Chapter 14

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* He stayed the night and we slept until twelve with him just holding me. (I wished so much that this was our life and I'm still hoping that this is our near future) "I have to get to work Dean" I say as I yawn. "Go tomorrow" he whines, which brings a smile to my face. "I'll tell Nelson to take over for me" "He always says that I need a vacation" I say as I rub his cheek as he looks into my eyes with a sweet smile on his lips. "Eww no Dean, I need to brush my teeth," I say as I put my hand over my mouth so that he can't smell my breath or kiss me. I laugh as he grabs my hands and pulls them down, so that, he can kiss my lips and then all over my face. "I love you Deni baby," "I love you too Dean'' "So much" He says as he hugs me tightly causing my smile to get bigger. We brush our teeth and my housekeeper cooks us breakfast. She smiles as she watches us eat, which I haven't seen her do in a while. I guess I haven't really eaten at home since my dad died and he also hasn't been here either. (I'm also sure she knows that he is my mate) After breakfast we go to the back yard and I show him some of the ways that I train. I had to get his mind on something else because he kept trying to pull me to my room and I didn't want my housekeeper to hear us. (Just because I'm his mate and I probably smell like him, it doesn't mean that I won't be shamed, because we aren't fully mated until he marks me) I wonder if I let him mark me, will Luna Karen finally accept me. "Probably not" says Areta, but I close her out before she can say anything else. I try not to let those thoughts pop into my mind because I want to enjoy my time with him. He pushes me on my childhood swing set, then we go down the slide and climb across the monkey bars. We haven't played on this in years or even with each other. I'm surprised that my dads old go cart cranks. We rode around the yard getting splashed with mud and dirt, since it had rained earlier that morning. "I can get you some of my dads old clothes if you want" I say as we walk into the house. "Nah, I need to go home to shower and to change'' "Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow'' I say sadly, wanting him to spend the rest of the day with me. "I'll try to come by later" he says before he kisses my cheek. "Okay, I'll choose a movie and pick up some snacks," I say excited with the idea. After he leaves I shower, then I pop up at the office to help out. (It's my second home and I spend more time here than at home anyways) "I knew you wouldn't stay away" says Nelson. "Well I was spending time with Dean but he had to leave" "Probably called back home by his dear old mom," He says as he rolls his eyes. "I guess I didn't think about that" I say as I start to feel horrified. (Hopefully he went to convince her into giving me a chance) "Not even the Moon Goddess could convince her" says Areta. "Can you just let me have hope?" I say a little hurt by the truth. "I'm sorry, but you have to see the truth Denai" "As soon as you accept it you can move on from it and it will hurt but not as bad" "Okay but we'll talk about this later, because I need to work on getting my mind off of this for a while" she closes herself off and I'm relieved she backed down. "Lets go out tonight, just you me and Maggie," he says surprising me. (We always have to beg him to come with us) (I guess he felt bad for my pitiful sad face) I'm just so afraid of loosing him. "I don't know... I don't want to upset Dean" "Dean is not here and you are a responsible girl" he says as he puts his stack of papers away. "I guess, I could use a glass of wine" I say as I stare at the wall and imagine how Dean will try to convince his mom. "I already let Maggie know, we'll stop by her house to pick her up," He says as he puts his hands on my shoulders. "Where are we going?" "Somewhere that will help you to relax, and to take your mind off of your problems" "A spa" "No, but we'll do that next time because I could sure use a massage" He tries to talk me into changing into something more comfortable, which to him was a mini dress and five inch heels. They definitely didn't look comfortable to me, but Maggie looked great in them. I throw on one of her dresses that isn't so short. It's burgundy with spaghetti straps and it comes a little above my knees. I feel like it's too tight, but they assured me that it was supposed to fit me this way. As I put on some of her silver sandaled heels, I think about how he treats us like his dolls. It doesn't matter if I'm hard at work, he will unbraid my hair restyle it and fix my eye makeup or whatever else he can do with the little tools or time he has. (He watches way too many makeover shows) "Lets dance!" he says as soon as we get our drinks. I quickly take a little sip, before I give him my hand so that he can lead Maggie and I to the floor. "Wooo, get it girl!" says Maggie as I try to dance, failing terribly. "You need to learn how to use those curves girl," says Nelson as he shakes his head. He puts his hands on my hips and so does Maggie, then then try to help me roll and wind my hips. "Sexy mama!" says Maggie as I get the hang of it. "Don't dance like this for Dean or he'll be wanting to have pups soon," she laughs. "Please don't," says Nelson as he rolls his eyes at her causing her to giggle. I shake my head at them as she tickles him and he laughs and tries to catch her hands. "Damn Denai" "You look... good enough to eat" says Jaison from behind me. I turn to roll my eyes at him. "I should have known you'd be here looking for innocent girls to take advantage of" "Wrong again baby," "That would be your boyfriend," "Dean is not like that," I say quickly but unsure since he did leave me after saying that we would spend the day together. "My offer still stands baby" "If he hurts you, I'm here for you" "I'm sure I will be fine because Dean loves me," I say feeling sure of that at least. I know because I can feel his love for me in the way he treats me. "He may love you, but old habits die hard or whatever my uncle says" "Well that's just with you'' "Which is why he told you" I say as I grab Maggie's hand. "Is this guy bothering you?" asks Nelson. "I'm fine Nelson, he just likes to bother me" "Hey Nelson" he says with a smirk. "Is he your bodyguard?" "No he is my coworker" "I am her assistant, and bodyguard if I need to be," "Calm down, I'm just trying to get to know her" he says as he puts his hands up. "Besides why aren't you like this with her jerk of a crush" "Trust me, if it was up to me she wouldn't even be mated to him" "He's your mate?!" "No baby," he says surprising us as he grabs my hand away from Maggie. "This has to be a mistake" "it's not Jaison and I'm happy" "What about Luna Karen, she will devour you and then spit you out?" "We will get through it" I say as I slide my hand out of his. "You've got your work cut out for you" he says to Nelson. "Don't I know it" he says as he puts a hand on my back. "I don't think Dean would like the idea of you being around these males" says our future Beta as he puts a hand on Jamison’s chest. "I was hanging with my friends and he came over to talk to us" I say nervously because I don't want Dean to find out and think that I like Jaison. "You don't have to explain yourself Luna but if he's bothering you I can get rid of him" "That goes for him too" he says as he glares at Nelson. "Nelson is my assistant and he doesn't like me like that or any female in that way" I explain. "Oh'' "Whoa, you're...," "Yep I am" he says with a proud smirk as he nods. "My sister used to argue with her friends about who you'd choose as a girlfriend," he says as if he's still trying to process this new information. I wonder how he'd react to know that Nelson has a major crush on him.
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