Episode 4

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Chapter Four Christopher’s P.O.V It was already a three days since the incident with Miriam and I hadn’t heard from her or figured out about her whereabouts. I thought she would come back at first but with what I’m seeing right now, I don’t think she will. I had sent out guards, warriors, hunters and even police officers to go look for her but nobody seemed to know a single thing about her whereabouts. “Mr. Christopher, it’s good to see you today” said a voice from the door to my chambers and I looked up to see the Police commissioner with some of his men standing at my door. “Mr. James, welcome to my office sir. You didn’t tell me you were dropping. Please come in and have a seat” I pointed to the empty seat just in front of my office desk. Mr. James gave his boys the signal and they left the office while he sat down with me. James was a werewolf and the Silver Moon Pack leader who for someone reason is still a mystery pulled a few strings and got him in the position of D.P.O. He’s major work was to cover up tracks and records on werewolf activities and keep the humans off our backs but for some reason, he was hungry for more power and he had been trying to get me on his side. “What are you doing here Mr. James?” I asked him with a frown my face. “I heard from a very reliable source that you wife and mate has gone missing after a scandalous event between her and your late brother’s wife” he smiled as he relaxed into his chair and stared at me with his eyes seeming so innocent and for a while I nearly bought the fake look he had on. “How do you know about my wife’s scandal?” I asked him as I did my best to avoid making eye contact with him. James was a very cunning werewolf. The most cunning of all were wolves if you asked me and he made sure to always get things he wanted the easy way or the hard way most especially since he had the entire city police under his command and with a snap of his finger, an entire werewolf village could be eradicated. “Gossip spreads fast my friend. You know it’s the same that the both of you didn’t last long. I was hoping you would be together for maybe two more years, have at least one child together. Wait a minute; did you both even get the chance to have fun?” James smiled as the words left his mouth and into my ears hearing. I stared at him with annoyance and I watched him fondle with the files on my desk, doing his best not to actually read them or at least so I thought. He was in my territory, I could easily kill him and dispose of his body and nobody would question apart from the Alpha Silver moon pack and having the Silver moon get annoyed with your pack is the worst thing anyone could do as they had friends in every pack keeping an eye on the day to day affairs of their Alpha’s. “James I think it’s time you leave my office” I uttered clinching my fists and closing my eyes for a bit to relax my nerves and by the time I had opened them, James was standing over one of the bookshelves in my office as he went through the contents of books on it. “Rule no. 1; never close your eyes or blink when your Enemy is with you” he mumbled as he turned his head to face me with a smile on his face and I felt so much like dashing at me and slapping that stupid smile off his face. “I respect how much you’ve composed yourself so far Mr. Christopher. But I simply just can’t leave without accomplishing what I came here for” he added as he stood over the desk facing me once more before taking his seat. “What the heck do you want from me and my pack?” I asked him with a scornful look on my face and he simply chuckled at my words. “Now that’s the thing I love so muchabout you Mr. Christopher. You’re very brave and fierce, and never willing to back down from a fight event the ones you know that you have no chance of winning” “What exactly do you want Officer James?” “I want your loyalty. I want you to support me in my fight to take down the Silver Moon pack. For too long they have ruled all the wolf packs in the city and I believe that it is high time someone else had the responsibility of making decisions for the wolves” he smiled as he dropped a file on my desk that required my signature. I glanced through the file and a smile formed on my lips. The fact that he was appointed as the Chief of Police with the help of the Alpha of the Silver Moon pack and being a member of their pack, he knew how dangerous they could be; I was surprised with what he was planning to do. “Listen James, you want to start a battle you can’t finish. Nobody outside the Silver moon pack has ever laid eyes on the Alpha of your pack and you sincerely expect that we would follow you blindly into war” I sighed as he stood to his feet and carefully studied my office one time. “I am no longer a member of the Silver moon pack and trust me when I say we can take them down together. I am creating a union where all packs big and small, rich and poor, strong and weak are one under my government. And with your support, we can make that dream a reality and nothing could stand in our way” he smiled as he extended his hands for me to shake. He was asking for way too much of me and there was no way I was going to give in to his request. My brother had fought so hard to keep our Pack in good terms with the Silver moon pack and I had no intention of ruining all that in barely four months of being Alpha. “Officer James. I believe our meeting here is done. You can leave my officer now or I’d have to call security to escort you out. And yes, my pack and I will do no such thing” I assured him as he shook his head in disappointment and made way for the door. My head felt so heavy and I honestly didn’t know what to do anymore. I was still lost in thoughts when I got a text from Michael my beta requesting that I come down to the Mansion living room and I took a deep breath before getting up from my seat. “Please don’t be bad news” I sighed as I left my office and headed straight to the Living room.
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