Episode 3

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Chapter Three Miriam’s P.O.V I woke up after God knows how long and found myself lying on a hospital bed with an oxygen mask on me. “What the f**k happened to me” I mumbled and opened my eyes wider to see someone sitting my bed. I couldn’t make out who it was and I was as hell dizzy and before I knew what was happening, I slumped back on the bed once more and went out cold. A few moments later I woke up the sound of voices whispering in the room where I was and I could finally see who it was sitting beside me. It was my beta Daniel and he didn’t look happy by the slightest with my present condition. “What could have caused her fainting doctor?” I heard him ask the average heighted good looking woman standing at the other of the bed observing my body. “Her body was simply weak as a result of no food. From the look of things, I’d say she hasn’t eaten for almost two days and that’s very bad for someone in her condition” the doctor replied him and the sound of condition, the very thought of pregnancy ran through my mind and so did Daniel. “By condition doc. could you possibly mean she’s pregnant?” Daniel asked with a worried look on his face and I knew just how angry he would be if I actually was pregnant for Christopher. “Oh yes sir she absolutely is” the doctor laughed and smiled at me and Daniel. “She really needs to take care of herself and the baby too else things could get worse than it was today” she added as she gently squeezed my feet in a reassuring manner. The doctor took a few more notes and left me and Daniel in the room and I was very glad to be with him after such a long time. “You finally came to your senses” he sighed as he planted a kiss on my forehead and took out the oxygen mask which was no longer of use to me at the point. “I believe kissing your Alpha on the lips after such a long time of not seeing her is the appropriate way to start up a conversation” I teased as I barely spoke loud enough for someone at the door to hear my voice. Yes. I am an Alpha, and not just of any pack, I am the Alpha of the strongest wolf pack, the Silver Pack but I did my best to keep that identity of me a secret from Christopher and his pack as they would have relinquished to the opportunity to take all they could from my pack. Daniel is my beta and a probably the best Beta anyone Alpha could ask for. He was always there for me in my lowest time and even when I was making drastic choices that could put my life at risk, he made sure to be there for me no matter what may happen. “What happened? I know you couldn’t have just left Christopher without a valid reason so tell me what it is?” he asked as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. “You had better tell him what the f**k happened with Christopher or he is going to head down to the Blood moon pack right now and give Christopher and his babies he calls warriors a good ass beating” my wolf spirit teased and she was actually right about that. I was about answering him the door to my ward flung open and my best friend Ivy dashed in to give me a hug. “Miriam! Oh how I missed you so much. I came as fast I could when I got Daniel’s message that you had left Christopher and boy am I glad you finally did so” she giggled and under a few seconds her smile turned to a frown. “He hurt you didn’t he?” she asked with a frown on her face. “No, he didn’t. I guess I decided it was time I returned to my pack and take care of my people” I lied but doing my best to sound as honest and convincing as possible. “There’s no need to lie to me Miriam. Everyone has heard the rumors spreading from the Blood moon pack about the Alpha’s mate who pushed the wife of the late Alpha into a pool and murdering her unborn child in the process” Ivy said with a flash of annoyance on her face. I sighed when I heard her say it and she and Daniel pulled me in for a hug and for a moment, it felt like all my problems had disappeared in the blink of an eye. That was until we heard a few nurses outside my ward talking about as they approached with my medications for the day and I figured they didn’t know that I was awake at the moment. “She’s really a vicious woman you know. I can’t believe she was ruthless to kill an unborn child barely out of jealousy” one of the nurses said as they both entered my room and were shocked to see my awake and Daniel and Ivy inside my room with me. “You know, it’s not nice to talk about your patients in such an ill manner” Ivy scolded them with her eyes red and hungry to kick some butt. Ivy’s dad was the dad of the Half Moon Pack. It wasn’t among the biggest packs around but they were known for their strong women who could beat up a thousand men in battle. We both met a young age, on the very day our fathers decided to call a spade a spade among both packs and signed a treaty. “We’re really sorry ma’am. It won’t happen again” the nurses apologized as the dropped my drugs on the table and scrambled out of my room. “You didn’t have to be so mean to them you know” I teased “They deserved it if you ask me” Daniel laughed as he went to get the drugs from the table where they dropped it. “So what do you plan to do know Miriam De La Cruz?” Ivy asked with a mischievous smile on her face and honestly, I could think of a thousand ways to get back at Christopher but I wanted to see you burn slowly. The thoughts of how he and his sister would push me around, how he was always there for Louise whenever she needed him but was never there for me. The thought of how the pack had treated me withstanding all I did and sacrificed for them, it boiled up in my and made me feel nothing more but hatred towards them. “I have plans for him Ivy… trust me when I say I have plans”. I replied her with a frown on my face.
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