She looked like a woman enchanted

1048 Words

Chapter 36 Jaren I walked in on a lot of yelling at the alpha house. Marcus was livid. I followed the voices into my dads office. He was trying to calm his beta down but the task looked impossible. I tried to intervene but Marcus just turned to me and said "Go get her. Go claim her now." He was almost roaring with frustration. He was not in control and his wolf was fighting its way to the surface. I looked at my dad. "What happened?" "Its Tani. She has decided to stay with the fae." I raised an eyebrow at that news. "Can she do that?" From what i understood the fae are very secretive and not welcoming to outsiders in their forest. Marcus nodded. "Of course she can. Her mother was in their book and she is a direct descendant. She could have joined whenever. She just didn't know. " He s

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