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(Skyler) I got to work making some calls talking to the victim and the witness. I then wrote some emails and went over the case again. A knock echoed in my office. “Come in” I said, without looking up. “Miss Morales, we’re going out to lunch, and we would like you to join us” I heard Gloria say. I looked up to see Mr. Trevor, Mr. Kempt, Mr. Jacob, and Mr. Blake. I guess Mr. Locklear is not joining them. I looked at the clock on my computer and my eyes widened, seeing how fast time had gone by. “Sure” I smiled. I got up, grabbed my vest, put it on, then I grabbed my bag and followed them to the elevator. “There’s this new restaurant that we have been dying to go to, but we have been so busy, but we decided to take some time out of our schedule to treat you out to lunch as a welcome to the company” Mr. Kempt said. “Oh, that’s very sweet of you all. Thank you”, I smiled as we all stepped into the elevator. We headed down. “So how are you doing with your first case?” Gloria asked. “It’s going. I had a meeting set up with the defendant and his lawyer. According to the defendant, he wants to try to settle everything without going to court. I spoke with the victim, but she wants time to think about this”, I said. “What do you think?” Mr. Kempt asked. “It doesn’t hurt to hear what he has to say and if she doesn’t like it then we can head to court” I said. “Do you know who Chris White is?” Mr. Trevor asked. Who doesn’t know who Chris White is? He’s the mayor’s son. He’s entitled, cocky, and just plain out rude. “Yes, Mr. Trevor. I know who Mr. White is, and I’m sure Mayor White knows that his son committed a very serious crime. Miss Johnson could have died if it hadn’t been for the witness. If this goes to court, I’m not going to go easy on him because his father is the mayor”, I said. “I like her. We made a good decision in bringing her in. No one is above the law” Mr. Jacob said. Everyone nods and I can’t help but blush. The door to the elevator opens and we step out. Just as we’re walking out the door, I feel a presence with a powerful aura behind me. I had a feeling who it was, but I wanted to make sure. I looked back to see it was him. It was Mr. Locklear. “Glad you could join us Ethan”, Mr. Jacob said. Everyone continued to talk about different things as we walked to the restaurant. When we arrived at a beautiful Italian restaurant, we were greeted by a young female. “Buon pomeriggio. Quanti?” (Good afternoon. How many?) the female asked. “Buon pomeriggio. Siamo in sette” (Good afternoon. There are seven of us) Gloria says. “Ovviamente. Per favore seguimi” (Of course. Please follow me) the female said. We were seated at a table. The ambiance of the restaurant is nothing short of enchanting! As you step through the door, you’re immediately transported to a world of dolce vita, where the rich aromas of freshly baked pasta, roasted meats, and simmering sauces waft through the air, tantalizing your senses. The interior is a masterclass in elegance, with high ceilings, ornate chandeliers, and walls adorned with vintage Italian posters, antique maps, and oil paintings. The walls are painted a warm, creamy shade of beige, while the floor is polished to a high gloss, reflecting the soft glow of the table lamps. The tables are set with crisp white linen, fine china, and crystal glasses, each one carefully arranged to create a sense of sophistication. Candles flicker softly, casting a warm, golden light across the faces of the diners. The atmosphere is lively yet intimate, with the gentle hum of conversation and the clinking of glasses providing a soothing background melody. This is a place to come for a first romantic date. I can’t help but look at Mr. Locklear only to see he was already looking at me. Heat rises up my neck and to my face and I quickly look away from him. The air is thick with the scent of freshly ground espresso and a sweet aroma of freshly baked bread, making my mouth water in anticipation. To the left of the entrance, a beautifully crafted bar stretches along the wall, where expert mixologists are busy crafting craft cocktails and pouring glasses of fine wine. The shelves behind the bar are stocked with an impressive selection of Italian spirits, including limoncello and grappa. In the center of the restaurant, a stunning open kitchen allows diners to watch as chefs prepare each dish with precision and flair. The kitchen is equipped with state of the arts appliances and cookware, but it’s the attention to detail and dedication to using only the freshest ingredients that