Chapter 22

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 *  He smiles as we walk up the steps to his house. I can tell that no one is home because the lights are out and it looks alone. He walks me past his room to another side of his house and up to a big wooden door with what looks like gems and crystals and a golden doorknob, but who knows if they're real. (Although I don't think that the golden doorknob is real) I look around when we go inside and it looks like a little apartment. "This is cute is this like your secret clubhouse or getaway room?" he laughs. "No, this is a room I set up for you, so that you will always be with me" "So that you can spend time here with me and I won't have to sneak off to be with you" I start to cry. "You want to keep me locked away to be your secret?" "Just until I get everything settled, I need you with me" "Don't be selfish Deni," he cries. "Dean... I" "Please baby then I could see you more"  "Maybe I could come once a week" "Thank you baby," he says as he gets on his knees to hug me. "I already have you some clothes here" "I went shopping for you, because I know what you like and I had seen your size" "How long have you planned this?" I ask as I look through the clothes which is mostly pajamas. "Ever since you started talking about giving us a break" "You say that you love me but it seems so hard for you wait for me"  "It just hurts so much to think of not having you" "I prefer to leave than to have to watch you happily mated to another" I say as I start to tear up yet again. ''I won't be happily mated to anyone but you," he says with dark eyes trying to keep his wolf under control.  "Come change into your night clothes then we'll sleep" he says after he pecks my lips. "I'm sleeping here?" "We're sleeping here baby" I don't say anything, I only look at him because I don't know how to tell him that I don't like this idea.  I change and so does he into a pair of pajamas he has brought for himself. (Maybe he wants to feel like we are in our own place, even though my home is free from parents and anyone else) I have just an occasional visit from my friends and my house keeper has seemed to stop coming around much too.  I don't know why we changed into pajamas because we slept naked. He kept making love to me all night. I don't know how many times he woke me up, but I got up each time. (I'm afraid what he would do if I don't since he doubts my love for him)  I smile as he caresses my cheek and I blink my eyes open. "Deni I love you and the thought of losing you has me worried, especially since your friends keep trying to separate us" He says before he sticks me with something and I fall asleep.  "Dean, where are you?!" I yell after I wake up and I don't see him. I try to get out of the door but I can't. I start to cry because I can't believe he did this to me. I cry myself to sleep and I wake up to him kissing my cheek. "Wake up beautiful lets eat" he whispers.  "Get me out of here, Dean," I say as I sit up. "I can't have you leaving me Deni," "You keep talking about giving us a break and your meddling friends are trying to convince you too," "I would never leave you for more than a week" His eyes get big and they're darker. "Dean sometimes I don't see you for weeks," I say to calm him. "No, the longest I've ever gone was five days, not weeks baby!" he says as he grabs my arms. "I promised that I wouldn't leave you and it would just be a vacation"  "You should only want to go with me" "I would love to, but you know we can't" "Maybe I can get us our own cabin" "Only if I can freely come and go like I want" I say hoping he wont try to keep me captive here.  "You get to see me everyday like this baby" "But what about my job?" I ask as I start to feel claustrophobic. "You can go some days, not that you need to" "Well then let me out" "Not today" "I want to spend a few days here just us, then you can go home and you'll come back in a few days"  "But your ceremony is in a few days" "I don't want to be locked in here all that time" "You won't baby" he says as he grabs my hand to kiss it.  After we ate the food that he brought, he held me as we watched a movie and I couldn't decide if this was a good idea or if we were just wasting our time. (I guess I should enjoy it while it lasts) He stayed with me for four days and then I didn't see him for three. He put me to sleep before he left and no matter how much I tried I couldn't get out.  "Let me out of here Dean," I cry after he walks in. I had just finished cooking myself something for lunch. "I will, I promise" "After the ceremony" "Is that why I'm here, because you think I'll run away after you're mated to her?" "Not so that we can be together," I ask as he holds me, trying to calm me down. "Yes it's so that we can be together, but I'm also afraid you'll get upset and leave me after the ceremony" I pull away from him and I walk to the other side of the room to sit in a corner.  "Deni baby" he says as he crawls over to sit behind me, but I ignore him. "Please baby don't be mad" "I'm doing this for us" he says as he lightly rubs my back.  "I feel like I'm the only one suffering Dean" "You get to leave and see everyone and I'm stuck here bored" "I don't know what you do with her but you barely smell like me anymore" He hugs me tightly. "I'm just around her all the time, just be patient baby soon you'll be going through all of this with me instead of her"  "You know what Dean, I have seen movies like this and it never works out the way my character hopes" "You and your Luna will live happily ever after with pups and I will be alone thinking about what I could have done to change my sad future" I cry as I try to remove his hands.  "We will be together Deni," "There is no way that I could spend the rest of my life with her she's annoying and she not you baby" "And she's definitely not having my pups, that's your job" "they'll be beautiful just like you" he says as he grabs my hands. I avoid his eyes and try not to smile because I have always thought about how our pups would look. (I hoped that they would have his red hair, and it would be curly like mine) After a while of him holding me as I try not to love him as much as do I start to feel restless. "I need to get out," ''I need fresh air" "I can't take being here much longer" I say as I start to feel short of breath thinking about living here in this room becoming his lover as he marries her and gives her the kids while he only uses me for comfort.  "Okay let's go" he says as he hugs me. "Really,?" "Yes we'll come back later" I don't tell him that I'm never stepping foot back here, I just slowly put on my clothes and then wait for him to open the door.  "I'm sorry baby" he says as he hugs me from behind. I only breathe in the fresh air. "I need to work" "Baby" "Please Dean" "I won't leave unless I have to" "You have to trust me, just like I trust you" I say as I hug him back.  "Okay, I guess I went a little overboard" he says before he kisses my forehead. "I just don't want to lose you" "I will give you a year to do what you need to make me your Luna or at least to let everyone know that we are true mates" I say as I hug him.  He kisses the top of my head as he squeezes me. "I won't need a year baby, but thank you baby"  "He what?!" asks Maggie surprised. "That bastard," say Nelson. "Please don't make me regret telling you guys this" I say as I happily go through days of backed up paper work as they hang on my every word.  "You're not going back to his dungeon are you?'' asks Maggie. "Never and it's not a dungeon," I laugh. "It's actually nice" "Like a little apartment" "It even has a Jacuzzi" "I just wonder if his parents know about it" I say as I wonder if he's taken other girls. (I make a note to ask him later)
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