This concerns me

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Chapter 7 Tani Regan parked the car neatly and rushed around to open my door. I took his outstretched hand and pointed at the bookstore. It all started over there. Jaren walked over and pointed to a nearby butchers shop. "I scented the fear over t here." Regan stared intently. He crossed the street and started walking. We all followed. "Am I going the path you took?" "Yes," I responded,"but how? You weren't here." He smiled. " I can see your aura. I see theirs too, but I need to see more, see stronger traces. Come. Lets see if any fae parts of you are waking up." He held his hand out and I grabbed it. He pointed to an empty space on the side walk. "Look there. Really look. Relax and clear your mind. Do you see anything? I did as he said. I stared but honestly all I saw was cream colored air. I felt a bit let down. I looked at him to express my disappointment and gasped. There was blue shimmering around him. " I only see a cream like air there, but you have a blue glow. What is that? Is something wrong with me? He smiled. He was gorgeous. "No that's great! Seeing auras is a basic fae ability that many develop by late teens. You are on target. The creamy color you thought was just air is what I have been following. It would have been a strong yellow when fresh. To me, that means orc. But why would orcs follow and try to attack you? It makes no sense. Lycans and orcs once had a strong protection pact. They usually honor those." I pondered this information. If what he was saying is true, this is very weird. "Have the orcs ever had a quarrel with the lycans? Like ever. In history?" He thought about it. "No. Not that I can recollect. After we follow this trail though, I'd like to visit that bookstore. I think it may have something that can help." He turned to continue following. I followed close behind. We ended up in the ally. I heard him murmur to himself "This can't be." "What is it? Whats wrong?" I rushed to cover the few feet separating us. His fine features looked so intense. "How long has your pack been here?" He seemed in shock. "We have owned this land for a couple centuries." I answered. "Why?" "Look here." He kneels and holds his hand out for me. I join him and ask "What am I looking at?" "Clear your mind again. See with your other senses." He instructed. When I did as he said I saw what could be described as an oily cloud. "What is that?" Something about it repulsed me greatly. "Its who may truly be behind the attacks on you. That is from a vampire. This concerns me. This concerns me greatly. After the war, centuries ago their numbers were so low they stuck mostly to the coldest places on earth. This is not their usual habitat. This one also has to be a daywalker. This is not good. Rain and Jaren stood in shock. "As a girl I was always told the vampires were almost extinct. That one was here is crazy." Rain looked as shocked as I felt. Jaren stood silent but with a stoic look on his face. Regan stood up. "I think its time to go to that book shop."
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