Chapter 27

2021 Words
  *  I say goodbye to Alpha Lawrence and a few others but I was watching the doors to see if she would walk through. I guess I still wasn't paying too much attention to my surroundings because as I look around, I see that the young Alpha is also missing. ( I'm not too much more older than him, but I am mature for my age)  I get curious and I follow her scent. (I'm not surprised to find his scent mingled with hers) I ask one of the young ladies staring me down, if she'd seen the young Alpha, and she tells me that he walked out a few minutes before I came back in. I look at her surprised and she gives me a shy grin.  I thank her then I head out the door. I don't really care to know where he is, but I needed to have an excuse to prowl around their halls.  When I get to the end of one hall I decide to drop it, since it's none of my business and also because she is clearly still in love with him. (It would be a big mess to get involved) I personally would be willing to go through whatever for her, but she might not be ready, since she is willing to see him still in secret.    I walk down the hall and take a quick stop at the restroom. (It's a long drive back to my pack) As I dry my hands, I make up my mind to talk to the she wolf. She may need a shoulder to cry on or someone to get her through the grieving process. (I'll be her rebound guy, but hopefully she'll like me and decide to stay)   I hear them talking before I even walk out of the restroom. "How many times have you slept with her?" she asks as she weakly hits his chest. "I had to Deni," "Everyone expected her to smell like me," he says as he tears up and grabs her hands. "My dad is calling me back to the ceremony" "I'll see you tonight" he says as he hugs her then he kisses her. "Okay... I guess I'll see you later" she says as she hugs him tightly as if this is their last hug. "Deni baby I promise that I will start working on my plan tomorrow" "Now that I'm Alpha of this pack, everyone will know that you are my true Luna" "But you will have problems with your Lunas pack if you break things off now," (Smart and beautiful) (What is she doing with him?) "I don't care, she knew that all of this was a lie and she still agreed to my moms plan" (I knew it the Luna runs this pack) I think to myself.  "So you don't plan on having me as the other woman?" "No baby, I love you and I want to be with you... and only you" he says before he tries to kiss her. At first she turns her head, but then she gives in. He hugs her and smiles after his done. "I told you baby, I would never choose a girl like Caitlyn" "She lies, she's loud and outspoken and I'm not even the first Alpha she's been with" "Truth be told I'm not even the third" She looks surprised.  "How do you know?'' "I could immediately tell that she wasn't innocent like you by the way she looked at my crotch at our first meeting, instead of my face" She looks even more surprised and he smiles and gives her cheek a kiss as he hugs her.  "You waited on me and you wanted me as much as I wanted you" "You're amazing baby" he says before he starts to kiss her again causing me to feel embarrassed. (I wish that I could kiss her like that)  "But how do you know that you weren't her first?" she asks curious as she pulls away. (Is she real?) "Because she's a professional at all of the things that make you blush" he says as he grabs on to her hands again.  "We've been having s*x for weeks and you still act like a virgin when I try to kiss you on your sweet spot" she makes an embarrassed face as she hits his chest, but it's no where near hard enough for me. (She should have tried to cave it in for what he's done and what he's still doing) "I'm sorry that I don't know how to do... whatever she does to you Dean" she says as she blocks his hand from trying to grope her. (I have no idea why she's apologizing to this goofy looking i***t) The way he's acting now shows me that he's a bigger goof than I thought he was. (He's also a coward) "Hi deary, are you telling her how you slept with my best friend to get the goods on me?" asks his Luna as she walks over to them. (Could she have been listening to them talk too?)  "Caitlyn can you please go back?!" "You're my Luna now so can you leave me alone with my mate,?" "So you can lock your little concubine in her room and come to visit her when you're done with me?" "Don't think I don't know you're already trying to get rid of me" "Well guess what?" "It won't work because I'll make sure that everyone loves me"  The poor young beautiful she wolf was now sitting on the floor sobbing with her face covered with her hands. "If you weren't a girl I'd f*****g hit you!" he yells as he glares at her.  "Save that for when we're in bed, you know how I like it," she says with a flirty smile, not being fazed by his threat. "Listen you stupid, slutty, bimbo... get out of my sight, before I kill you and send your dead mutilated body back to your pack!" he growls out as he fights to hold back his wolf.  