truly sets this restaurant apart. The menu is a love letter to Italy’s rich culinary heritage, with dishes inspired by the country’s various regions. You might start with an antipasto platter featuring cured meats, artisanal cheeses, and fresh vegetables, followed by a pasta dish like handmade fettuccine Alfredo or spaghetti carbonara. The main courses might include roasted meats like veal, or lamb chops, or seafood options like grilled swordfish or risotto with lobster. “Ecco it tuo menu” (Here is your menu) the female says placing the menus in front of us, but when she got to Mr. Locklear I saw her fingers brush against his, and she winked at him. For some reason, anger took over me, so I looked away and took a deep breath. Why am I getting angry? Mr. Locklear has nothing to do with me. “Il tuo cameriere sarà propriocon te” (Your waiter will be right with you). I look at the drinks. Not long after the female leaves, a cute young man comes to the table. “Ciao, mi chiamo Felipe e saro il tuo cameriere. Possò iniziare con qualcosa da bere?” (Hello, my name is Felipe and I will be your waiter. May I start you with something to drink?) Felipe, our waiter asks. Everyone orders their drink, then the waiter looks at me and gives me a smile. “Miss Morales, would you like me to order for you? I know not everyone speaks Italian” Mr. Locklear says. I don’t know if he was trying to be nice or trying to get on my nerves. “No need, Mr. Locklear, but thank you for offering”, I smiled before turning to Felipe. “Vorrei una limonata per favore” (I Will have a lemonade please), I said, making Felipe smile as he wrote things down. Gloria ordered some appetizers, then Felipe left. “So you speak Italian. What other languages do you know?” Mr. Jacob asked. “Yes, you said you speak other languages, but you were never specific” Gloria said. “I speak seven languages. Spanish, German, Russian, French, Portuguese, Italian, and Hungarian” I said truthfully. “Wow. I can hear a slight accent. Is English your first language?” Gloria asked. “No, Spanish is my first language” I said truthfully. After our appetizer, we order our food. We make small talk and I try to keep the topics away from me. “Why is a human working among supernatural creatures?” Mr. Locklear asked. “Ethan” Mr. Blake says. “It’s okay, Mr. Blake” I said, before looking at Mr. Locklear. “This is the best law firm in the world and I want to work for the best” I said, leaving out the other reason. “Why do I feel like that’s not everything?” Mr. Locklear says. “Because is not. Whatever the other reasons are, they are my personal reasons” I said, and I saw Gloria smile behind her glass. I finish eating my food and then excuse myself to use the bathroom. I go to the bathroom and take out my toothpaste and toothbrush from my bag and brush my teeth. When I’m done, I take a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror before heading out, only to come face to face - well, more like face to chest with none other than Mr. Locklear. “What are you hiding?” he asks, pushing me against the wall. I felt an electric shock and I gasped, pulling away from him. It didn’t hurt but I was just surprised. “Mr. Locklear, my personal life is none of your business”, I said. “Skyler” he says my name and a delicious shiver runs down my spine. My heart started to race as I looked up into his beautiful green eyes. My eyes then go to his lips and he growls lowly. I closed my eyes trying to calm down. My phone suddenly rings, making me jump. I took out my phone and answered it. “This is Miss Morales speaking” I said. “Miss Morales, this is Sara Johnson. I thought about it, and I’m ready to listen to what Mr. White has to say. Can we meet in fifteen minutes?” she asks. “Yes, I’m on my way to the office. I will give Mr. White and his lawyer a call right now”, I said. I looked at Mr. Locklear and he arches an eyebrow. “Okay, I will see you there” she says before hanging up the phone. “Excuse me, I have to head back to the office” I said, before slipping away and going to the table. “Please excuse me, but I have to head back to the office” I said as I got my wallet out, but Gloria placed a hand on top of mine. “It’s on us. It’s our way of saying welcome to the firm”, Gloria said, and I looked at Mr. Locklear. “Thank you again. I had a lovely time. Again, I apologize, but I have to leave”, I said. “Don’t worry about it. We know how it is” Mr. Trevor said and I smiled before waving and leaving. As I walked out of the restaurant, I could feel Mr. Locklear’s eyes on me. ***

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