
605 Words
"How dare you, Gray? How dare you..." "How dare I what, Aunt?" Gray asked as she yanked her hand away from him, then dramatically rubbed her wrists. "How dare I try to protect my own home and my own happiness? How dare I try to protect my own interests and my own family?" "You don't know what you are saying!" "I do," he answered without skipping a breath, and I am not sure if it was just me, but I heard his voice lightly shake. "I do know what I am saying. I have been married for what? A week now, or more, but there hasn't been a single day of sanity in this house. There hasn't been a moment of peace all because you chose to take the side of the woman who ruined my initial dreams of a happy home." "That does not excuse you marrying a gold digger. That does not excuse the fact that.." "In my books, it does. And in my books, Evangeline is as victimized by Samantha as I am. If there is anything, rather than all of these stupid tricks, she should be bowing her head in shame." "Gray," Samantha said, immediately going on her knees in front of him, her elbows pressing down on the sheets to keep them on her chest. "Please, I am begging you. Please. I was wrong. I know. I swear I do. I just want one more chance to be the perfect wife. I swear I can build all of those dreams..." "Why would I need a wife when I already have one?" "Gray," Aunt Maureen cut in, shielding Samantha with her body. "You can forgive the people you love. You can give them one more chance." Gray let out a small laugh. "I am guessing it doesn't apply to you, huh?" She turned away. "That is different." "Of course, it is. I was in the backseat. I should have miraculously stopped the accident or died with them. It's been over a decade, and yet, you still hold it against me. I don't think you are the one to advocate for forgiveness, aunt, when you can't even forgive your own family." "They were on the road because of you!" She yelled, her fists clenching. "My daughter died because of you!" "Well, I am glad she died," Gray said softly, his eye darting across both of hers, his anger reaching the point of extreme coldness. "Because her death severed the link between you and I, and I can protect my home from you if need be." Her eyes widened, and I could see her palms flatten. "How dare you!?" She yelled as she brought her hand to slap him. I knew Gray wouldn't get hit. I knew he could take care of himself, but something pushed me between them. Maybe it was the kisses we shared. The slight confidence. The fact that he had known about me. Maybe it was because he had done the same for me, but I got in front of him, slightly pushing him back. She slapped my face instead, her sharp spiky ring digging into my face and immediately drawing blood. She seemed surprised but not remorseful, and I moved back, pushing my hair back. "Evangeline," Gray said, his hands coming to my shoulders. I shook my head, then met her eyes. "If your goal was to frustrate us both, you won. We are tired of this." She opened her mouth to talk, but I turned, grabbed Gray's hand, and without a word, pulled him towards the exit and towards the car we had just gotten out of.
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