She gasps surprised, then she quickly turns to leave. I can't believe I'm still here, but it's not like I can just walk out anytime I want because they'd see me. (Lucky for me no one has come to use the restroom) I guess I am on the other side of the house.  I really want to go to her so that I can help her. "You just want her for yourself" says my wolf Sanka. I ignore him as I watch the cowardly, goofy looking, young Alpha  bend down to hug her. "Dean just.. just let me go" "Go to your Luna and her friend" she says through sobs.  He doesn't say anything he only hugs her tighter. (I wish I could punch him and take her away) I think to myself. "Why don't you?" asks Sanka.  As I'm about to make my move, she wiggles out of his grip falling to her butt, (It's a good thing she was already close to the floor) then she stands and wipes away her tears. "I'm going back home," "I... I wish you the best with your... Luna" she cries as he grabs he arms to try and comfort her.  "No, baby don't believe that slut," "It's not just her, Dean," "I hate that I can't be with you," "You only come when you miss me, while I cry and suffer waiting for you... faithfully," "Then you always accuse me of wanting someone else when it's you that has been sleeping with everyone and their friends,"  "Deni" he says as he tries to keep her in a hug. "Everyone was right about you" she says as she tries to push him. "I never lied to you," "I've just had to do so many things to prepare for this ceremony, but most of the time I spent with my dad, while my mom was doing who knows what"  I can tell she's fighting with her self she wants to leave, but she also wants to believe and trust in him.  "Caitlyn would pop up, but I only slipped once baby and that's the day I hurt you" She turns her face when he tries to kiss her. "You gave me this bracelet, so that it wouldn't hurt me whenever you decided to sleep with her, so how do I know what you're saying is true?" she says as she holds up her hand.  "I only slept with her twice and the second time was only to scent her" "I didn't kiss her, until tonight because we had to show everyone that we were mated" he says as he rubs her cheek.  "The reason I slept with her friend was to find out more stuff about her" She starts crying again and he kisses her forehead as he apologizes. "I slept with her friend once and I'll never do it again'' ''It's just too much," she says as she pulls away from him, then she tries to walk away, but he hurries after her and grabs her by the waist. I try to think of what I can do to help her, but I'm not supposed to be here. She struggles as she tries to break free and he holds her as he opens the door behind them. Then he throws her over his shoulder and carries her into the room closing the door behind them. I can't leave, I have to see that she's okay. (I'll make up an excuse as to why I'm here if I have to) A few moments later he comes out with tears in his eyes, then he paces in front of the door. "Ughhh, I really will kill Caitlyn if she ruins this for me," he says as he pulls at his hair. "I'll die if I lose her," he says as he weeps into his hands. (I can tell that he loves her, but just because he loves her, doesn't mean that he deserves her) "Sweetie everyone is waiting, especially your Luna" says his mom as she walks up to him. "Don't talk to me about that w***e," "Don't call your Luna that," she says as she looks around to see if anyone heard him.  "If Deni leaves me because of her, I will strangle her to death!" "Oh son, that would never happen, just lock her in the room" "How do you know about the room,?" "Have you forgotten that this is my house?" "Is that why Caitlyn knew," he asks as he grabs her arm.   "That's not important, you have her locked up and she will never leave because she loves you," she says as she pulls away and rubs her arm, with the look of shock on her face. "But that's why I'm worried... she wants to leave me," "She's been trying give us a break for weeks now, and she even just wished me well with that b***h of a Luna" he says with tears in his eyes. "Really?" she asks as she now looks at the door. "Just use your bond," "She's so nice and gullible that she'll believe you if you told her that you'll have two Lunas" she says as she rubs his back trying to comfort him.  He looks as if he's thinking. "Just keep that slut away from her and I'll handle the rest," "Maybe I can take her on a mini vacation just the two of us" "I'll sleep with her everyday for two weeks and hopefully I can convince her to let me mark her"  "She also wants to have pups with me, so I'll get her pregnant," he says as he stares at the door. "Whatever you do make sure that your dad doesn't suspect anything," "I love her mom and she will be my Luna" "It's puppy love, it will eventually go away," she says as she pats his shoulder.  "Now lets go before your dad comes and starts asking me more questions," I'm sure he already knows by now. (If he doesn't this pack is worse off than I thought)
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