This is unheard of

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Chapter 8 Tani Vampires. This seems like a really bad joke except Regan is not the joking kind. We all Somberly walk over to Bits and Books curious to see what he is after. Rain walks next to me. I can feel the fear that has over taken her mixing with my own. This is new territory. Territory I want no parts of. We reach the store and all get inside. Riley, the assistant is at the counter talking to Nana, the older lady who owns the shop. I know both pretty well and consider them friends. "Hi ladies", I say, but they are both looking at Jaren and Regan. Riley is staring especially intently at Regan. I can't say that I blame her. They both snap out of me and greet me. Regan approaches the counter. Nana smiles at him as he takes her hand. "Amasra. Teurty wilix prueitcta." What in the wo

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