Chapter 26 - First Trouble (4)

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Telph was buying things necessary for the task that Cain gave him. Of course, Cain would be the one to pay for everything. While Telph did his work, Cain looked around for things that might interest him. He looked at the bookstore, weaponry, armory, and more. He was waiting for Telph to finish so they could go and buy some groceries. “Uhm, young master, is it really okay for me to get whatever I want?” Telph nervously looked at Cain. “Yeah, just get whatever you like.” Cain said indifferently and continued looking around while Telph went to a different stall. ‘Hmm. I wonder what I should cook? The dishes in this world are not that different from my world, but still… cooking the dishes from my world with this world’s ingredients is kind of…’ Cain, as of the moment, was seriously thinking about what he should be cooking for them. ‘Well, even if it works I don’t know if I’ll be able to find the right ingredients here–’ ‘Cain.’ Cain’s thoughts suddenly came to a halt. The ancient Dragon, Filzer, had used telepathy to call him. ‘Can you bring me some monster corpse right now?’ “What do you even need it for?” Cain spoke. The person beside him looked at him as if he was insane and that he was talking to himself. Of course, that was only because the person, no, rather the dragon he was speaking to could, even with the long distance between them. ‘To prove Stan's family’s worth. Also, the monster corpse you’ll bring. It’ll be preferable if it’s big and strong.’ Filzer spoke through his mind once again, which meant that he heard him. Cain looked at where Telph was. ‘I can’t just leave him here alone, but I also can’t ignore the old man’s request. Oh well, since he was asking nicely, I’ll bring it to him.’ Cain left the stall he was in and walked next to Telph. “I need to leave first. It seems like the old man had some problems while we were away.” Telph looked at Cain with his eyes wide and dropped the book he was holding. “Is the master alright?” Telph’s eyes were instantly filled with worry after Cain mentioned that something had happened to the ancient Dragon, Filzer. ‘Since when did that old man become your master?’ Cain’s brows raised after Telph called Filzer, ‘master’, Cain felt a tiny, just a tiny bit, of jealousy. He thought that it was only normal to feel that way because, after all, it was him who saved him from getting killed. Well, his thought seemed to be a little bit (?) exaggerated. But, oh well, since it was the truth, we shouldn’t argue with it. “Nothing too serious. It seemed that the Marquis paid him a little visit.” Telph’s eyes went wide for a second. ‘That’s not serious?!’ Telph decided to contemplate the descriptions of Cain’s vocabulary while he had time later on. No, actually, he needed to study it as soon as possible. “T-Then, let’s leave right away!” Telph jumped and looked like he was ready to go to war. “No, you’ll stay and do your thing while I go alone. Here,” Cain grabbed Telph’s hand and put the pouch filled with the money they managed to gain yesterday. “Use that to pay for your things. I’ll go back as soon as possible after helping the old man and help you with the groceries.” Cain ran as soon as he finished his sentence, not leaving Telph with even a single second to object. Cain arrives at the border between the Great Lands and the city of Heloin. He had come here thinking that he shouldn't waltz in through the entrance and come back out with a monster corpse in his hands. He climbed the 10 metre wall like it was nothing and jumped down to the other side. Of course, he made sure that no one saw him as he did that. Right after landing on the other side, Cain gathered his strength in his legs and ran with booming strength. He had to find a strong monster immediately and bring it to Filzer. 'Wouldn't want the old man to be shamed by that Marquis.' Cain thought that he couldn't allow his old man to be looked down upon by a mere Marquis. He thought that now that he was also a part of the Stan family he needed to do his best to make it have a good reputation. Although, Cain himself doesn't know how to do that as he had always ruined his reputation back when he was still a king. However, he decided that he wouldn't worry about that and let the ancient Dragon handle annoying stuff like that and only provide assistance when needed, just like now. At that moment, Cain made eye contact with a lizardae, a type of monster that took the body of a lizard and could lay eggs. "Found it." Cain had found his prey. It was his first time to encounter something like a lizard, but based on its appearance, it should only have two to three types of attack. The lizardae had a long tail with what looked like spikes in it. "It's just like a bat," Cain commented upon seeing its tail. It was inded like a bat that were filled with nails dugged into it. From that moment on, the battle was decided. 'I just need to make that tail unable to move, then everything would be easy.' Cain thought as he charged at his opponent. His first move was a feint. He made it look like he was going to attack it head on and when the lizardae moved to defend, Cain immediately changed his attack pattern and grabbed the spikes on its tail and kicked its legs. There was a cracking noise after he did that. It was the lizardae's tail bone breaking. The joint connecting its tail with its spine broke like a twig under Cain's strength, which was honed for years when he was still king. Of course, Cain couldn't exert anything because he was still taking his teenage form. The lizardae started squirming and rampaging but it couldn't move its tail any more. It was about to attack Cain with its legs but he evaded it and tore one of the spikes from its broken tail. "Let me let you feel how your spikes hurt, yes?" Cain smiled, but his eyes were more serious than ever. The lizardae glared at him as if it understood what he had just said. It rushed to him out of anger, but what can a monster who had lost his weapon do against someone like Cain? It was a mere minute before the lizardae let out its last shriek and fell down. Cain had used its tail like a knife and cut multiple wounds on the lizardae's large body, which resulted in his covered-in-blood state. After the fight, Cain grabbed one of the lizardae's spikes and dragged it on the ground as he ran towards the border once again.
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