This is life changing

613 Words
Chapter 6 Jaren     I stood there in shock. Someone had actually tried to kidnap Tani and was almost successful just mere meters away. Some kind of alpha I would be. Can't even protect my own pack member, possible mate. I mindlinked my father to let him know what was going on. I have to admit, I was pleased to be able do do so with my mother. I often wondered why. Now it made perfect sense. being a wolf with no pack my immediate relatives would be all I could mindlink. Terrance is actually my father so it adds up why I couldn't mindlink  the one I thought was my dad. "Stay close to her. We will discuss the next steps and the future when you return." My dad was all business. "Stay close to her." I wasn't pleased with how  many of this went down. Missing the kidnapping, her being saved by the fae. The attention the fae was giving her and this potential mate business. I just wanted this guy away from her and back on his own lands. I have to admit he hadn't really done anything , nor were his kind our enemy, he just irritated me with how he looked at Tani. I couldn't do anything but shake my head.  "You are beautiful" I heard him murmur. My wolf growled. 'She could be ours' He was thinking. I concur. I stood lost in thought until I heard Tani start to stir. I started to go to her but Regan beat me to it. This fae really needs to go. Tani "Here have some water." The man with the nice voice helped me up. " How do you feel?"  "Ok" I answered. "Who are you?"  He smiled kindly. " So many questions. I'm Regan. I am a fae. You my princess, are half fae. " he tucked one of my runaway curls back behind my ear. " This is much earlier than we intended for you to find out, but sometimes life just wants to have its way.  I considered what he said. Half fae meant one of my parents wasn't actually my parent or they were fae. That couldn't be though, as I had seen both of them shift countless times.  "Which parent, " I started, my voice shaky, "Which parent isn't my real one?" "Your mother." he answered. "Any further discussion should take place between you and them.  I nodded He was right. I owed them that much. This is life changing information here. "Will you disappear after this?" I didn't want him to disappear "Are you assigned to watch me? "In a way, yes," he smiled. "There are others. I have a more personal interest." "Do you know who tried to kidnap me?" I hoped he knew. It's hard to prepare to fight someone you don't know about.  "I have my suspicions. I want to go to where they first tried and see if I can see their auras. Its kind of blended here, almost  like they used a mask to try to make it invisible. Whoever is doing this knows the fae are involved or at the least watching as no one else can read auras. Can you stand?" He stood up and held out his hand to help me up. When our palms touched, there was the slightest tingle again. It felt funny but enjoyable. "Thank you," I said.  "You're welcome. Now come, walk with me to my car. We can follow your friends to the bookstore to see what we can learn. Any objections?" He looked around. If anyone had objections they sure kept them secret. For some reason, this makes me happy. 
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