Gentle Scolding

1100 Words
My eyes fluttered to a slow open, and a sharp pain pierced through the right side of my stomach. I winced, a small curse leaving my lips as my brows furrowed and my hand cupped the place. My skin felt hot to the touch, and there was a dressing over the wound. I lay back, my chest heaving, my lips parting as I lightly gasped for air. I opened my eyes again and took the place in. The lights were bright, the windows open, but it didn't look like a hotel room. I turned around, and I saw the drip stand, the table that carried a few medical items, and the bed I was on. I was starting to freak out when I turned, and my eyes fell on Gray. He was standing over me, his hands folded in front of him, his eyes thin with ice. "Gray." His jaw clenched, and he let out a sigh. "How do you feel?" I bit down on my lips. I had a headache, and my side hurt like crazy. I also feel like I wrestled a... Wait. I did wrestle a crazy ass b***h who wanted to prove a point by pulling my hair. My eyes widened as I turned back to Gray, and he raised a small brow, his lips set in an almost defiant straight line. "What do you have to say for yourself?" "She started it," I said, my voice defensive. "She was trying to force herself into our hotel room and..." "And you should have just called security. I don't know how much strength you think you have, sweetie, but you are no wrestler." I let out a long sigh as I lay back, and he walked over to pull the sheets over me. I guess he has a point. On a good day, Samantha was taller than I was, and I have a petite figure. "I did what I had to." "By fighting and fainting? True martyrdom, huh?" I met his eyes. "How are you scolding me and looking calm at the same time?" He raised a brow as he pulled a seat and sat next to me. "Is that your concern right now?" "Unfortunately." He sighed, then leaned forward, placing a hand on the edge of my stomach. I calmed, even though he was only touching me through the sheets. Wait. What am I wearing under these sheets? "Have you seen your skin?" I bit down on my lips. "Is it bad?" "Yes, it is. She kicked you and you f*****g purpled." "That b***h," I said under my breath, before pulling the sheets over my head. I was still wearing his jacket, but the buttons were open up to my stomach, and the skin was mostly covered, but I could see a bit of deep red surrounding the area. I pulled up again and met Gray's eyes. They were still expressionless, his atms folded in front of him. "I... did you stay throughout while they were..." "You were expecting me to leave you here because you were underdressed?" My cheeks heated up, and I averted my gaze. "I mean, you could have probably..." "That's how you got assaulted. Because your mind was somewhere else." I met his eyes. Why do I feel scolded, but his eyes look rather... normal? Almost too normal? My brows furrowed. "My mind isn't anywhere else now, though." "It is, and yes, I stayed throughout." My cheeks reddened again, and I pulled the sheets to my cheek. "I had nothing else to wear." "I know. That's why I woke up early to bring you a dress. Only for me to come back to that." "It really wasn't my fault, Gray. And I didn't think of security at that point because she suddenly grabbed my hair and..." He leaned forward and reached for my hand. His touch was soft, and I let him take my hand, my eyes holding his. He held my hand tight and brought it closer to him. "I don't know how to put this any better, Angeline, but you belong to us now. You can't go ahead and end up in a hospital bed without my permission." I slowly nodded. "I am sorry, I just... I wasn't thinking. I was..." "Learn to think about me, then. This isn't what I wanted to come back to, especially after last night." I held his gaze, and even though his face was still stoic, his eyes were tender, and he looked at me like I had gained more injuries than I had. "Did she hit you on the face?" He asked, his hand slowly coming to run his fingers over my cheek, his eyes slightly darkening. "I hit her back." He gave a small laugh. "And knocked her off the stairs too." "That wasn't intentional. I was holding her and..." He gave a small chuckle. "Believe you me if I had come up there and you were lying there unconscious and she was standing there with nothing but a bruise on her cheek, I would have pushed her off the stairs myself." I gave a small laugh, and he smiled, his fingers tightening around my hand. "Is my waist ugly now?" He gave a small shrug. "I doubt it." I bit down on my lips. "Don't look at it till..." He gave a small laugh. "I didn't marry you for your waist. Stay put and let your body rest. I will get some food for you." I smiled at him, and he stood up. I expected him to walk away, but he slowly came back to me, his hand on either side of the bed, his eyes holding mine. My breath hitched in my throat, and I blinked up to him, my chest heaving. He leaned even closer, his body hovering above mine. He gently flicked the tip of my nose, then gave a small smile. "You did well." His voice was a low whisper, and I broke into a smile. He slowly pulled away, and I watched him walk away, his stride as proud and powerful as ever. That gait was softened by the smile he had just given me, however, and I found myself smiling as I adjusted back, my hand slipping under the sheets to gently massage the spot. I looked around the hospital room, and the memory of him crossing over Samantha and running to me rushed right back to my mind. I could almost see him crossing right over her again as he took me away, and it made me wonder where she would be by now.
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