Wildly Tame

1270 Words
I soon got over my butterflies, not completely, but enough to go outside where Gray was sitting. The dress was hanging back on the rack, and I say next to him on the couch, my hands resting on my thighs, my eyes sneaking glances at him. He was alternating between being on his phone and slowly sipping from the glass of wine that another attendant had brought in earlier. "Is there something on my face?" He asked suddenly,and I turned away, my bottom lip coming between my teeth, my chest heaving. "Well... no. I was just... uhm. No, you don't." He reached to me with the glass of wine he had been drinking from. "Care for wine?" I looked up at the glass, then to him. He was watching me, his eyes low. Well, it was always low, but it was now lower. "Why do you keep giving me things to share with you?" He raised a brow. "What do you mean?" "You gave me your half eaten croissant earlier." He seemed to think about it for a while, and without a word, he leaned forward, grabbed the empty glass of wine sitting on the small table, filled it halfway, and then leaned back as he stretched his hand to me. "Here." I looked down at the glass and then at his eyes. He didn't seem hurt or anything, but I now knew more than anything that Gray was not a man who wore his emotions on his face. I have been lucky these past few days, but I can't always count on it. And I didn't hate sharing with him. I sighed, then leaned, trying my best not to mind the proximity that put us in and grabbed his left hand, which now held the glass he had been drinking from. I watched as his eyes darkened a bit, and I tipped his hand slowly, letting the wine slowly slip between my lips. His eyes took on a grey hue darker than any storm I had ever seen, and I felt my heart skip a beat. Hell, I was dancing tango with fire, and f**k me, I wanted to be burned so bad. It was like the entire universe was on my side because as I started to lean away, Gray swiftly dropped the other glass of wine, and his fingers cupped my shin, bringing me back to him, his eyes boring through me. My lips were still wet with the wine that I had clumsily let slip, but I couldn't help it. The position had been unconventional, and the wine had fallen off my lips on its own. His eyes bored through mine for a while before he finally pulled me closer to him, his thumb running right below my lips, cleaning off the wine. I had just begun to wonder why he wasn't wiping off the one on my lips when he suddenly leaned to me. My eyes widened, and I watched as he ran his tongue over my lips, replacing the tangy wine with his soft, beautiful breath. My hand instinctively pressed into his thigh, and my eyes closed as my heartbeat threatened to break right through the roof. Slowly, he pulled away, his eyes holding mine for a while more. My chest was heaving hard, and I felt almost dizzy. My lips parted, and slowly, I bit down on my bottom lip, then sucked it in. I saw his eyes drift to my lips, and he gave a small, satisfied smile. Before he turned away, letting out a soft breath. And just like that, I am a puddle right at his feet yet again, unable to think beyond the random bursts of pleasure that he knew too well how to give me. I turned away, my hand coming over my heart. I had an answer for my question from earlier. It would hurt. At this point, maybe not as much as what Kevin had done, but if Gray walked away, it would hurt. It made me want to be greedy. Made me want to wear his ring with pride. I looked down at my finger. I was wearing the ring, alright. I turned and he was wearing his too. A smile crept up my lips, and I took a deep breath. An attendant suddenly came in, holding a dark red velvet box. She settled it in front of Gray and then handed me a tablet. "Please choose the dresses you would like to try on, and it will be brought here." It was massively convenient, and I swiped through, checking the dresses. I picked two other dresses and started to hand over the tablet before Gray raised his eyes to me. "Is that enough for a closet?" My brows furrowed. "What?" "I want you to pick enough clothes for a closet." "But... there are clothes at home." "Clothes that were meant for another woman. I want you to have things that are actually for you." I blinked, then nodded slowly. I hadn't even cared that those clothes at home had been for Samantha, and it felt so good that he had given that a thought. I smiled, then turned back to the tablet. I found myself showing him a few to get his opinion on them. He didn't seem like he was in a hurry at all, and for the next hour, I was simply picking dresse and shoes from a tablet. Once I was done, I handed the tablet back, then settled on the couch. "That was exhausting." Gray said nothing and simply swirled the wine in his fingers. "Ma'am?" I looked up, and another attendant was leaning over me. "Yes?" "Please come with us to the salon." I turned to Gray, and he gave a nod of approval. I slowly stood up and turned once more, my eyes holding his. How do I tell him I want him to come with me since I have never done anything like this? I don't even know what I would do or have any idea about what I would want them to do on my face. His eyes held mine, and he took a final sip of his wine, then dropped the glass. "What do you want?" I bit down on his lips. "I... I was just wondering if you would come with me." He raised a brow, and I shook my head. "I meant, I was just asking." He didn't reply, and I turned away, following the attendant briskly. I was red with embarrassment as I just let myself look needy as hell. I shook my head, trying to shake off the memory as we got to the massive salon. There were mirrors and lights everywhere, makeup equipment carefully arranged, hair accessories and essentials arranged on another rack. "Please sit here," the attendant said to me, and I took the seat, then sighed, running my fibbers through my hair. Suddenly, my eyes caught a reflection behind me. Gray was standing by the door, his eyes locked on mine in the mirror, his bead titled lightly to the right. I fought against my facial muscles, but it was a battle I had already lost as the smile ripped through me anyway. My eyes lowered, and when I looked up, he was sitting comfortably on the waiting seats, his eyes still focused on me. My smile, however, fell as I saw someone else right beside him. It was Ava. The friend who had helped Kevin get me out of the house and landed me the job because they knew I would help Samantha escape. The little vixen.
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