She sounds happy

1488 Words

Chapter 11 Regan I parked my car and went through the barrier. To the human eye this looks like a normal office building but the facade disguises our small kingdom. Our woodlands. Fae love nature. Love being in it and this was the best way to preserve what amounted to a rain forest. We need the humidity. I smiled as a group of children ran by, no doubt heading to one of the many playrooms we have. I headed straight to our kings quarters. He would want to know all about Tani. I smiled thinking of her. So lovely. Her brown skin and curly hair drew me in right away. Her voice was melodic, no doubt thanks to her fae genes and her nature was sweet. I don't want to be that kind of guy, but I think the fae inside of her shines brightly over the lycan. I reach the kings quarters and greet the

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