Chapter 35: A wise decision... Not!(2)

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Cain looked toward Filzer expecting the ancient Dragon to have a look that could kill, but contrary to his expectations, Filzer wore a nonchaant look in his face. Cain felt chiills running down his back as he stared at Filzer's expression. Cain immediately pulled Telph away from Filzer and went to the podium where the Marquis was standing proud in front of his people with a wide grn in his face. He had not a single thought about what he did wrong nor what the consequences of his actions were. Cain reached the podium and grabbed Marquis Heloin's hands. Since he was in his teenager form, he was naturally smaller than the Marquis which made the older man tower over him but that did not even make Cain feel scared. What scares him the mst at this moment was Filzer exploding. "Marquis Heloin, can I have a word for a minute." Cain looked up to Marqius Heloin's face and saw that his eyes were glowing. He was enjoying the situattion he had created. "If it's alright, I'd to have it privately." Cain threw a glance towards the crowd before adding. "Of course, we shall go to the estate to discuss any problems." Marquis lead the way to his carriage after saying a coupe of words and his goodbyes to the crowd. *** Inside the drawing room, in Marquis Heloin excessively huge estate, sat Cain and Filzer. Telph was excluded to the privte meeting to prevent any unnecessary injury that he might get if ever a fight broke up. "So, what is it that you want to tell me,,, young Stan?" Marquis leaned back on the couch and smiled towards Cain who was staring at him blankly. "I have some concerns about the tournament." Cain started, slowly leaning forward to show the severity of his thoughts. "Yes, and that is?" "it is actually an 'are'. You see, holding a tournament instead of just forming a party with your most skilled knights and soldiers would have been enough manpower to subjugate a new demonoid." Cain put emphasis on the word new and paused waiting for the marquis's reaction. However, his face remained calm as he nodded, signalling Cain to continue what he was saying. "It is unreasonable to have the civillians involved in this matter. We will have more casualties if inexperienced civillians become part of the subjugation party." Cain tried to express himself. However..., "And that is why I am providing them with the experience of fighting with the help of the tournament." Marquis Heloin insisted on his initial idea. "Yes. They will have experience fighting humans but not monsters-" Cain did not manage to finish his sentence when Filzer slammed his hand on the center table. "Marquis Heloin, don't you think being greedy will cause you to lose something much more worthwhile than to what you are greeding for? If every single person in this city dies or leaves, whose Lord are you going to be? The Stan family will not be participating anymore in the demonoid subjugation." Filzer grabbed Cain's arm and pulled him up from his seat. "Wh-what are you talking about-" "I shall inform His Majesty about the existence of the demonoid and request for his help. Well then, if you'll excuse us." Filzer headed to the door with Cain without looking back. Marquis Heloin's teeth grinded against each other as the door to the drawing room was slammed close. On the other side of the door, stood the head butler with a tray in his hands containing tea and three sets of tea cups. "Count Stan? Is your talk with the Marquis finished?" Innocently, the butler looked at Filzer's emotionless face before flinching over the door opened with a bang. "The demonoid subjugation..." The marquis was looking at the floor without having the courage to look up at Filzer and Cain. "The demonoid subjugation shall commence tomorrow at dawn. Prepare all the knights and soldiers and the necessary equipment for the travel!" Marquis Heloin announced. "Yes. Yes?!" The butler was flustered at the sudden declaration made by the marquis. "Did you not hear me? Go and inform the people immediately!" The marquis roared in the head butler's face. "Y-yes, master!" The head butler scuffled to his feet to spread the marquis's words. Only the three men are left once again. "Count Stan, would you still back out from the subjugation party?" Marquis Heloin asked with cautious eyes studying Filzer's face. "I shall see you at the entrance before dawn tomorrow." And with that, both Filzer and Cain left with light steps. On their way outside the estate, they were joined by Telph who was in the estate's garden looking at the blooming flowers with a smile on his face. "Did your conversation go well?" Telph asked, curious about the meeting's outcome. "As well as that smile on your face." Filzer commented without much thought. Telph covered his lips with his hands and felt that the side of his lips were really up. His face flushed from embarrassment, but Cain and Filzer only laughed about it. *** That night, Cain and Filzer decided about one thing. They would not bring Telph with them to the demonoid subjugation tomorrow. Telph was against the idea for a few hours but after explaining that he had other job and his specialty was different from fighting he had no choice but to give up on his thought of accompanying them. Instead of glossing over the fact that he didn't make it to the subjugation party, he helped Filzer and Cain to prepare for the big day tomorrow. It was already late a night after they finished with their preparation and each went to their respective rooms to rest. Except for Cain, who stayed up all night staring at his ceiling. *** At midnight, a soldier who was on patrol near the border was attacked. The thing that attacked him was a pack of direwolves with a trace of leash on their necks. The demonoid had grown stronger along with its army which have gotten bigger in just a matter of few days. The bad feeling Cain had throughout the night might become a premonition to what was about to happen.
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