Chapter 15

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   *  "I was just leaving" "I'll see you around Denai" says Jaison as he walks off. "Bye" I say as I wave to his back. "You shouldn't wave at him or talk to him or any other male wolves that your mate doesn't approve of" "Better yet stay away from all males that aren't Dean... even me, because I don't want any problems," he says with a serious frown.  "Well he did tell me that my coworkers are fine for me to deal with, because I have to work with them" I say still nervous about how upset he'll be when he finds out that I've talked to Jaison. "I think I remember him having a problem with you in school," "Did you guys fight or something,?" he asks as he looks suspiciously at Nelson. "Nope, we have never fought" he says with his signature smirk. He's not flirting so maybe he is over his crush. "It's probably because he talks to you Denai," says Rodrick our future Beta as he looks at me as if he's figured out some huge F.B.I. type information from a high profile case.  "I guess we did talk a lot in high school but just as friends... and not really that much" says Nelson. "He thought I was after your skirt," he says as he pokes at my stomach. "Stop," I laugh because it tickles. "You know you don't act like you're... you know" he says as if it's a complement.   "How is a gay man supposed to act,?" laughs Nelson. "I guess I don't really know" he says embarrassed as he rubs his neck. "I guess we should leave guys we have to work tomorrow" I say as they finish laughing at him.  After I shower I quickly dry off and I put on my pajamas and I head to my room. I scream when I see Dean in my bed. "I'm sorry I wanted to surprise you baby" he says as he stands. I hug him then I purse my lips for a kiss. "You missed me baby?" He asks as he bends down to peck my lips. "So much" I say as I hug him again.  He chuckles as he squeezes me tightly. "I missed you too and you know what" "I'm staying here a couple of days with you" At first I get excited, but then my heart sinks in my chest to think of what his mom will do when he doesn't go home.  "D... does your mom know?" "Baby don't worry about that, I'm an adult and the future leader of the pack so she can yell and gripe all she wants" he says as he takes off his shirt. I lightly kiss his chest and then I hug him.  He gives me a good hug then he pulls back to help me out of my pajamas. "Would you like to watch a movie?" I ask after we're both in our underwear. "I was hoping to..." "Are you hungry?" "Yeah, kinda" he says as he looks at my panties. "No Dean" I say as I cover myself. He smiles.  "Don't you like it?" he asks as he grabs my hands. "It's just so disgusting" I say as he walks me a few steps backwards towards my bed. "You like it" he says with a gleam in his eye and I can't help but smile too. (He's so beautiful) "Wait Dean, we can do that next time," I say panicked as he pulls at my panties as he lays between my legs. "Deni baby, just relax'' I look into his eyes, then I lay back and close my eyes. (There is no way that I could ever say no to him)  "Well let's go baby" he says after I get dressed for work. "Are you taking me to work?" I ask as he grabs the coffee that I made for him. "No, I'm staying here for a couple of days, so I need to go to my house to get me some clothes"  "Okay" I say feeling nervous from just the thought. "We'll be quick baby" he says as he wraps his arm around my waist and leads me to the door. (Maybe he's trying to get us used to each other)  "I'll wait here for you Dean" I say hoping he'll just run up to get his clothes and anything else he needs. "Come on baby" he says as he gets out of his car. I watch as he walks around to the passenger side.  "I already know what I need to get" "We're going out tonight," he says as he reaches for my hand. "Where to?" I ask as he helps me out. "It's a surprise, so don't ask," he says with a smile. I wish I could enjoy it but I can't stop thinking about seeing his mom.    "Ugh, I can smell her," says Areta, causing me to get even more nervous. "Baby everything will be fine, okay'' says Dean noticing my change in mood. I nod as we go upstairs.  "Dean sweetie, I've been looking for you," she says as she meets us in almost the same spot as the last time that I was here.    "Good morning Luna Karen" I say as I lower my head out of respect, causing Areta to growl angrily at me. Dean quickly lifts my head, by my chin and holds me closer to him. His mom rolls her eyes. He links her and she makes a face. The same face she made when he presented me as his mate. (I get the same feeling of rejection all over again)   "Why do you keep giving her hopes, she'll only waste your Alpha gene and make weak pups," "Should I remind you that her dad was the lead Gamma warrior,?" "But she's worthless, she even stopped doing the little training she was doing," "I-" I try to tell her that I have been training at my house but she cuts me off.  "Save it Daniella!" "Mom, don't yell at her and you know her name!" yells Dean surprising both her and me. "You... you will pay for this," she says as she starts to tear up. "I'm sorry Luna Karen," I say as I bow my head. Dean lifts my head and tells me that as his Luna I don't have to bow to anyone that doesn't have royal blood. I nod and hold on tightly to his arm. (Yes I'm still afraid of his mother, even though, I can feel Areta wanting to get out, but I hold her back) (In case you didn't know we are two different beings with different personalities) I am forgiving calm and she... would ruin her and that's not what I want to do. (She will just have to be angry with me, we'll work on a plan later) One that doesn't have the new Luna challenging the old one. She gives me a big fake smile, causing me to get a sinking feeling in my stomach. "Oh you're not sorry yet," she says as she walks away. "She'll have to get used to you beautiful," "Dean, I'm worried, maybe we should take a little break so that she can get used to the idea of us being mates" "Never," "I will never take a break from you," "You're mine... my Luna and I am the future Alpha," he says as we head towards his room, somewhere I prefer not to be, especially since his mom is under the same roof and she's caught me naked in his room before. He starts to kiss me as soon as the door closes and I try to fight it, but the bond is too strong. When he pulls back, I ask him if we can talk. (I never want to mate in his room again) I feel safer at my house, even though this is the safest place in the pack. (Well except for the future Luna of the pack or maybe just me) "You're my Luna and I want to be with you baby," "Don't you want to be with me,?" He asks as he takes off his clothes. "I do but your mom already hates me and she's caught me here before" "I remember the day you first gave yourself to me" He says with a proud smile. "Yes" I say as I nod shyly."Fine we'll wait until tonight" he says as he hugs me. "Thank you" I say as I enjoy his hug. "Baby I wish you didn't have to feel this way" "You don't deserve it" "My mom is just so overprotective and annoying," "It was fine at first, but now she's trying to come between my relationship with you and I won't have it," He grabs a few things out of his closet and then he stuffs it into a suitcase. I would have packed it neater but I really wanted to leave. 
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