Chapter 21

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  *  Days had passed and I hadn't seen him, but he did leave me a bracelet with a note telling me to never remove it, not even while I showered. It was the first thing he ever got me so I wasn't taking it off and it was cute and gold. (I'm not superficial but it looks expensive)  I was working more since I hadn't been and because I needed to take my mind off of him so I stayed later then normal no matter how much Nelson and Maggie tried to get me to go home early. I even made up jobs to do like helping the janitors or going through files that I had already combed through.  I rarely ever went home and when I did, it was just to workout, bathe and sleep. Nelson and Maggie also kept trying to talk me into leaving but I kept putting it off because I really didn't want to leave in case Dean needed me.  I had also already lost both of my parents, I didn't want to lose my mate too. He wants me to trust and believe in his plan and I want to so bad. Areta never had anything to say, she only reminded me when we needed to train.  "Hey pretty lady!" says Maggie when I answer my front door. "Hey guys, what's going on?" "Well since you're not leaving on your own, we're here to help you pack," "You need to at least go for a week to make him sweat a little" says Nelson with a smirk. "Yeah, he will keep dragging his feet if he sees that all he has to do is to give you a little smile and you get weak in the knees," she says as she goes to my drawer to pull out my undies, while he goes to my closet and pulls out dresses.  "Oh my," "So many colors to choose from," he say as he sifts through them. "I can't believe you guys are forcing me to go on a vacation," I laugh. "It's for your own good" he says as he grabs two of my suitcases down out of my closet.  "You know what?" "Why not pack light and buy a whole new wardrobe from Italy?" he says as he stuffs a few things inside. "That is a great idea!" says Maggie. "I guess, but you know I'm not style savvy" "Yes you are and you can't go wrong in Italy'' he says as he looks through my shoes.  "Give me a minute guys" I say when someone rings the doorbell. "We're on a mission!" laughs Maggie as I hurry to the door. "Hey baby" says Dean as he hugs me. "Oh, hi Dean" I say nervously as I hug him back.  I haven't seen him and he just happened to come when my friends are packing my bags. "What's wrong?" he asks probably noticing my nervousness.  "Nothing just hanging with Nelson and Maggie'' "Ugh, they're here,?" "Yes, in my room" he walks back towards my room when they start chanting. ''We're going on a trip, we're going on a trip!'' (Why guys?) (They aren't even going) I panic as I follow close behind him.  "What's going on here?!" he asks as they toss around my clothes. "Well if you must know, my girl is going on a trip to Italy!" "Nelson," I say as I nervously look at Dean whose eyes are darker. "You're leaving, and what do you mean your girl!?" he says to me and then he glares at Nelson.  "Only for a short while Dean," I say as I grab his hand so that he doesn't flip. "When were you going to tell me,?" "It was just decided today Dean" "She needs a breather" says Maggie as she adds more clothes into one of my suitcases.  "Get out both of you!" "You aren't going anywhere, Deni!" he says as he grabs my arm. "Who are you to tell her where she's going,?" asks Nelson as he looks at Dean's hold on me.  "Nelson please," I say as I touch his shoulder. "Don't touch him!" yells Dean as he pulls me into a hug. "I'm just trying to calm you both so that you don't fight again,"       "Yeah, as hot as that would be some things would definitely get broken" says Maggie. I roll my eyes and walk with them to my front door after i carefully peel my arm out of Deans grip.  "I'll see you guys tomorrow at work okay" I say as they hug me. "Okay beautiful, but call us if you need us" he says as he walks out as Maggie waves. "Dean, what did you do?!" I ask as I look at my broken suitcases and some of my clothes on the floor. "You can't ever leave me," he cries as he grabs me and brings me roughly to my bed. "No Dean!" I say as he rips my blouse and then my slacks.  "You were going to leave me," he says angrily as he pulls down his pants and immediately starts moving his hips. "Dean, you're hurting me," I cry. "You are mine Deni," he says as he looks into my eyes then he places his hands around my neck.  "I... I can't breathe," I say as I try to push him off of me. He continues to move his hips and he keeps his hands around my neck. "Dean" I say weakly feeling faint. "I'm sorry baby!" he says panicked as he pulls back and releases my neck.   "You were going to kill me,?" I cry as I rub my sore neck. Then I grab a pillow to cover myself. "No baby, I would never'' "I just... you can't leave me" he says as he takes the pillow to throw it. Then he grabs me and squeezes me into a hug. I don't say anything, I'm still in shock.  "You can't leave me Deni," he says as he pulls back to look at me with his red teary eyes. "Tell me you'll never leave me" "I won't Dean" "Promise me!" he cries as he squeezes me tighter than he's ever hugged me before, which is anything but comforting.  "I promise Dean'' "I will die Deni," "Is that what you want,?" "No Dean" I say as I cry along with him. We lay in my pile of clothes just crying and afraid to move. (At least on my part) I don't know if he was going to strangle me to death or if he didn't realize he was hurting me.  "Deni, I know that you don't want me to mark you but I will only feel safe when you wear my mark'' he says before he opens his mouth to let his canines out. "No Dean!" I scream as he tries to hold me still. "Stop moving Deni, so that I can do it right!" he says as he tries to line up with me.  He bites my shoulder in the wrong spot when I don't stop moving and I scream in pain, but I'm thankful he didn't mark me. "I told you not to move baby," he says as he wipes the blood from his mouth. "No Dean, I'm not ready to be marked especially now that you are set to mark someone else," I say as I stand.  "Where are you going?!" he asks as he stands to grab me. "I need to clean my room" "You've tried to strangle me and forcefully mark me" "Can you just leave?" I say weakly as I look at my naked body since he also ripped my clothes and roughly made love to me.  "I'm so sorry baby," he cries as he opens his arms. I hug him and he cries even more as he kisses my bloody shoulder. "I'm sorry, let's take you to the pack doctor" "I'm fine Dean, it' healing" "Just please wait until I'm ready next time"  "But you keep trying to leave me?" "I won't go unless your Luna tells me to, because then she'll be my Luna too" his eyes get dark and wide. "I will kill her if she tries to come between us, and you are my Luna" (Not to everyone else) Is what I want to say, but I don't.  "So she knows about me?" "I told you she is no innocent pawn in this and I don't know who is worse her or my dear mother," I don't say anything because I'm surprised. "Don't leave me Deni" "I need you here with me baby" he says when I still don't say anything.   "Come to my house I have something to show you" "Why didn't you bring it?" "Because it won't fit" he says with a smile. "I don't want to see anyone" "My parents are in another pack" (I didn't mean his dad, I meant his mom or his Luna) "Okay, but just a short while" "Thank you so much baby you'll love this" I get dressed in one of the dresses laying around then we leave.
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