know I find jealousy so hot," he said, before standing up. I turned to him, a small smile on my lips. "So you find me hot?" He met my eyes before grabbing his large shirt. "Mhm. Be very cautious about the things you think you can get away with." "Hm," I said, sitting up. "I am very interested in knowing what you will do when I don't get away." He gave a small chuckle, and in a blink, he was leahing close to me, his eyes dark, his longest finger under my chin, while the other hand worked to open the button of the jacket I was wearing. I held my breath, his eyes holding mine steadily, his finger running along my jawline. "I am very interested too," he said, his voice husky and dark, and I blinked, my heart picking up pace. Hell.
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