Chapter 28

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* After they walk off back to the ceremony, I shake my leg awake as I finally walk out of the restroom. I can't believe this. His mother is willing to see her son be miserable by separating him from his true mate who he loves, just so that he can be with a Luna that he can't stand. (How long does she think the alliance will last if he can't even control his feelings for either?) I haven't snooped on someone's conversation since I was a child, but I had to know about her and I did kind of get stuck in the restroom. I take a deep breath and I blow it out, then I knock on the door. As soon as I do I see that it's soundproof so I try to open it and to my surprise it is. (I guess he was so overwhelmed he forgot to lock it) I walk in happy I didn't have to break the door down. (That would have been awkward for me to have to explain to everyone as they came along to see the origins of the cracking of the door as it broke) My heart breaks to see her weeping quietly in a ball on the bed. She is so broken that she didn't even look up to see who had entered the room. I bend down to pick her up and I carry her out of the room. (I didn't even look around, I just wanted her out of here) I warn my Beta that I'm not alone and he tells me that they are parked out front and ready to go. I carry her out the kitchen way surprising few cooks. I just made a joke that she'd had a few too many drinks and they giggled. (Lucky for me they were all women so I just had to smile a little) I wasn't in the mood to flirt, but I was on a mission to help her. (It's not like they know me anyways or that I am taking their true Luna) My Beta looks at me with wide eyes. "Get in!" I say as the driver opens the door for me. "You're bringing her,?" he asks as he hurries to sit down in the front seat only to turn to look at us. "I'll tell you about it later" I say as I rub her back and to my surprise, it's soft skin instead of cloth. (I guess her hair was covering her up) "There's not much you need to explain, I could tell that you liked her from the way you stared" "But... why did you make her cry?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. "Later," I say as I give him the look to drop it. (I am in no mood for questions, I just want to enjoy the feeling of her in my arms) "Where are you taking me Kovik?" she whispers after a while, when she wakes up from crying herself to sleep. "Shhh, just rest, I won't hurt you" "I couldn't just let them lock you away like that" I say before I realize it. It's too late to take it back. She starts to sob again until she falls back asleep. I kiss her forehead and I growl when I smell the goofy looking Alpha on her skin. (He doesn't deserve a mate, especially not one as perfect as her) She'll enjoy a nice bath when we reach my pack. I know she'll love it there, because it's really different from her pack. (I hope she learns to love it there as much as I do) It takes us hours to get home because we lived a long ways away up in the mountains. I laid her on my bed and covered her with my blanket, hoping it would erase her mates scent. (I wanted her covered in mine) I kissed her soft cheek, but I cringe when I smell his smell. If I was sure that I would wake her up I would wash her face. (Her soft, delicate, beautiful face) End of Alpha Kavik's P.O.V. "Deni baby, how did you-?'' ''Did you get out of your room,?" links Dean after I feel myself leave the pack. It woke me up out of my sleep. "How did you get out?!" he asks panicked. (My heart hurts for him, but I don't even understand what's going on) I close my link, after I decide to talk to him tomorrow so that I can make a plan. I will let him know why I left the pack and I will also let him know that I will be back so that he doesn't suffer too much. I may be able to link him at least a few times a week. (After I'm settled in Italy of course) I can't believe I didn't think about him feeling me leave the pack. (He must be a mess right now) (Will everyone find out the truth, because he could barely watch me dance with Nelson and he knows that neither of us has a chance with the other?) (Wait, I didn't walk out of the pack on my own) Where am I? I look up to see the tall man from the ceremony and I ask him where he's taking me, because I never asked him to take me to the airport or away from my pack. He tells me to rest and then he reminds me why I am sad. He apologizes for reminding me of my bad luck as I start crying again and I cry until I fall asleep. When I wake up, I'm on a large bed. (Bigger than king-sized) I sit up to look around the huge room. I push the heavy blanket off of me, even though I was quite comfortable. I had to find out where I was and also I felt the need to thank Alpha Kovik. (Who knows if I would have been able to leave Dean?) I slide off the bed as I think about how to contact him. I look at the big wooden door that reminds of 'my room' door. I slowly walk towards it a little afraid that it might be locked. The door opens as I reach for the knob. ''Great you're awake, I brought you a small plate'' says an older woman as she hands me a huge plate filled with food. ''He didn't tell me you were so beautiful'' ''No wonder he likes you so much'' ''Who?'' I ask surprise. I instantly regretted asking her because it's not like I can do anything about it anyways and I'll only want and love Dean. ''You'll see for yourself'' she says with a smile as she leads me to a couch and a small table. ''I'm not really hungry'' I say as I look at the food. (It looks delicious but all I want to do is mope and cry) I did want to talk to Kovik and I also wanted to link to calm Dean to let him know that I am okay but I feel overwhelmed with pain. Maybe I need another nap. I felt good when I first woke up, but now all of my memories of what just happened are slowly coming back. ''Just eat a small bit'' ''Have some mashed potatoes at least'' she says with a pitying look in her eyes. (Can she tell that I'm hurting from not having my mate close to me?) I eat a few spoonfuls and she cuts up some of my steak, then she gives me a small fork full. I eat a small bit of everything to make her happy. (She did bring it up here and she basically fed me) ''Would you like to take a bath?'' She asks as I take a sip of the glass of water that she brought me. ''Yes please'' I say as I look down at my moms dress. ''Come here sweety'' she says as she hugs me when I start to tear up. ''You sit here and I'll run your bath'' she says as she gives me a little smile. I nod and she leaves me on the couch to run my water. ''It's nice and hot and I added some calming herbs and epson salt to the water'' ''Thank you so much'' I say as I stand to walk over to her. I have no idea how much time had passed as I waited for the tub to fill up.
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