Chapter 17

1465 Words
  * "f**k baby" "I have to go home... my dad wants to talk to me" "Okay... will you come back?" I ask afraid to know the answer. "I'll try but she really put us in a predicament" "If I don't come back tonight then I'll be back tomorrow and we'll spend the weekend together okay"  "Okay Dean" I say through sniffles. "Baby, I hate seeing you like this" he says as he wipes away my tears. "Let's go for a run," says a frustrated Areta. "Areta wants to go for a run" "That's great baby," "I'll link you later okay" he says before he pecks my lips. He walks to the door, then he runs back over to kiss me again bringing a smile to my face. "I love you and I'll see you soon baby" I nod as I smile and I get up to lock the door after he leaves. "Are you ready?" "Yes I am Areta but shouldn't I change?" "I'm doing all the work right,?" "We'll I would like to run a little, since it's been a while" "Great well get changed and head to the spot," she says sounding rather happy.  I'm happy she's in a good mood because I am afraid of not being with our mates. Maybe she trusts that Dean will fix this for us. I run from my house to the edge the woods then I shift and she takes off. I don't say anything I just watch as she works. I can tell that she is frustrated because she's growling and biting away at thick branches. (Something she does when she's overly stressed)  When she finally does stop, she howls loudly and it hurts to hear her like this. Has she already given up on our mates? "Areta do you want to talk?" "No, I'm great," "Why, do you need to talk,?" she asks as she lays down in the grass. "I guess I don't, if you don't" "Everything will be fine," I smile and I can't help but hope she's right, which she usually is. I run home even though she offered to take me. I want to be stronger for her, just like she is for me and that means I need to pick up a little bit more of my slack. After my shower I jump into bed without eating, but I plan to have a good breakfast in the morning. When I wake up I make myself a coffee and I couple of pancakes with one egg and two slices of bacon. I force myself to eat, then I get dressed for work. As I drive past the building where I work, I decide to skip work today and I go to a shoe store to buy myself a better pair of running shoes. (I couldn't bring myself to answer either Nelson or Maggie's questions) How can I tell them that my mates' mom hates me so much that she pretends that I don't exist. (She even insisted on getting him a worthy mate)    "She is not even worthy enough to be in the same room as you Denai," says Areta. I nod as I try on shoes. "Oh my Goddess Tiffany, did you hear about Dean being mated to some Beta's daughter,?" says a young blonde as she walks past me. "Yeah, but I heard she's a..." I block her out because I don't want to hear them.  I quickly buy the shoes and I go to the grocery store, because I need a few more things especially if Dean will be visiting. As I walk up to a cashier I see Jaison so I leave the cart without buying anything because I don't want to hear him teasing me or rubbing his words in my face.  I instead go to a smaller store on the outskirts of our pack and I get a few things that I might need. I really wanted to be home in bed so that I would stop hearing about my mate being mated to someone else. I couldn't even compete with her because she was chosen by his mom and I can't just go against her.  "Are you okay beautiful?" asks the older lady behind the counter. "Yes, I'm fine" "I just need a little nap maybe" I say as I wipe away a few escaped tears. She hands me a small packet of tissues. "Make sure to get some rest" I nod and pay for everything then I leave the store.  Days had passed and I hadn't been to work because I was so hurt with not seeing Dean. He had only linked me a few times a day and one of those times he said that he was still trying to find a way to tell his dad about me.  Areta had taken me running and training almost everyday so that I could get out of bed for a few hours a day. I rarely ate and when I did she had to make me do it. (Again it's hard to ignore a yelling drill Sargent voice in your head) "Get dressed you're going to work," "But Areta" "No one will make fun of you and the only people that know you're mated wouldn't say anything," "I guess you're right" "You know I am," she says causing me to chuckle as I get up to wash my dish.  "Guys, don't hate me" I say as they walk into my office. "You have never called in sick, so we knew something was wrong," says Nelson as he hugs me. "I'm sorry I lied, I just really feel... my heart aches so bad" I say as tears run down my face. I haven't cried this much since I lost my dad.  "We never believed your lie because we know you and because you're terrible at it" I smile as he hugs me tighter. "Yeah, girlie don't ever feel like you have to lie to us" says Maggie as she joins our hug. "I just didn't want you to say I told you so" "We wouldn't say that Denai, because you're already hurting so much for us to want to rub it in," "We honestly wished we were wrong"  "I wish so much that I would have waited," "Areta was right, I should have stood up to his mom and she is also hurt" "He is a professional at what he does and you are new to this and in love" "It's not Dean, but I don't even know why his mom hates me so much," "I guess she's right about me being weak"  "You have more balls than her bratty son ever did," "I can't blame him Maggie, because he only wants to do what's best for his mom... I mean his pack" I say then I go back to hugging Nelson. He rubs my back and  holds me tighter when I start to sob uncontrollably. I'm surprised when he lifts me up bridal style and carries me to the exit with Maggie in tow. I look at him even more confused when I see his car. A car skids and stops next to his car and I smell him before I see him.  "Deni we need to talk!" says Dean as Nelson sits me on his passenger side.  "You need to talk with your mother," says Nelson as he stands and closes the car door. "You stay out of this, you f*****g freak!" "Dean!" I say horrified.  "Deni baby, I'm sorry," he says when I cry harder. "Please baby," he says as he grabs the door knob to try and open it. "Open it!" he yells, when Nelson locks it before he has a chance. "Please just leave me alone Dean," I say with my face covered by my hands. "No Deni, I can't," "I need to explain," "Apparently your mom did a great job of explaining everything," "Just let her heal, she doesn't deserve this'' says Maggie. "I know, that's why I need to talk with her," he says as wipes away tears surprising them. "I promise I'll talk to you tomorrow, Dean" "Please Deni, I need you!" "Okay, but can we talk at my house?'' "We need to be present" says Maggie. "Fine, we'll talk in my car, away from these two," He says as he grabs the keys from Nelson. Then he presses the button to unlock my door before opening it.  "Baby," he says as he falls to his knees, relieved and hugs my waist. I also feel better being close to him. Maggie looks at Nelson and he shrugs, then they watch as he hugs me and kisses my forehead. He leads me to his car and bends down to peck my lips before he closes the door. 
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