Episode 2

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Chapter Two Miriam’s P.O.V I didn’t even know what to believe anymore and it hurt my heart to see Christopher treat me this way but I knew he couldn’t let the fact that I was his wife and mate cloud his judgment of the situation at hand and I didn’t want that either. I just wanted him to have a little faith in me and know that I’m so heartless to murder an innocent child. The fact that he was even yelling at me and treating me like some cheap and worthless w***e was the height of it all and seeing how he touched Louise, the love he was showering on her, the love that should be mine, it broke me and tore my heart to pieces. “You only had one job to do as my wife Miriam, just one job and that job was to look after Louise but what did you do? You screwed it up. You just murdered an innocent unborn child because of your jealousy” he yelled at me hoping to get me to slip and admit to have had a hand in Louise miscarriage. “I didn’t do anything wrong Christopher and the earlier you believe me, the better” I replied as I cried out bitterly. I was hurting inside me but I knew he had no other option. All the evidence so far clearly pointed at me and to make it all worse, I was the only outside at the pool area at the time Louise fell into the pool. I wanted to so badly for him to believe me that I was innocent but he couldn’t. “Listen Miriam, it’s just the both of us here right now and I want you to tell me the god damn truth. Did you push Louise into the pool?” he asked one more time with the most loving tender voice he could use but it only seemed to frustrate me the more. “ I did no such thing” I yelled as my eyes flashed red and I knew that it my wolf speaking this time around and if she got an angrier, things wouldn’t end well for any of them in the room with me at that moment. “I went outside to check Louise because I saw her leaving the moon festival and when I got to where she was, she was drunk and I tried helping her get back inside but then she kept pushing me away until she tripped and fell into the pool” I explained to Christopher but he didn’t seem to buy my story. “Why are you making up stories right now just to make yourself feel less guilty about what you did?” Christopher asked with annoyance and I kept mute. “Get on your knees Miriam, get on your knees and tell me the truth and apologize for what you did to Louise” “I will do no such thing Christopher. For god’s sake I am you wife not some maid you can toy with as you please” For a while we stood in silence, the guards monitoring my every move and making sure that I wasn’t trying to make a run for it or fight back and before I realized it, they pinned down to my knees. “What the hell is this Christopher?” You will only be allowed to stand when you admit that you pushed Louise into the pool and also tell me that you’re ready to apologize to her for what you did” He replied with a stern look. “And I will do no such thing. Why won’t you just believe me? You know, maybe you should investigate this issue, ask around. I’m very sure someone must have seen us when all this happened maybe then you would believe I’m innocent” I mumbled as I looked at him hoping he would at least listen to my suggestion. Christopher stared at me for a moment and walked out of his chambers leaving me on my knees with his guards still standing over me. He came back a few minutes later with a smirk on his face and I thought that maybe, just maybe he had done some investigation like I had suggested but his next words struck me. “I believe you’ve had time to think all this through and surely you must be ready to tell me you did it” I was stunned by his words and I was fed up with all the accusations and interrogations. Treating me like some worthless piece of cloth. “You’re not going to believe anything I say right now will you” I frowned and he tried reaching for my shoulders but I slapped his hands away. “If Louise is really all you care about right now, then let’s end this already. I’m done being your Luna. She clearly wants my place and you seem to be in support of it” I spat and the guards were stunned to hear my words. Christopher motioned for them to leave and stared at me in utter surprise at what I had just said. “You’re joking right?” “Hell no Christopher; I want our relationship terminated tonight and there’s nothing you say or do that will change my mind about it. He looked at me in anger but before he could mutter another word, his beta Michael came into the room. “Louise is awake and she has been crying for you” Michael said. I immediately looked up to the clock on the wall in Christopher’s room and realized we had been in his chambers for over two hours. “Is she alright?” “Barely” “And has she had anything to eat? “She refuses to anything unless you’re right there by her side. We’ve done absolutely all we could but it was of no use” Michael added as he sighed in annoyance. “Alright then, let’s go to her” Christopher replied as he grabbed a jacket from his desk and put it over my still damped and cold body. He walked out the door, Christopher turned back to me and shook his head in disappointment and I could tell he wasn’t happy with me. “Don’t go causing more trouble” he said as he left the room and closed the door behind him. I knelt there on floor moping and sobbing and just hoping the world would somehow swallow me whole and put me out of my misery but nothing happened. “Oh come now, you look so pathetic right now and it’s making me weak” my wolf said to me in a harsh tone. “You thing I’m enjoying this huh? I’ve waited so patiently for Chris to come around and see me for me but it seems he is blinded by whatever spell Louise must have cast upon him and boy am I glad I can finally walk out of his life without even looking back or thinking twice” I uttered as my heart raced faster than usual. It was the last time I was letting Christopher or anyone from his family or pack look down on me like some cheap prostitute that they could boss around as much as the pleased. “Well no one is actually going to get rid of you and I that easily you know so don’t worry, we’ll come back for Christopher. Right now we need some time off to get you back on your feet so pick yourself and wipe those tears from your eyes you wimp” She added and I found myself smiling at her words. I got up and went straight to my room to pack my bags. None of the maids of guards bothered to know what or where I was going and I was glad none of them asked. I left the house around four in the morning after sending a text to Daniel my beta to pick me up at a fast food joint not so far from the mansion but on way, the world around me started to blur and my head felt so heavy. “Let it wash through you Miriam, let it all flow” I heard my wolf say one last time as I fell on the road unconscious.
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