Chapter 47: It was gone

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Telph stood still looking at the ground with nothing in his mind. He could not think of anything except for the fact that Cain was not there. He didn't come back with the rest of them and the person who he wanted to protect Cain the most and trusted that would protect the person who saved him was standing in front of him with no emotions in his face as if there was nothing wrong. "Master, is what you said true?" Telph asked to confirm what he just heard. Alexander started to head in their direction at that very moment. Limping with his hand on his side where the wound he received from his father was, he headed towards the two people who seemed to not be rational enough to have a conversation. "What Count Stan said was the truth." Telph looked behind him after hearing Alexander's voice. "Who are you?" Telph was throwing daggers at Alexander with his gaze. On the other hand, Alexander only looked at him with sad eyes which masked the pity he was feeling towards the person standing in front of him. "I am Alexander, one of the subjugation party members. I was there when everything happened. If you'd like, I can tell you the whole story of what happened." Alexander spoke in a calm voice. He did not need to raise Telph's chaotic emotions by being chaotic himself. "..." Telph could not utter a word after Alexander finished his sentence. It was a few moments later when someone finally broke the silence slowly engulfing the two of them. "Alexander, come live with us. I am sure that you don't have anywhere to go and while you are living with us I can also do you a favor and treat your wound." Filzer proposed and made telph snap his head towards him. He was shocked by the ancient Dragon's proposition towards a man that he clearly did not know. "I would politely refuse your offer-" Alexander couldn't finish his sentence because Filzer spoke and said: "I'm sure that Cain would like that as well. I'm doing this for his sake." Alexander flinched at Filzer's words and at the mention of Cain's name. Meanwhile, Telph now had a clue as to who Alexander was and what was his relationship with the Stan family or so, he thought. "Bringing up his name is cheating, Count Stan." Alexander had a smile in his face, but his forehead had a crease. He looked defeated and in agony. Although Filzer did not know if it ws because his wound hurt or because of the mere thought of Cain's name. Alexander held cain dear to him even though the time they spent together was short. The teenage kid made him feel emotions that he never thought he would feel. Such emotions were similar to wishing for something, desperation to fight something and save someone. And most of all wishing that he became part of the people that Cain holds dear. For the first time, Alexander felt like he was a family to someone who was not his real family. Cain had such an impact on him to the point where he changed as a person. "Let's talk about the things after we heal your wound. You have been enduring it for the whole time during our travel back here." Filzer was the one to walk away first before the two men walked behind him. They walked in silence before reaching the Stan estate. *** With his wound partially healed and the agony decreased, Alexander was ready to speak about what occured back at the Great Lands. They were at the dining hall which was rarely used as Filzer, Cain, and Telph always ate at the counter by the kitchen. In the long table, at the center of the hall, was a feast probably prepared for their comeback. The feast looked so appetizing and mouth wavering, but the situation made the supposedly lively and cheerful atmosphere to be quiet and dreary. The three of them sat and Alexander could not help but feel awkward to see the plate in front of him which was initially supposed to be Cain's. He started to explain everything, from he start to finish, making sure that he explained why Cain couldn't come back with them. "So, what you mean to say was that young master was still alive when you left?! How could you leave him..." Telph did not dare to finish his sentence. He couldn't let himself lost in his emotions. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you had your reasons. I don't feel hungry yet, so master and mr. Alexander can eat without me." Telph stood up and went out of the kitchen with his shoulders hanging low. His steps were light, but they felt heavy with sadness in Alexander's ears. "Cain..." Filzer uttered Cain's name after a few minutes of silence. "That kid, I'm sure that he is alive. I will make sure of it." Alexander saw how Filzer's eyes gleamed with determination. He did not know why, but he knew that Filzer would definitely fulfill his words and not break his promise. Days pass by so fast, each of those days, Filzer healed Alexander's wounds in the morning before disappearing for the entire day and only returning at dusk. 'He must be going to the Great Lands and watching over Cain.' Alexander thought one night as he watched Filzer come back in the middle of the night from the balcony of the room he was provided with. He knew that if it were Filzer, he would be able to traverse the path to where they fought the demonoid without any problems. Because he knew and saw with his own eyes just how strong Filzer was. 'I hope that he finds a way to break the black orb and bring back Cain.' Alexander frowned, he hated how he was so useless. His wound would be completely healed tomorrow and he planned to join Filzer in his way back to the destroyed demonoid's lair to check on Cain too. *** Meanwhile, the moonlight which was the only source of light in the forest located at the Great Lands were temporarily covered entirely. An eclipse had occured and after a few seconds, the moon shone down on the ground. But the black orb was no more and the person lying inside it was gone along with it.
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