Chapter 18

1708 Words
 *   "I know you're going to be mad at me, but I need to talk to you," he says as he locks the doors and cranks up his car. He quickly drives out of the parking lot with my friends yelling after us. "What are you doing,?" I ask surprised.  "I need to talk to you away from everyone baby," "We don't need everyone in our business," I turn away from him to look out the window. I want so bad to open the door and fall out, but he would just turn around and put me back in. "Give me your hand, I need to feel your skin against mine," he says when he pulls up to his parents cabin. I still don't look at him, because I'm trying to stay strong. "Deni baby please," I unlock my door and I go to open it. "Where are you going?!" "Are you trying to leave me?!" he asks as he gets out and runs around the car and over to me.   "I-" "I can't believe you're trying to leave me!" he says cutting me off. "You said you loved me," he says as he pulls me towards the cabin. "Say something, baby," he cries as he falls to his knees again. I bend down to kiss the top of his head.  "I do love you Dean, but I think it's best if we stop... seeing each other" I say as I hug him. He pulls back to look me in the eyes and my heart melts at seeing his red sad eyes. "Do you still love me,?" he asks as I wipe away his tears while also caressing his cheek.  "Say it Deni," "I need to hear you say it," "I will always love you Dean" "Will you let me hug you?" I nod. "Will you let me hold you through the night?" "I'll take you home in the morning so that you won't miss you precious job, but I wish you would stay with me,"  I don't say what I really want to say, I just pull away and I walk towards the couch leaving him in the doorway on the floor. I only do this to distance myself. It hurts so bad to be away from him, but I heard that it helps to lesson the bond the longer you stay away. (Can he not understand that I've been waiting on him and he hasn't shown up until now to whisk me away from my friends that tried to cheer me up?)  He slams the door startling me and he walks over. "How are we supposed to make it work, if you won't even try?!" "I'm sorry for yelling baby" he says as he kneels at my feet. "Dean please get up," "Only if you let me kiss you"  "Now you don't even want me to kiss you," he says when I don't say anything. "It just complicates things" I say as I reach down to grab his hand to help him up. "Just one small kiss" I say as tears run down my face because it hurts to see him break down from my coldness. He sobs as he squeezes me.  "Dean, please" I moan out as he feels me up. "Please, Deni," "I love you, and I need you so bad," I don't say anything because I need him too and I couldn't say no anymore. After today I will stop seeing him for good, unless he comes up with a real plan. We spend the rest of the night hugging and crying until we both fall asleep.        The next morning he took me to my house and he kept a hold on my hand as we sat in his car. "Can I come in?" He asks as he rubs my back. "I really need to get ready for work, I haven't been" I say as I slowly pull my hand away from him so that I can get out. Then I close it and I walk towards my house, trying to make it before I break down. "Deni" he says in a broken voice as I grab my doorknob. I turn and run to him, which is not far since he was walking towards me.   "Deni baby, I will die if you ever leave me," he cries. I cry along with him as we hug each other. I'm feeling too many things right now, that I can't think of words to say. He carries me to my door and opens it, then he carries me to my room and he lays me down and crawls in next to me.  "I love you baby'' "I love you too Dean" I say before we fall asleep. He stayed with me until the next morning then he promised to come back but I went to work so that I could try to distract myself a little.     "Come on beautiful, lets get some goodies and go to your house!" says Nelson as he wraps his arm around my waist as soon as I walk into the office. "No, I'm here to keep my mind off of you know who and if I go home I'll definitely be thinking of him" I say with a small smile. "That was not a question girlie," says Maggie as she grabs my hand and they lead me to the exit and then over to Nelson's car.  "No Nelson!" I laugh as he picks me up to put me in a cart. I cross my legs and hold on as he carefully pushes it. "Maggie you get ready to load it up," he says as he pushes it around the isles. "Alrighty handsome," she says as she smacks his butt, causing me to cover my face embarrassed. "People here know me," I say panicked "Everyone knows us, we're in the pack," laughs Maggie as she tosses in some chips. "Hey lets get wine," says Nelson pulling out of the snack isle. I hold on and hope we're almost finished. All I really want to do is go home and cry my broken heart away. (I know that's impossible, but I can at least try)  "You'll be fine beautiful, I promise," he says as we wait in line to pay. Maggie bends down to hug me. "We'll help you relax" "Thank you" I say as I tear up causing them to hug me, then I giggle as they kiss my cheeks.  I wipe away my tears as I smile. "You guys are going to drive me crazy," I say as I shake my head. "You love us," says Maggie. "I sure do,"  After we stop by his house so that he can get a change of comfortable clothes we head to my house. Maggie quickly goes to the kitchen to get some glasses for the wine and she hands me one almost spilling over the edges. "I'll help you with that" says Nelson as he grabs it and drinks more than half, then he gives it to me. "Thank you" "Well, lets change and choose a movie!" says Maggie as she puts some music on her phone. I go to my room with Maggie to give her some of my clothes and so that we can change and Nelson changes in the living room barely giving us a chance to get in the room before he started stripping.  "Girl I almost had my high school dreams come true," whines Maggie as I laugh at her pout. "He likes our future Beta" "I can still look, nobody said we had to be in love,'' "Maggie, be a good girl, he's waiting on his mate" "Look what good that did you," "Denai, I'm sorry," "I'm so stupid baby girl," "It's fine, I know you didn't mean it" I say as I hug her back.   "You're a fast talker, so some sometimes stuff flies out of your mouth before you can even process it" she hugs me tighter. "You girls ready,?" asks Nelson as he knocks on the door. "Almost!" we says at the same time, then we laugh. "Hurry up, don't have all the fun without me!" We quickly strip and run to the closet, she hands me a purple lace nighty and she grabs a tank top and some shorts.  "Wow, what a body!" "I don't know where this came from" I say as I try to pull it down. "I bought it for you for your last birthday and you've never worn it" says Maggie as she pulls at the tags. "Well thank you Maggie" says Nelson as he spins me, causing me to question his gayness. (Is he a poser?)  He unravels my braided hair then he styles it to the side. "Wait!" he says as he runs to my room to get me a pair of heels and he comes out with some gold sandaled heels. "These will have to do" he says as he spins them on his long finger.  I slide my foot in after he places them at my feet. "Now her glass of wine" he says as he looks at me as if I am his work of art. "Perfect,'' he says after he finishes putting coat of burgundy red lipstick on my lips. "Girlie you look like a Goddess" says Maggie as she pours me a little more wine after I take a sip. (I'm feeling a little more than uncomfortable right now)   We watch a sappy love story that I chose because that's basically all I watch and then Nelson chooses something a little more action packed for us.   I start feeling really hot all over my body so I get up to get some ice out of the freezer. As I stumble into the kitchen I see a box above the fridge. I forgot about it but I'm in no mood to open it now, I feel like I'm about to throw up, all while being stuck in a volcano. I put my face in the freezer and breath in the cold air. My legs get weak, causing me to fall but Nelson catches me before I hit the floor. I scream out in pain causing them to panic and then everything goes black.    
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