Let Go

1120 Words
Gray came back a few moments later, and he was accompanied by a nurse. He walked over to where he was sitting, then took a seat, dropping the paper bag on the small bedside drawer. The nurse slowly pulled the sheets, and my eyes darted towards Gray. He was watching my face, and I bit down on my lips, my cheeks turning red from the craziness of the situation. The nurse changed the dressing, then gave me a small smile before leaving. I started to pull the sheets up once she left, my chest heaving with the fact that we were all alone in here. "I will help you up," he announced, then stood up and came around to me. He held my back and gently sat me up, propping a pillow behind my back for comfort. I gave a small groan as I sat up, cupping my stomach, a curse leaving my lips. His eyes darted to mine, but he said nothing and simply helped me up till I was good enough, and the position didn't send jolts of pain through me. I smiled at him, and he pulled away, then gently opened up the food he had brought. "That looks good." He looked at me. "Well, glad you think so, because you have to eat it all." I gave a small laugh and brought my hands to take it from him. "No." "I can eat i my own, Gray." He didn't even bother answering me and simply brought a spoonful to my lips. I gave a small sigh and ate it, chewing slowly. He cleaned up my lips, his eyes darting between my eyes and my lips. "Good girl," he said once I swallowed, and it made me laugh. "You are treating me like a child." "I don't think I am," he said before bringing the spoon to my lips again. I ate obediently, knowing just how useless it was arguing with Gray. I swallowed again, and he handed me a bottle of vitamin water. I took a sip and leaned back. "What do you call all of these, then?" He raised a brow. "I fail to see your point, Angeline. What part are you referring to? Taking care of my injured wife or kissing her to sleep last night?" My cheeks reddened so much that it could safely compete with my injured stomach. I went silent, and he brought another spoonful to my lips. "Take it, Angeline." I bit down on my lips, then held his hand, my fingers wrapping around his hand that was holding the spoon. "Can I ask you something, Gray?" "After you finish this bowl and..." "Do you enjoy kissing me?" He met my eyes, his lips slightly pursed. He slowly brought the spoon back to the bowl and put the bowl away before he met my eyes, his eyes narrow. "What?" "I... " I shook my head. "The night we arrived at the hotel, you expressed sadness by kissing me. That night in your study, you vented by kissing me. Last night, you expressed happiness by kissing me. Do you enjoy kissing me or..." He gave a small sigh. "It would be best if you kept that second option to yourself, Evangeline." I swallowed hard, my fingers nipping at each other. "You think I go around kissing anything with lips because I am sad, happy, or venting?" "You don't love me, Gray. Kissing is for people who love each other." "It doesn't have to be," he said, leaning into me, his hand gently cupping my left cheek, his thumb running over my right jawline, his eyes piercing through mine. "I love the little sighs you make in my mouth when I kiss you, Angeline. I like the way my mind shuts off when I kiss you and my world could be crashing, and I would be focused on you. We don't need to love each other. We just need to love the kisses." I bit down on my lips. I had loved each and every one of those kisses. Every second of them. I gave a small sigh, then nodded. "I guess you are right." He gave a small chuckle, then pulled away and reached for the bowl. "Now stop talking and eat." "One more question." He sighed and met my eyes, and I gave a small apologetic grin. "Ask." "When... exactly did you find out about the cheating, Gray?" He shrugged. "A year or so." "Can you tell me how?" He gave a small sigh. "She got pregnant and aborted it. An old friend was the one who did the abortion process, and he brought it up. I wanted to confirm it and stumbled upon their conversations. I wanted to know more, and that is why I know about you, too." "Did you ever confront her?" "Why would I need to? I don't need the details of how he f****d her." I swallowed. "Would it have been easy for you to let go without a confrontation? An explanation or..." "It was done, Angeline. I sat by the side of the road and watched my parents burn to death. I asked no one for an explanation on why it had to happen to them. The woman I used to love cheated, got pregnant, aborted it, and eloped, and I am not dragging that out either. I let go of my parents at sixteen, and I can let go of anyone at my age. No explanations needed." I nodded slowly, then gave him a small smile. "I should be more like you." "I like you the way you are," he said simply, without batting an eyelash. I watched as he took a spoonful and brought it to my lips again, his eyes darting slowly across both of mine. I slowly moved past the spoon as I leaned to him, then kissed his cheek and leaned back. "Thank you." He raised a small brow. "For what?" I shrugged. "For... all of this. It would have been harder to bounce back all alone. It would have been impossible to forget him while leaving in a house that held reminders of him everywhere." He let out a small breath. "Well, you have a lot to be grateful for." I broke into a laugh, then leaned and kissed the other cheek, leaning towards the edge of his lips more. "Good enough?" He nodded slowly, then brought the spoon to my lips again. "Eat up." I nodded obediently and ate up, my eyes holding his, my mind achieving a sense of calm. All it would take was for me to accept that Kevin was like that and let go. It was a beautiful way of looking at things.
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