Chapter 16

1372 Words
 * I was so happy and relieved to be back home, I couldn't help but smile. I opened his suitcase so that I could fold his clothes and even his undies after he put it on my bed. Then we went to the kitchen for something to eat and he hugged my waist from behind and kissed my neck as I warm us some leftovers.  "Lets eat in the living room so that we can watch a movie" "Whatever you want baby" he says as he grabs the plates. "What do you want to drink?" "Do you have any beers?" "No, I'm sorry I'll get some the next time I go to the store" "I have wine though" "Uh, I guess just anything besides water or wine" "Okay" I say as I stand then I check the refrigerator for anything besides water and thankfully there are a few sodas. "Thank you baby" he says as I sit. "You're welcome Dean"  After we finish eating, he picks a horror movie and pulls me closer. "Maybe we'll go out tomorrow night" he says after I scream and hide my face in his chest. Then he helps me over into his lap and kisses me. "Are you ready for bed?" he asks as he rubs my back from under my blouse.  "It's still pretty early for bed" I say as I look towards the window seeing the sun is still out. "Well lets just take a little nap" "Oh... okay" "You don't want to?" "Yes... if that's what you want" I squeal as he stands up with me in his arms and he runs to the room causing me to giggle.  He lays me on my bed and takes off his clothes and I take off mine as well, leaving only my underwear. I pull the covers back and I fluff up a pillow for him. I gasp when I look at him and he has dark eyes. "Dean" I whisper nervously. "Yes baby" he says as he pulls down his boxers.  I look away and cover myself as I lay back. "Deni baby" "Yes Dean" I say as I slightly peek over the covers. "Do you not love me?" "I do love you Dean, more than anyone" He smiles and climbs in next to me. Then he hugs me. "I wish you wanted me as much as I want you" "I do Dean I'm just a little nervous still"  "Well... the more we do it... the less nervous you'll be" he says as he squeezes me. "Okay, but can you not put your mouth there please" "Baby... that's one of my favorite things to do" I don't say anything because I can't say no to him anyways. "Fine, but next time I'm taking my time okay" "Okay" I say relieved.  I was out like a light after we finished and I woke up to him talking to his mom in my living room. I pull the coves over my head and I pray to the Moon Goddess that she leaves soon. "Mom what are you doing here?" "I made an announcement to the pack and your father letting them know about your new Luna," "Really mom," he says relieved and I can tell that he is hugging her.  "Deni baby," "Wake up and come here beautiful!" he yells out to me. "Why are you calling her?" I hear her ask as I look around for my pajamas. "Because I want to tell her the great news," "Well it is great, but not so much for her" "What do you mean?" he asks, just as confused as me. "Well... she isn't your mate" "Mom, you know she is" "And I'm the only one besides you and a few idiots that will keep their mouths closed" I stand at my door not wanting to walk out any further.  "Hi Denai baby" she says with a smirk. "What did you do?" he asks as he holds his hand out to me. I slowly walk over to give him my hand. "Your mate is Caitlyn" "The Betas daughter from the Hidden Moon pack" "At least that's what I told everyone" she says as she smiles at me. I turn away as tears roll down my face and the only thing keeping me up is Dean as he hugs me.  "You did what,?" he asks as he rubs my back. "I found you the perfect mate" "Sure you not true mates but she's a Betas daughter and they have a strong pack" "I can't believe you can be so selfish" he cries surprising me and his mom by the look on her face.  "Dean sweetie, this is for you and for the good of the pack" "But can't you see that I love her" "What happens when she ruins this pack" "Love is great for a few years but when that fizzles out you are left with a worthless mate"  "Maybe I should have just left like Mm... told... me to do" I mumble softly through tears. I couldn't say Maggie's name, because he already doesn't really trust her and his mom is here too. Who knows what she would do to her? (On second thought she'd love the idea and she'd even pay for it)  "You would leave me?" "Let her go and be over with it!" "Shut up mom!" "Dean!" "Who are you going to see Deni?!'' "Will you run away with Jaison, or did you find someone else?!" he asks as he ignores his mom and squeezes my arms. (I guess his Beta did tell him about seeing us talk at the club) "No... I only want you Dean... but I can't have you because you belong to someone else," I cry as I shake from fear and sadness. He is hurting me and he yelled at his mom and this time he didn't apologize. (Not that I blame him for being upset, I've just never had a man yell at me especially one that I love)  "I'm sorry baby," "The thought of someone touching you makes me go insane," he says as he loosens his grip. I don't say anything I only cry, because I never thought that being with him would cause us this much hurt. (If I would have known, I never would have prayed to the Moon Goddess)      "Forgive me baby," he says as he hugs me tightly. "I promise I won't hurt you ever again," he says as he rubs my arms. "Tell me... tell me that you forgive me," he says before he kisses my forehead, then he pulls my chin up to look into my eyes. I nod but he says that he wants to hear it. "I... I forgive you Dean" "Do you still love me baby?" "Yes" I whisper as I try to avoid his eyes by looking away from him. "Look at me baby, I love you too,'' "More than anyone or anything," "I love you too... Dean" I sniffle out. He lifts me up and spins me, then he walks towards the couch with his mom yelling at him.  "What the hell am I supposed to tell Alpha Carregan?!" "You're supposed to be mated with his Betas daughter next week!" "No one told you to set me up," he says as he keeps walking. "Your father will kill me if he finds out that she's not your real Luna!" "That's your problem," "You're letting this pack down for her!" "Don't look at her!" "Dean!" she says with wide eyes "Get out, and don't come back!" "Dean, you can't talk to me like this" she cries and I feel bad for her. He walks over to the door and opens it for her to leave.  "Dean, sweetie," he doesn't answer he only turns her around and slowly pushes her out, then he closes the door and joins me on the couch.  "I promise you baby, I will fix this" he says as he hugs me. I reach up to wipe away his tears as I wonder why his mom is doing everything in her power to get rid of me. (Am I really that bad?) (Am I cursed or something?) (Would she know if I was?)
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