Chapter 13

1117 Words
 * I cry as I stand in the shower thinking about Luna Karen. I thought that she would be as happy as I've seen other mothers react to their children's mates. I guess Dean was feeling the same way. (Poor Dean) He was so sure that she would be happy for us.  I can't imagine my dad being difficult for my mate, even though, he joked that he would have a long talk with my mate to make sure he knows that he doesn't mind going to a royal dungeon if he was to hurt me. He would be as happy as I am. (Or at least how happy I was)  I should have never gone. Deep down I knew she wouldn't change to for me. "I'm so stupid" "You are not stupid for being hopeful, but she is stupid for not waiting to see what you have to offer the pack," says Areta. I want to ask what I have to offer besides keeping our records, but I want her to stay calm so that she won't get angry.  "You are stronger than you think, but you need to be pushed a little" "I can't even take up for myself, Areta" "If you were attacked by a rogue could you kill it?" "If it was trying to kill me" I say hoping to never cross paths with one.  "See you're braver than you think" "A coward wouldn't even be able to answer that question and you answered it without even thinking about it" "She's a coward and I doubt she has ever really trained for anything," "I bet she expects us to protect her, and to give up our lives for her, but I'd push her in front of an oncoming train," "Areta!" "You should never hate someone that much," I say surprised by her darkness. "She's a b***h and she hurts you on purpose," "She is not a good Luna" "Luna's are kind, caring, and encouraging," "Especially to the members of their pack," "You would do a better job without even having gone through Luna training," I smile at the thought of being his Luna. Then I start crying again because I know that it will never happen.  She tries to comfort me but I can't stop. It hurts to think of never being with him again, "Denai baby, I'm spending the night with you" "Really Dean,?" I ask surprised as I wipe at a mixture of my tears and shower water.  "Yeah, I just need to get us something to eat for tonight," "Okay, I'm about to get out of the shower"  he growls lowly and it makes my heart skip a beat as I think about him holding me all night.  I snap out of it, when I hear the doorbell ring and I quickly grab my robe. Then I put a towel around my hair and I run to the door. "Deni baby, don't answer the door like this, what if some pervy guy sees you?!" "I'm sorry" "I thought that you were Maggie coming to ask about our date at your house, since you said that you were coming later" "Does she come here a lot?" "Not really" I say as I hold back the urge to hug him. (I'm so happy to see him) "She's a bad influence on you, so I don't want you hanging around her too much outside of work," "She's really sweet Dean and she has always been here when I needed her" "Well you won't need her anymore, because you have me to comfort you" he says as he hugs me.  "You really don't like her do you?" I ask as I enjoy his hug. "Because she doesn't want us to be together," "I don't want you around anyone that doesn't believe in us," I can't help but want to know if he feels the same way about his mom, but I would not dare ask. (I don't want to even think of her, especially since I'm so happy now)  "She has been very encouraging lately, since she sees that you really do care about me" "You tell your friends about us,?" he asks with a small smile. "Yes, but not too much" I say afraid he might get angry. He pecks my lips, then he looks me in the eyes.  "I love you Deni," "I love you too" "I can't wait until everyone knows you're my mate" I smile shyly as I put my hands in the pockets of my robe. "So many wolves will be jealous of me" he says as he hugs me again. I want to ask who, but I don't want to cause him to be jealous, so I don't.  "That's why I need to mark you, even though you let me-" he doesn't finish his sentence because he kisses me, grabbing tightly to my waist, then his hands go to my butt.  "Hey beautiful, let's go shopping," says Maggie through my link. "Dean... Maggie" I say into his mouth as he devourers my face and lips. "Maggie?" he asks surprised. "Yes she wants me to go to shopping" "Do you see Deni baby we can't do anything with her butting in," "Tell her to call your other friend"  "Okay" "Maggie I'm with Dean, he says for you to call Nelson," "It's fine, I'll wait on you, because I wanted to buy you something" "Oh no Maggie, you don't have to get me something" "I want to, it's something you'll need for dates with Dean" "What is it,?" "Nonstick cooking oil so that Luna Karen will leave Dean alone fore you,'' she laughs. "Maggie" I say as I shake my head. "That's enough Maggie," says Dean cutting our conversation short. (Did he hear us?) "Bye girl, see you at work" "Bye Maggie" "She really is sweet Dean, she just likes to have fun and joke around" "You're the sweet one" he says as he steps towards me. "You said that you wait to mark me" I say as I cover the area. He laughs. "I will wait a while longer, but I was talking about something else" he says as he opens my robe. "Where is your room?" he asks as he looks at my body as I try to close my robe. "There" I say as I point to an open doorway.  He lifts me and carries me to my bed. "No Dean, I-" "Just relax baby" he says after he gets comfortable laying between my legs. "I-" "I just want to make you happy" he says as before he places his lips on me. (How will this make me comfy?) That's the last thing it makes me feel. 
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