Naked Saga

514 Words
For a long while, none of us said a word. Gray turned away slowly, a hiss leaving his lips as he slowly walked into the room. Without a word, he grabbed a duffel bag from inside the closet and came back to the room. I stood there watching, dumbfounded as he leaned on the bed, his eyes thin with anger as he put all of the toys into the duffel and then walked away again. Before I could stop him, or even realize, he was back with cold water from the bathroom. "Gray," I managed to say before he doused the sleeping Samanths with the water, effectively waking her up. The small container he had brought the water in hit the floor, and he let out a small breath. She gave a loud yelp as she sat up and started to look around frantically. Her eyes met mine, and she immediately started to pull the sheets to herself, covering herself up. "What the f**k are you doing here? Get the f**k out!" She yelled at me, and like someone on autopilot, I started to turn away. "This is her f*****g room," Gray said, catching her by surprise as she turned to him. Her eyes widened, and I saw fear immediately lace them. "Gray," she said as she pulled the sheets even tighter around her, her chest heaving ass she started to make her way towards him. "Gray, I didn't know you were..." "Get the f**k away from me," he said, pushing the hand she was extending to him away. "And get the f**k out of my house." "Gray." "Now! Before I have security drag you out." "Gray. Please, I..." she started to say but swallowed. "Don't you remember all of the... uhmm... all of the..." "All of the what?" He asked, his voice going lower. "The things you sent to him in the texts I read? Was that what you were getting off to in my room?" I blinked, then slowly dropped the bag I was holding. She was starting to say something, but I didn't stop to hear it, as I covered the distance, put my fingers into her hair, and yanked it back. She screamed, but I had had enough of her trying to steal my men. She had succeeded with Kevin, and I wasn't going to stand by and watch her do it again with Gray. I didn't stop till she was downstairs, screaming her lungs off as she tried to keep the sheets around her. I didn't care who saw us, as I pulled her away towards the door. "You little wench!" Came Aunt Maureen's voice, followed by a hand cutting through air to hit my cheek hard. I let go of Samantha as she fell down to the floor in a heap of skin and sheets and awaited the impact of Au.t Maureen's slap. It never came, and when I opened my eyes, Gray was holding her hand mid-air, his other hand tucked inside his pockets, his eyes the epitome of restrained fire. "Don't you dare touch my wife."
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