Chapter 23

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  * Alpha Kavik's P.O.V. Another pack had invited me to come to their spoiled brats Alpha naming ceremony and they were also introducing his Luna.  I never get why they name these inexperienced boys that think they're men. They are barely off of their mothers milk and they think they can rule the pack. (I doubt he'd pass basic training for a warrior in my pack and I've never even met him) As much as it annoys me to have to be around other wolves other than my pack, I have never called out unless it was something important. I can't say that I've never had to force myself to go and many times my Beta reminds me of the alliances that we have with each pack.  I'm also lucky that I will already be in the area, so I'll be getting two jobs done at once. The bad thing is that I don't care for these type of events because they are a waste of time. My housekeeper thinks that if I had a Luna I would be different. (I'm not bitter or maybe I am)  I guess I haven't seen many genuinely happily mated wolves. It doesn't seem to matter if they are chosen or put together by the Moon Goddess. The Luna is always looking one way and so is the Alpha and I've even had a few Luna's to look my way which disgusts me.  I make sure that I am staying at a nearby hotel because I hate staying in other packs. I'm always warned about possible rogues. I try not to laugh because I took out my first rogue when I was ten so they don't frighten me as much as they frighten other wolves I pulled out one of my suits without caring which one I chose then I put it to the side for later so that it's already ready. Then I shave and finish up the paper work from the pack that I just visited. A few more days and I will be on my way back home.   End of Alpha Kavik's P.O.V. "Hi Denai, how are you,?" asks Luna Karen in the chipper voice that she only uses to talk with pack moms as she walks into my office. Nelson and Maggie walk in behind her and walk to my file cabinet pretending to look for something.  "I'm fine Luna Karen, did you need something?" I ask hoping for the thousandth time that she's here to tell me that all this has been some cruel joke and that I can have my mate back.  "Yes, I need you to help me to get Deans new Luna added to our pack records" "She will be our new Luna soon," "Oh yeah... it's tomorrow" she says as she hands me some papers. Areta growls and I beg her to pull back.  It's a good thing Luna Karen doesn't notice because she's pointing out who knows what on the papers that she's given me. "I'm also going to need someone to help the Omegas'' "We're short a person" she says with an evil smirk that seems too real to be fake.  "I'll go for her,'' says Nelson. "Your presence won't be needed," she says as she glares at him. "What about mine?" asks Maggie. "Be there Daniella," she says as she walks out of my office. I immediately start crying and they hurry over trying to console me.  "That woman is a huge b***h and you need to tell Dean," says Nelson. "She can't have you do all this stuff and make you work for them, that is cruel and not in your job description," "And I'm pretty sure she has a catering company so even the Omegas won't be working," he adds as he glares out the door.  "It's fine, I'll do it'' "It's just one day and it's not like I live there" "She will try use this to break you," says Maggie. "We know you don't want Dean to be upset or sad but think about yourself" "This could drive you mad" I don't say anything I think about what they're saying. (I can't pretend to be fine because they know me) "You have to leave this place if only for a season" says Nelson as he rubs my back. "Maybe when you're gone, she will know that although you love her son you are willing to let him go and she might change her opinion about you" says Maggie.  I nod as he wipes away at my tears. "I will go after the ceremony, but I'm not taking anything, except for my passport and money" "Great!" "Man are we going to miss you," "You'll have to call us once a day" "I promise I will" "And don't tell him, until you are in Italy," says Maggie. "Oh I definitely won't" I say thinking about the last time I was going to leave. I almost rub my neck remembering. (I didn't tell them and I probably never will) "Before you go you have to show them up one good time," says Nelson. "Oh yeah, I have a bright red shiny dress," says Maggie looking excited. "Bright red and shiny is too much and it's cheap looking for this kind of event" "Guy's I'll find something in my closet"  "I'm sure whatever you choose will be fine, but try to show a little leg or make sure it hugs you right'' "It will make him go crazy,'' he says with a mischievous smirk. "Should I get my hair done?" "No baby you're a natural beauty, flip it and fluff it and you're done" he says as he runs his fingers through it. "And don't cover your beautiful face with too much makeup" "Actually Maggie I've been meaning to tell you that" "This last time we went out, not a good look" he says causing us to laugh. "So you think I'm pretty,?'' she asks with a shy smile.  "Of course, I'm gay not blind," "I know a good looking woman when I see one'' "Oh my Goddess I'm going to miss you two" "I know maybe we can meet up in a few weeks after the search is off because I am certain he will be looking for you" says Nelson, looking as if he's thinking. "He's going to lose it," says Maggie agreeing. "You know what he'll be fine," says Nelson probably noticing my face change. (I don't want to hurt him) "It will motivate him to get his stuff together and maybe when his bitchy mom sees how bad he's hurt she'll understand how bad he needs you"  "I hope you guys are right because I can't stand to see him suffer" "You're suffering too" he says as he hugs me. "I will never ask the Moon Goddess for anything else" "She didn't take your parents away baby and she is not doing this with Dean, it's his mom"  "I know but sometimes it feels like she picks on me" "Maybe I was a b***h in my past life'' I'm surprised when they both laugh loudly. "You a b***h,?" "You don't even sound bitchy saying the word," laughs Nelson.  "Oh Denai, I have been selfish all this time," "You always watch me as I drink away my problems and you listen to me as I vent but I've never done it for you," says Maggie.  "Yes you have" "We've had this talk before and you're helping me now" "I love and appreciate you both" I say as I know hug them. "We love you too beautiful" she says as they hug me. "You're going to miss us more than Dean aren't you... tell the truth" say Nelson causing us to giggle. "I love you both but he has my heart" I say as I start to tear up. They hug me tightly again. "You need to go for a run" says Areta. "Now?" "Yes now," "Guys, I have to go" "Don't tell me he's calling for you" says Nelson. "No, Areta seems to think it's a good time for a run" "Well maybe that's how she heals" says Maggie with a small smile. "I guess so" (I guess it's time to destroy more trees) "Well you better get going and make sure you call us before you leave" says Nelson.  "I'll see you guys at the ceremony remember?" "I'll have a taxi to take me to the airport" (He can't even see that my car is gone) "So you already have your ticket?" "No, I guess I'll buy it now" "Hurry before you forget," "You don't want those long lines," says Maggie. I quickly buy a one way ticket because I didn't know when to return and who knows I might go on to see the world.  I used to travel a lot with my dad a few times a year, maybe I'll do that. (I'm sure that it will take my mind off of him... at least a little)  After me and Areta have our run I head home to shower.(I ran because it makes her happy and soon I know she will be having a fit)  As I wash myself down I think about my trip. I feel bad that I can't take anything because he would suspect it and he always happens to come around at the exact moment that I'm planning something or Maggie and Nelson.  I get out and fix myself something to eat and I wonder where my house keeper is as I eat. (Do I run everyone away?)  "I guess I'm just meant to be parentless and mate less" I say to myself. "At least I have you Areta'' I say only to hear her fake snore. I was my dishes then I go to sleep. I don't work tomorrow because of the ceremony. (Well I don't work at my real job)  I can't help but wonder what she'll make me do. (Would she humiliate me in front of the entire pack?) "She wouldn't be that dumb to be mean to you in front of the Alpha" says Areta finally speaking up. "I need you to bare with me tomorrow''  "I'll try" she says after a long pause. "Thank you" I say grateful she's willing to work with me. (She will probably have me training extra hard when we go to Italy)
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