An Honest Mistake

1097 Words
Once I was done with the bowl, Gray put it away, then gently came to sit with me again. He was silent, his eyes a little distant as he played around with my fingers. I watched him, my eyes taking in the tiniest details of his face and imprinting it in my memory. Even if this marriage ended today, I don't think I will ever forget the man who cushioned me when I was falling to my very lowest. I smiled to myself, then turned away, a small sigh leaving my lips. Gray suddenly stood up, then gently started to unbutton the shirt he was wearing. My eyes widened as his skin slowly came into view. The deep line between his chest, his toned stomach, the lines, the dips. "What are you doing?" He turned to me, then shrugged. "I want to take a shower. Is there a problem?" "A shower?" I asked, my eyes bulging. "In a hospital room?" He looked around as if to make sure it was a hospital room. "Yes, why not?" "But... you don't even have a change of clothes." "I do," he said, peeling off the last button. "You do too, but I doubt you can take a shower now." I immediately coloured, then swallowed. "I... I took a shower before..." "Before auditioning for an underground boxing ring." "Hey." He gave a small chuckle, removed his shirt, and then walked over to the couch. Funny enough, this is the first time I noticed that couch. There was a medium-sized bag on it, and he pulled out a grey ensemble before walking away towards the other door on the left. "What is the chance that you thought of bringing a change of clothes?" He gave a small chuckle. "I ran out of the hotel room early, and I got them when I got your dress. I just didn't lose them while I was driving over here." "Understandable," I said, and he nodded, then walked away to the shower. I closed my eyes, humming a little to the sound of the shower, my chest heaving. Something about this arrangement felt intimate, and I knew something was inherently wrong with me. No one would ever find a hospital room intimate or hell, sexy. My eyes opened as the door opened again, and a nurse walked in. She looked around, then gave me a small smile. "Your husband left?" I slowly shook my head. "No. He is in the shower. He will be out soon." She nodded, then turned to me. "Did you know about your pregnancy?" I froze in place, my eyes wide. "What?" The nurse gave a small sigh. "We took a few tests when you came in. You were pregnant. We are not sure how long, because you lost it." I felt my heart break all over again. Kevin. I was pregnant for Kevin. I never even knew. "I... I didn't even know. I was..." "I am sorry," the nurse said, giving me a small smile. "Pregnancies are dekicate in the beginning, and it's quite common to miscarry at that point." My heart sank. I knew there was no way it wasn't Kevin's. He, after all, even suggested that we give his mother a grandchild so she would approve of me faster. I couldn't think of Gray finding out about it, not when he had to watch the same man get his other fiancee pregnant. And now me. "Could you please..." "Angeline?" I turned swiftly, and Gray was by the bathroom door, his brows furrowed. He had a small towel on his neck and he was wearing his trousers. He came forward, his eyes dark through the strands of his hair. "Is something wrong with my wife?" I started to shake my head, tears running down my cheeks, but the nurse, oblivious to why I was crying, turned right to Gray. "She had a miscarriage. She lost the baby." I looked up to Gray, and his expression had barely changed. "I am sorry," the nurse said again. "She will have to be here for a few days for doctors to examine her." I closed my eyes as she walked away, and the door came to a close. I waited for something, anything, but for a long while, silence reigned, and none of us bothered to break it. Gray slowly sat next to me, his hand cupping my face as he raised it to look at him. My eyes tearily darted across both of his, my chest heaving. I hated Kevin even more now. What would I have done with a child? I had been scrapping by. What would I have been able to do for a child? "Did you know?" He asked, his voice low. I shook my head, my chest heaving. "But... I know it's definitely Kevin's because the night before the wedding, we..." "Shh...," he said, his hand resting on my lips. "You are my wife now." "Gray..." "And the child is gone," he said, pulling me further. "Let's forget about it. You had a past. We all do." I sniffed hard. "I... I was so scared. I swear, I didn't know about..." "Is that why you are crying? Because you are scared of what I would think?" I nodded slowly. "I mean. You had to see Samantha get pregnant and..." "You and Samantha are very different, Evangeline. You got pregnant by your ex, which is an honest mistake. You didn't try to keep it from me. She got pregnant by her affair partner. Don't you dare compare yourself to her again." I nodded slowly, tears rolling down my cheeks. He gave a small laugh, then kissed my tears away before leaning back. "You really need to rest now. I will be on the couch." "No," I said, holding his hand. "Stay here." He nodded slowly. "Give me a minute." He walked back to the bathroom, and when he returned, he was wearing a fresh set of pants, his hair a little damp and ruffled, his eyes tender. I moved for him, and he got into the bed next to me. I turned into him, my face buried in his chest, my eyes closing. He gently patted my back, his fingers running through my hair as he pelted small kisses on the side of my neck. "Thank you. Yet again. I don't know how I will ever repay you." He chuckled but said nothing and simply patted down my back. I closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of his skin on my face, my mind a bit more settled now.
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