Chapter 6

1468 Words
   * I haven't been training at our training grounds or the gym so I haven't seen Dean. (I want to see him so bad, but I made a promise to Areta and she will definitely remind me if I let her down) It's hard to not to have any guilt, when the voice in your head won't stop reminding you that you let them down. (Yes she does that, a lot) I have really been sore and I'm bruised, so I have been wearing slacks to work. Areta is purposefully taking her time to heal me so that I get used to pain. I think she's training me to become the next top warrior of the pack. (Hey, that would make a great show or book) "Where are the legs today?" asks Jaison from beside me as I look through some dried pasta for something to cook for tonight. Sometimes the house keeper cooks and sometimes I cook. (I need to learn for my mate and future pups)  "They're battered and bruised" "Why!" "Are you hurt?!" "Yeah, they hurt, because I've been training" "Oh you had me worried" "Are you worried about me or my legs?" I ask remembering how he acted the last time he saw them on display.  "Both," "You and your legs are both very beautiful," "If you want I could massage them for you," "How noble of you, but I'm fine" "It's a part of my training" "Yeah, but you don't have to suffer" "I'll be fine a friend from work recommended Epson salt" "Yeah, that's good but a massage from yours truly, will have you like new" "Unless you want freckles to do it" He says as he makes a face.   "Don't make fun of him," "If you get mad over that little comment then you definitely wouldn't like the things I've heard about him," he laughs as he adds something to my cart, but I'm too mad to see what it is.   "That is very mean of you," "You know that Alpha Lawrence won't want to hear you or anyone else talking like this," "What's wrong with it?" "It's the truth, he has freckles," "Will you tell on me?" he asks with a chuckle as he pokes at me, causing me to roll my eyes at his teasing. (I'd hit him if I wasn't so sore)  "You're such a jerk," I say before I walk off leaving the cart and all of it's contents. I'll get a new one, and since, he's been throwing things in there, he can keep it. "Baby wait!" he yells as he grabs the cart and hurries after me.  "Go away Jaison, I don't have time to deal with jerks like you" I say as I turn down another isle to get away from him. "Then why are you crushing on the biggest jerk of all,?" "He is not a jerk!" "You don't even know him!" he looks at me surprised. "Sorry" "It's just that you should never bad mouth anyone, if they're not around to defend themselves," "Yeah, sure that's it," He says clearly not believing me.  "Look... you can always come to me, if it doesn't work out with him" "I really like you, and I think if you give me a chance, you'll like me too" he says when I don't say anything. "Let's not talk about this right now" I say feeling terrified at the thought of Dean not being who I thought he was or who I think he is. (He would never hurt me, even if, he used to be a jerk to everyone else in high school)  "Fine, I'll help you shop" "No Jaison, someone will think that we're dating" "Hey, I'm cuter than ketchup head" he says as he runs his fingers through his blonde locks. (Trying to look desirable, but failing) "That was lame, and so are you," I laugh.  He smiles. "It's been a while since I've had to come up with a good one, and I'm not in school anymore, so I don't have time to think of roasts," "That is not what school is for" "You can show me what school is for and I can show you wha-" "Don't say anything gross," I say as I put my hand up to stop him from ruining my innocent ears. He laughs. "So are you planning for a party?" He asks as he looks into the cart. (Do I look like a party girl) I look at my tan pants and my navy button up shirt. "No, I have never thrown a party" "I've been to two and I left soon after they started" "Yeah, I remember" "You always had this adorable little snobby face, especially when you saw people making out," "Ewww, don't remind me" I say as I make a face causing him to laugh loudly. "It's not funny and I'm not snobby," I say as I push at him for poking me again. He got a little to close to my breast. "Do we have a problem,?" asks Dean as I add some chips to the cart. "Nope we're just shopping," says Jaison. My eyes get big and I shake my head no. "No, he was helping me," "I was shopping and he just showed up, but now he's leaving," I say as I pull the cart more towards me, then I look up to see if he believes me.  "I could stay to help you to carry the heavy stuff," "You know since you're all sore, especially, your legs," he says with a smirk. "Why are your legs so sore?!" "I've been training harder, so my legs are bruised and sore" I say as I reach down and pull my pant leg up so that he can see a couple of bruises when he looks at me with a terrified look on his face. He looks relieved. (He must really care about me) Jaison laughs as he blows out a relieved breath. "Just go Jaison, you need to grow up," "Fine, I'll go because I have to work," "You stay here with this slacker, that's probably here to run errands for his mom" "I'm here to get something for my dad!" "You don't have to explain yourself Dean, you'll have the hardest job in the pack, being Alpha," I say as I grab his arm, then I quickly let it go. He smiles at me and I hear Jaison chuckle.  "You've got it bad for this guy baby and I still don't know why," "Do you know you could have your choice of mates from this pack or any other?" "Get lost Jaison before I lose my patience with you," "I don't want Deni to see my ugly side,"  He laughs and shakes his head. "Tell him you already see his ugly face," he links to only me as he takes a step back. My eyes may have grown to the size of saucers, but I was not telling him this. "I hope you never show her your real ugly side" he says as he turns.  "I may seem like a slacker to some people who don't know me, but I do work," "My dad wouldn't just let me become Alpha for only being his son," "I know you do, I've seen you Dean" "That's probably why your mom wants you with her too, right?"  He blows out a breath. "She just doesn't want me to get some pack girl pregnant" he says as he looks into my cart. "You wouldn't do that, doesn't she trust you?" "No she doesn't, because I've had a few girls over" "Oh'' I say a little heartbroken.  "I'll see you around my dad needed me to get a few things for his office because his assistant is on vacation or something," "I think his mate is having a pup" "Oh really, how exciting," "I can't wait to have pups," I say excitedly.  "Really, most girls don't want to take care of anyone but themselves,?" "Yes, I always volunteer to watch babies at pack meetings" He smiles. Then he lightly pinches my chin. "I'll see you later," "Okay bye," I say as I wave and give him my best smile, even though, I'm sad that he has to leave. I also wish he would have told me if he would like pups, as soon as, he finds his mate or after waiting a few years.  I finish filling my cart then I go to the checkout. As I load up my car with bags I see him drive off so I wave. I don't know if he saw me or waved back because his windows are dark, but I'd like to think he did. (I'd also like to think that he blew me a kiss as well)
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