Chapter 22 - First Trouble (1)

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Although Telph acted as Cain's guide inside the city, it was Cain who guided Telph after they left the city perimetres. "Is the Stan estate located outside the city, young master?" Telph asked out of pure curiosity. "Yeah." Cain's casual and indifferent response made Telph not ask anymore questions. Telph was feeling rather guilty at that moment. It was because of what happened earlier at the restaurant. As Cain had said, he bought a feast and, considering that the restaurant doesn't make deliveries, they had to carry a whole bunch of food containers. Cain, who had the appearance of a teenager, looked quite weak on the outside carrying all of those food containers. And Telph, who was skin and bones, couldn't possibly carry even half of it. Cain thought that he could use magic because it was troublesome to carry all of those at once, but unfortunately, Filzer hadn't taught him how to do levitation magic. "I-I'll carry it, young master!" Telph, who seemed to be contemplating what to do, had a fear-stricken look on his face as he stared at the mountain of food containers and suggested carrying it all. "Haa. Forget it." Cain stepped forward to the food containers and carried three out of the ten huge boxes without any effort and gave them to Telph. "You carry three, I'll carry the rest." Cain carried the seven food containers which were left. “Y-Yes, young master.” Telph followed Cain out of the restaurant and now they were on their way to the Stan estate. “What are you daydreaming about?” Telph snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Cain. “Oh, it’s nothing, young… master?!” Telph’e eyes widened as he looked at the scenery in front of him. In front of him was none other than the Stan estate, which looked nothing more than an abandoned haunted house but now looked more grand than the Marquis’ estate. Telph was born and raised in Heloin city. He grew up here, so it was only natural for him to know every single corner of the inner and outer corners of the city. However, he had never seen this estate ever since he was born. “B-But how?!” Telph stammered as he stared at the humongous mansion in front of him. “Just shut up and let’s go inside. I’m dying of hunger.” Cain sighed and waved his hand before the massive gate and it automatically opened. Telph followed him inside while making sure to take in the view unfolding in front of him. He didn’t see anyone but the massive gate opened on its own! “Haa. At least help us carry these containers. Do you enjoy watching such fragile people carry such big containers?” Cain talked to himself. No, he talked to someone who Telph couldn’t see. Telph thought that Cain was talking to him if only he hadn’t addressed both of them in his sentence. He was curious about what was happening. However, he soon found the answer after a few seconds. The food containers which he and Cain were carrying suddenly floated in the air. “Hieek!!!” Telph was genuinely surprised. Cain noticed this but didn’t bother explaining. No, he just couldn’t care less because it was troublesome. Although Telph managed to regain his composure, he was still unable to fully calm himself. It had been a few minutes but they were still yet to arrive at the humongous mansion which looked so close earlier. He kept looking to his right, then left, and thought that seeing another person who helped him calm down, but no matter where he looked, he still hadn't laid eyes upon a single soul. "Haaa." Not to mention, Cain, who had been sighing since earlier, didn't help at all. "Uhmm…" Telph hesitated. "What is it?" "Young master, are we perhaps trapped in some kind of illusion?" Telph gathered up his courage and asked. "Haa. No, it's just that an old man keeps wanting me to suffer. I'm sorry for making you suffer with me." Cain sighed once more and brushed his hair back. "An old man? Are you perhaps referring to Count Stan?" Telph asked. "Yes, that old man seems to find joy in watching me have a hard time," Cain said, and wiped the sweat which rolled down his chin. Telph stared at him with confusion. It wasn't hot at all. It was windy and the wind was also cold because it was already night. 'Is young master sick?' Telph thought to himself as he looked at Cain with worry. Of course, that wasn't the case. 'That old man is really getting on my nerves!' Cain tried his very best not to lash out. He was doing quite very well at holding back his anger. He was feeling irritated because of no other than Filzer. The ancient Dragon had thermal magic, it was a lot more than just thermal because Cain felt like he was bathing in a hot spring in the middle of a smoking desert. Humid is an easy word for it, but the actual feeling was like a pressed toasted bread. Cain breathed out, he could feel how the breath he just let out was hotter than a person having a 40 degree Celsius fever. Also, that's no exaggeration. If it was not for the mixed energies in his core, which he had continuously circulated to every part of his body to cool it, he would have been dead a long time ago. Cain stopped walking while trying to catch his breath, which made Telph, who was right beside him, stop, too. "Is there something wrong, young ma-" "Huu! Can't you stop this already!" Cain drew a breath and shouted at the top of his lungs. Telph, who Cain didn't let finish his sentence, shivered like a kitten. "I-is… D-Did I, perhaps, ma, make a mistake?" Telph asked while stuttering badly. His pupils were shaking along with his body. Cain didn't pay him any attention as he looked straight at the humongous mansion. Three seconds passed and the silence grew longer. Telph felt the cold wind brushing his skin. It wasn't any kind of breeze that kept passing and Telph noticed this. However, that wasn't the only thing he noticed. In his peripheral vision, he could see the humongous mansion, which was several metres away earlier, now in front of them. "Ah!" Telph couldn't help but gasp. 'What just happened? I know that everything was magic but there is no way an average mage could make ten objects float while using whatever magic they used just now!' Telph was panicking at the thought of meeting such a talented mage for the very first time. And at the same time he was confused. "But there hasn't any Great Mage in Heloin city ever since it was founded?" He mumbled to himself.
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