You're the head faecan

1192 Words

Chapter 12 Tani I hung up the phone feeling great. I was super excited. Ok, what should I wear? I stood in front of my closest trying to decide what was perfect for the occasion. I wasn't sure. But i knew who would be. I linked Rain and she said she would be right over. I wonder if a dress would be too much. Its our first date. Wait. Was this a date or not? "OMG! Tell me everything! Who called who? Where are you guys going? Could he be your mate? Wait, do fae even call their mates the way we do? Is he taking you somewhere fancy? You guys are going to have the most adorable little faecans! I hope you're not wearing that!" She was going a mile a minute. I needed to slow her down. "Calm down. I called him when I found his number in my hoodie. It Was a nice quick talk. He works for the f

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