
1020 Words
Seeing her brought back so many bad memories. From how gullible I was in quickly accepting her offer, to how stupid I was in helping Samantha, to how I hadn't even recognized Kevin's bracelet because I had trusted him so blindly that my mind could not even accept that it could be him in that car. I swallowed hard, my eyes watching her. She was wearing an attendant's uniform, and she was talking to someone else about something. My fists clenched, but when I moved my eyes, I saw Gray's. He was watching me keenly, his brows drawn. I shook my head, and my eyes fell on her again. How could she have done this to me? Suddenly, someone turned off a machine they had been using that had been such a constant source of noise that I had come to grow familiar with it. I could now hear the voices in the salon, and more particularly, Ava's voice. "Is there anyone that gullible?" Said the other girl she was talking to, and Ava started to laugh. She seemed very unaware of her surroundings, and she was leaning back very closely to Gray. I turned to him, and he seemed to notice something about her, but he seemed as little sceptical. "So what happened to her?" "Well, I don't know. She is probably nursing a broken heart or something. I bet she now feels stupid for, well, helping her boyfriend elope with another man's wife. And the other man, some billionaire trust fund kid, I heard he was in the psychiatry. Very abusive and mad. He was all sort of nuts. I am happy the wife got to leave." They broke into another round of laughter, and I felt my anger boil as she threw her head back, her hand on her mouth. I trusted this b***h. Not only did she facilitate me making a fool of myself, she was here, spreading gossip about me, and slandering my husband. I almost moved but decided against it when I saw her head lean dangerously towards Gray's lap. He was watching her, his hands clasped on his lap, his right brow raised. "Ava," the other attendant said in a hushed whisper, but she was far too immersed in her laughter to notice that the entire salon was looking at her, and she was leaning on Gray. "Oh, hello darling," Gray said, his hand moving a little as his eyes met hers. Her eyes flew open, and she immediately moved away and turned, a string of apologies falling off her mouth. She was now standing, her hand clasped in front of her, her face the picture of horror. I wasn't sure if that horror was because she had just disrespected a VIP customer or if she recognized Gray Gavin from the wedding that she helped sabotage. "I am so sorry! I was too immersed in...." "In gossiping about me, sweetheart?" Her eyes widened, and she looked up to Gray. I saw her face immediately turn pale, and her lips parted. "G... G..." "Say my name, sweetie. Gray Gavin. The abusive, mad, all sorts of nuts, ex psychiatric patient. Did I get that right?" She took a step back, her chest heaving. She looked like she was looking at a ghost. I slowly turned to her and got out of my chair. "I trusted you, Ava." Her breath seemed to cease as she turned to me, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm I knew was unhealthy, but I couldn't bring myself to care. "Ev... Evangeline." "Yes. Me. And let me introduce you. I mean, all the people you told about my story, how about I introduce you to my husband?" I saw all the attendants turn towards Gray, especially the other girl she had been gossiping with. "Gray Gavin. My husband," I said, raising my finger. "Abusive? Mad? Gullible? That's why you are here as an attendant, Ava. And I am here to have my hair done. That is why you are forever stuck as an errand girl, and that is why your mother disowned you two years ago." "Don't you dare talk about my mother!" She yelled, taking a step towards me. Gray grabbed her by the arm, and I saw the colour of his eyes shift to the feral darkness I had seen the night he married me. "If you dare f*****g touch my wife," he said through gritted teeth. "I will make sure seeing the sunlight becomes a fairytale to you." Her eyes widened. I knew just how scared everyone had been of Gray when we first went to the wedding. I could see the same fear in her eyes. Gray let go of her arm roughly and pulled p out his phone. "Do you want to bring in the manager, or do you want me to make sure none of attendants in here work again?" Two attendants immediately scrambled away as Ava and the other girl started to beg, with Ava going on her knees, tears filling her eyes. "Please, I beg of you. Please. I was stupid. I need this job, please!" "Why, sweetheart? Was Kevin too broke to pay you well?" "He didn't pay me at all, I swear." "Then why did you do it?" I asked, walking towards her. "Why would you do that to me?" "I was jealous!" She said, tears streaming down her face. "You had everything, and I was happy..." "I had nothing!" I yelled, tears running down my cheek. "I had nothing except Kevin. I didn't even have a stable job like you." "Evangeline, please. Please, I beg of you." "f**k off," I said, moving away. "You deserve every bad thing that comes your way. You are a selfish, vindictive b***h, and if you dare go around slandering my husband like that again, I will make sure I come for you myself. He is more mentally stable than you ever will be." Without thinking, I turned to Gray, grabbing his hand. I was nowhere near as tall or as strong as him, but he let me pull him towards the restroom.
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